Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)


HI , every0ne i have just registered on this sie , and looking foreward to chatting with everyone , i am stationed down south of LUBBOCK TX

thanks for letting mejoin

Hey everyone, glad to be a member. I have visited this forum for a long time and decided it was time to join. Thanks to all who have provided such usefull information. Hopefully I can contribute in the future.
Hi folks, I hope I can recieve good information on IE tv for pcs. Is there any out there that actually works. Rgds Omorro
Greetings all, I just surfed on in! I am fascinated by the technical and non technical discussion going on around here and thought I would register and hang for a while!
Hello all and thank you for the great site and info.I've been a member for a little while now and this is my first post.Last January I got my tech ticket in ham radio and ever since I have been a complete freq ! I am interested in every mode and now FTA as well.So now I'm looking for the best book to read about FTA and also looking to aquire some e-friends.My interests (as you know) and certainly not a profession is Scanning,All Modes of Ham radio,FTA and....Linux.Anyway,It is very nice to meet all of you and I hope (someday) to be of assistance to you.I just purchased a pansat 2700a and am not sure if it is back up.I bought it with no manuals and know very little about it.I am at the point of trying to find the new bins for it.If anyone knows of a pdf manual or a great reading on fta please contact me.Talk to you all soon....Go Colts!
Thanks Mike
Hello everyone...

Hello all:

Im here to learn and maybe find some new friends along the way..
Im not new to the satellite world but new to this site..

Hi all.....

I came across this forum while looking for info on a Dish upgrade.

After reading several of the posts here, I decided that this was the best place I've come across on the web to get info from experts on Dish and satellite info in general.

I'll be posting and asking questions soon. For now I'm going to keep on reading posts to try and keep from repeating something that's already been asked.

Great site you have here.

Glad to be aboard.
hello i'm lachy from West Palm Beach florida hopping some day help others but now I need all the help I can get I got the sg 2100 motor,dish and a pansat 3500sd

Long time dish user first time poster. I am from The Buffalo NY area. Hello to all. I have a question to ask doesn anyone know where to find a new or refurbished 942 dish network receiver?

If So please give me a quick E-mail tcpuccio1@yahoo.com

Thank you in advance!