Hey directv are you going to announce anything soon regarding the whats replacing nascar hotpass or are we going to just drop the ball on nascar fans alltogether. For the leader in sport's entertaiment related stuff, this is very unlike directv.
Wow, I'm only 40 minutes from Daytona.
NASCAR is no longer real stock car racing. It is just a bunch of tube frames running around with sheet metal and headlite decals.
Sat racer alluded to some news soon, hopefully so.
Would you like to elaborate.. I don't go over to the love fest over there. Talk bad about D* and they like to crap in your hand. (telling it like how it is)
Whether you go over there or not, bob, it is the best site for D* news. This site is the best place for E* news, dbs is the best side of D* news.
It's the best place for the happy happy spun news about D*. For anything critical or not positive, well it's not the best place. DBSTalk is to D* what Fox News was to the Bush administration and SatRacer is like a White House press secretary for D* in that he only gives out info that has been sanitized and approved by his bosses.
You can post critical things about DirecTV at DBS as long as it's done in a constuctive way. There's a long thread there now about how slow the HD DVR's are with folks bitching about it, but also providing some examples of differences between the boxes. There's a thread bitching about lack of new HD programming. But to keep it from turning into many different threads about the same thing the mods close any dups and refer them to the main thread. So you can say critical things, just follow their rules (like no political discussions here is a rule).
As for SatRacer, what do you expect, he's a D* employee and if he wants to keep his job he needs to be careful of what he posts. Can you say the same for E* employees, we've seen folks from E* post something here and next thing you know they're gone or posting about how they got fired even if they're just trying to help someone and not leak any inside information.
For SatRacer, yes he is a D* employee but that's what makes him not always the best source for the truth about what is happening. He's good for stuff like "these locals are going online next week" but for stuff like why don't we have channel X, Y or Z you only get the D* spun side of the story which always makes seem like it isn't D*'s fault. Stuff like "it takes two to tango" rings hollow to me. As long as D* has had to negotiate carriage agreements for some of the channels that haven't been added yet it seems like D* needs to take some dance lessons.
OK, so you come here for E* news, which gets filtered through Scott. Remember the chat that Scott and some others had with Charlie but can't talk about. Or how about before all the recent Charlie or Tech chats Scott posted that he had a feeling that some new HD channels would be coming, but then none did. Or how about why Dish had control of the Rainbow 1 Satellite for a couple years before they lit up all the spotbeams for adding local HD channels and Scott saying it was because it took that long to build uplink's, come on two years, yea right. Scott does rag on Charlie and the folks but then again, he's not an employee of Dish or Echostar so he can. Totally different then Satelliterace which is a DirecTV employee, of course SatRacer is going to toe the company line if he want's to keep his job. As I mentioned before, show me a Dish/Echostar coirporate employee that openly posts information here, they don't last too long.
And what's wrong with Satelliteracer saying it take two to tango as for why D* doesn't have such and such channel. So does that mean when Charlie says that E* doesn't have Viacom or Fox channels because it takes two to tango is also BS?
I dont think Satracer is a complete company man, but they do pay his check. That being said, I do a daily search for any new posts by him at DBS because it can be quite informative. You just have to read between the lines.
His comments about Hotpass have led me to believe that its not dead and we'll get something this year. We are just in wait mode.