Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi all

Hello everyone

I just bought a coolsat, and I want to buy a WaveFrontier dish. I don't know much about this but your help I should be running in no time


Hi All,
Just joint today and wants to say hi to everyone. I am looking for a recommendations on an FTA satellite systems. Any suggestion is welocome.
I live in Torrance, CA.
Looking to get in on the free FTA

Super new at this.Trying to recive as much info as I can before laying out the hard earned dough.I would like to watch mostly Thai,SE Asian tv also the older kid wants to watch tv from Middle East.Any suggestions?Yeah I know what do you want to know?As much as I can before I buy.Live in South Florida.
Cool site for info,been reading for awhile.Thanks:hungry:
my name is melvino52 and i've become intrigued with all the fta technology out there.i'm a steel fabricator by trade and perhaps i could be of some assistance to anyone out there with mounting problems ie. brackets,extensions or what have you.i,m also a friend of bill wilson and reside in vancouver b.c. canada.
What's im new I have been installing Dish Network for about five years and could probably be of some help to some of you out there hopefully.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome to another thousand of new members who joined our forum in the past 12 days! We are now 42,000 members strong!

Not a contractor or retailer

Hi, I work for a dish company, not a contractor or retailer. I have been working for Dish for about 4 years. Before I started with the company, I installed cable and specialized in the Cable Modem installations for a couple different sub contracting companies.

The Real deal I usually tell customers which company I work for. I am a remote tech for Dish. Which means that I have the company van at home, get my work via email and leave from home to my jobs. I do go into the office once a week for the team meeting and or training sessions. Some of the areas I work in is really easy to leave from home, so I usually cover about 3 to 4 counties including into another state. The van is a company van so I am only responsible for keeping it clean and making sure inventory is right. I have a company gas card, etc. My company provides all the tools, uniforms, and bascially all I need to complete the job. I get paid by the hour and not by the job as with some of the contractors and or retailers.

I like meeting different people everyday and every job is usually different and there is usually a challenge, but I am getting tired of working in the cold/snow, getting wet from rain. I have seen so many people living in filth with roaches, etc. On my days off I have been attending a tech school for an associates in IT: Computer networking which I am going to finish soon and start my BS in Network Security. I am trying to make myself more marketable for me and my family.

By the way this is a cool website
Hi, I'm new to Satguys. We travel fulltime in a motorhome. Installed a 37" LCD HDTV and have had HD as long as they have offered it. Everytime we move we point the dish-hubby is an expert. Tried to go to DirecTV for OLN (motocross fans), but their dish is just too big. (Charlie, we never meant to leave!) We're forever Dish fans, now. But, OLN is still a big issue with us. I'v lurked for a long time, but will try to contribute.
Hi to the forum!!

In Kansas City and waiting for D* to roll hd local channels...
Have an AT9/H20 setup.

Learned some very valuable info just from lurking for the past few weeks.

Knowledge is power... Freely shared knowledge keeps the facts clear and up front.

Thanks for providing a place to share the knowledge.

New to Site

Just wanted to intro Myself to the Members, Handle Is Tectron, Some call Me AL, I live in Northeastern AZ, I am a Subscriber to Sat TV, I do have an old Pansat, a year old or so, but it quit one day and it went into a box. I hope to dig it out and play with it one of these days soon, just might need help from one of you guys to help me get in back online.

Thankx for the welcome Guys.
hello all

as a guest i found this site and all how post very helpful have a cw600 and with ya'lls help got on track the first try just watched the big show one hell--o ve a fight thanks to all grate site thank you for being here salide