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:welcome babyjoe1 And To All New Members!

You're In The Right Place For Everything Satellite!!

Make yourself at home! :)

Hey guys, i am new here and i enjoy reading the very educative and interesting satellite discussions here. i am an FTA hobbyist and i am addicted to true FTA receivers. i've bought 6 already within the last 3 months and already searching for another. No single one seem to satisfy me fully. one always seem to have what the other doesn't
Hey guys, i am new here and i enjoy reading the very educative and interesting satellite discussions here. i am an FTA hobbyist and i am addicted to true FTA receivers. i've bought 6 already within the last 3 months and already searching for another. No single one seem to satisfy me fully. one always seem to have what the other doesn't

Wow, six receivers already, you will probably be getting some questions on how you like each of them.
Welcome to the site!


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Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?