Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

I have 2 wireless 360 controllers already and I never use them since I normally play on the PS3. I haven't even used the PS3 in months since I've been either too busy or playing Minecraft.

Then you just need one of these to make it work wirelessly with your PC. It's not the official Microsoft version but it's $12 vs $42 for the official model. I have one and it works great. Don't even bother with the CD that comes with it. Windows just recognized mine and installed the appropriate drivers when I plugged it in.

What's a good gaming keyboard?

I don't really have one. I do most of my gaming with a controller and I sit across the room on a couch so I bought a nice wireless gaming mouse and a pretty standard wireless keyboard. It works fine for the games that are keyboard/mouse only like Dragon Age. I bought this one and it's currently $70


I'm happy with my setup but someone who is more hardcore into their keyboard/ mouse setup could probably give you a better suggestion. If you are going to buy a wired keyboard you can either go cheap and get any $20 standard keyboard or take that $70 and get something specifically designed for gamers. I know Razer is a pretty popular brand for gaming keyboards and mice. Here is one of the more popular ones on Amazon but I've never used it myself so if anyone has more specific suggestions you might want to listen to them instead.

I may check my distributors to see if I can get a good deal on one. The sad thing is, after shipping it's almost cheaper for me to buy one on Amazon. I don't know how a business can make any money on electronics when Amazon has such cheap prices with free shipping.
I just received all of my PC parts except for the case. I'm so tempted to start putting some of it together to make sure it all works but I should wait until I know I can finish it. What sucks is that I leave for Nashville tomorrow and won't be back until Friday afternoon. The earliest I'll get to work on it is Sunday.
A friend got me Pokemon X and Fire Emblem Awakening as an early birthday present last week. He is a Nintendo fanboy through and through and decided to get these for me after we talked about how I haven't touched my 3DS in about 4 months. I got the gold Zelda: A Link Between Worlds bundle on Black Friday but that was my only game for the system. He has been obsessed with Pokemon games since we were kids playing on the original Gameboy but I have never played any of them. I was never into the Pokemon cards that were so popular when I was in school either.

I think the real reason he got me Pokemon X is partly because he has Pokemon Y and wants me to trade him some of the version specific Pokemon. That's a small price to pay for the $80 worth of games he got me though. Anyways, this weekend I went up to our lake cabin. The weather was cold and rainy so I had lots of time for hand held gaming. I thought Fire Emblem would be more my style but I decided to try Pokemon X for a bit before I got into it. By the end of the weekend I had put about 4-5 hours into Pokemon and didn't touch any other games on my 3DS or Vita.

I finally get what makes these games so popular. It's not quite the childish cutesy game I thought it was. Yes, it is kid friendly but I wouldn't say it's childish. I found it's formula to be pretty addicting. Every time I found a new Pokemon I had to think about the balance of my 6 Pokemon team. I picked a fire based Pokemon to start so when I was offered a choice between Charmander and 2 other Pokemon I had to pick one of the others even though Charmander was one of the few Pokemon I recognized going into this game. It wouldn't make sense to keep two fire based Pokemon on my main team at any given time when there are so many different types.

I had a NES but I was never really a Nintendo kid. I never owned a SNES even though I loved playing it at friends' and cousins' houses. It wasn't until I got a PS1 that my gaming obsession really started and I never owned another Nintendo system outside of handhelds until the Wii. This means that I missed just about all the major Nintendo franchises except for playing at a friend's house. I never played a Zelda game until I got A Link Between Worlds with my 3DS.

The pure fun I have had with Zelda and Pokemon is making me want to spend a lot more time with the 3DS. There are lots of Nintendo franchises I completely missed that many people here have great nostalgia for. I am going to be checking out the Virtual Console offerings pretty soon to see if I can get some of those classic games on my 3DS at a reasonable price and see what they are all about. If anyone has any must play recommendations for VC games I should try I would appreciate the suggestions. I would like to avoid the standard Super Mario games but I would be open to the offshoots like the 3D land series.

I hate the fact that Nintendo so rarely discounts any of their games even after they are older. I have been looking around at prices and there are quite a few DS and 3DS games I would pick up if Nintendo dropped their prices on older games the way the other companies do. I would consider going the Gamefly route but that is pretty much tied up with PS4 games at this point. Maybe once I finish Pokemon and Fire Emblem I will add a second game slot to my Gamefly plan and dedicate it exclusively to handheld games for the rest of Summer.
I've got a question about my PC games. I'm going to try building my PC today but I'm curious about the games I already have installed on my laptop, like Minecraft. Will I be able to install my Minecraft account to the new PC, also, will my Steam account and games carry over? Do I need to save them to a thumb drive and transfer them over?
A friend got me Pokemon X and Fire Emblem Awakening as an early birthday present last week. He is a Nintendo fanboy through and through and decided to get these for me after we talked about how I haven't touched my 3DS in about 4 months. I got the gold Zelda: A Link Between Worlds bundle on Black Friday but that was my only game for the system. He has been obsessed with Pokemon games since we were kids playing on the original Gameboy but I have never played any of them. I was never into the Pokemon cards that were so popular when I was in school either.

I think the real reason he got me Pokemon X is partly because he has Pokemon Y and wants me to trade him some of the version specific Pokemon. That's a small price to pay for the $80 worth of games he got me though. Anyways, this weekend I went up to our lake cabin. The weather was cold and rainy so I had lots of time for hand held gaming. I thought Fire Emblem would be more my style but I decided to try Pokemon X for a bit before I got into it. By the end of the weekend I had put about 4-5 hours into Pokemon and didn't touch any other games on my 3DS or Vita.

I finally get what makes these games so popular. It's not quite the childish cutesy game I thought it was. Yes, it is kid friendly but I wouldn't say it's childish. I found it's formula to be pretty addicting. Every time I found a new Pokemon I had to think about the balance of my 6 Pokemon team. I picked a fire based Pokemon to start so when I was offered a choice between Charmander and 2 other Pokemon I had to pick one of the others even though Charmander was one of the few Pokemon I recognized going into this game. It wouldn't make sense to keep two fire based Pokemon on my main team at any given time when there are so many different types.

I had a NES but I was never really a Nintendo kid. I never owned a SNES even though I loved playing it at friends' and cousins' houses. It wasn't until I got a PS1 that my gaming obsession really started and I never owned another Nintendo system outside of handhelds until the Wii. This means that I missed just about all the major Nintendo franchises except for playing at a friend's house. I never played a Zelda game until I got A Link Between Worlds with my 3DS.

The pure fun I have had with Zelda and Pokemon is making me want to spend a lot more time with the 3DS. There are lots of Nintendo franchises I completely missed that many people here have great nostalgia for. I am going to be checking out the Virtual Console offerings pretty soon to see if I can get some of those classic games on my 3DS at a reasonable price and see what they are all about. If anyone has any must play recommendations for VC games I should try I would appreciate the suggestions. I would like to avoid the standard Super Mario games but I would be open to the offshoots like the 3D land series.

I hate the fact that Nintendo so rarely discounts any of their games even after they are older. I have been looking around at prices and there are quite a few DS and 3DS games I would pick up if Nintendo dropped their prices on older games the way the other companies do. I would consider going the Gamefly route but that is pretty much tied up with PS4 games at this point. Maybe once I finish Pokemon and Fire Emblem I will add a second game slot to my Gamefly plan and dedicate it exclusively to handheld games for the rest of Summer.

Some of the most played games I have on my Virtual Console are Zelda, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Metroid, Super Metroid, Punch Out, Super Punch, Dr. Mario, and Tecmo Bowl.
I've got a question about my PC games. I'm going to try building my PC today but I'm curious about the games I already have installed on my laptop, like Minecraft. Will I be able to install my Minecraft account to the new PC, also, will my Steam account and games carry over? Do I need to save them to a thumb drive and transfer them over?

I don't know about Minecraft because that isn't a Steam game. I assume you can just download it again to a new computer but I don't know where you bought it from and what the DRM is for that specific game.

People complain about Steam, Origin, and uPlay for their DRM properties but they also come with some advantages. Games that use those programs for DRM are tied to your account, not the computer your originally installed them on. In addition to my main gaming computer I also occasionally play indies and older games on my laptop or the laptop at my parents house.

It's as simple as installing Steam on the new computer I want to use and logging into my account. Better yet, most of the games I do this with have Steam Cloud support for game saves. This means that when I'm over at my parent's house taking care of my dad and want to get my Civ V fix in I can just launch it from Steam and pick right back up from where I left off at my house.
I don't know about Minecraft because that isn't a Steam game. I assume you can just download it again to a new computer but I don't know where you bought it from and what the DRM is for that specific game.

People complain about Steam, Origin, and uPlay for their DRM properties but they also come with some advantages. Games that use those programs for DRM are tied to your account, not the computer your originally installed them on. In addition to my main gaming computer I also occasionally play indies and older games on my laptop or the laptop at my parents house.

It's as simple as installing Steam on the new computer I want to use and logging into my account. Better yet, most of the games I do this with have Steam Cloud support for game saves. This means that when I'm over at my parent's house taking care of my dad and want to get my Civ V fix in I can just launch it from Steam and pick right back up from where I left off at my house.
Minecraft has no DRM. It looks like you just have to copy your save game files and you should be able to log into your account from wherever the game is installed. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110212190802AAgVYSG
Some of the most played games I have on my Virtual Console are Zelda, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Metroid, Super Metroid, Punch Out, Super Punch, Dr. Mario, and Tecmo Bowl.

Zelda is probably at the top of my list so far. I originally bought my 3DS because that series has always been interesting to me and I wanted to play A Link Between Worlds. When I saw that awesome 3DS XL gold and black Triforce bundle with the game for $160 I couldn't pass it up.

I didn't buy it to play New Super Mario Bros which is essentially the same game they have been releasing for 20+ years. I have played those games on Wii and Wii U with friends and had a good time but I feel like I have gotten all I need to out of that game series. They are good games and Mario will always be the king of platformers but I'd rather play something a little different like the new Rayman games at this point. I'm open to Mario spinoffs but I don't think I want any of the 2D platformers.

I am very interested in the Metroid and Castlevania games too. I'm not sure how well they hold up at this point but I have never played anything from those series either.
Zelda is probably at the top of my list so far. I originally bought my 3DS because that series has always been interesting to me and I wanted to play A Link Between Worlds. When I saw that awesome 3DS XL gold and black Triforce bundle with the game for $160 I couldn't pass it up.

I didn't buy it to play New Super Mario Bros which is essentially the same game they have been releasing for 20+ years. I have played those games on Wii and Wii U with friends and had a good time but I feel like I have gotten all I need to out of that game series. They are good games and Mario will always be the king of platformers but I'd rather play something a little different like the new Rayman games at this point. I'm open to Mario spinoffs but I don't think I want any of the 2D platformers.

I am very interested in the Metroid and Castlevania games too. I'm not sure how well they hold up at this point but I have never played anything from those series either.
Metroid and Super Metroid are great, but REALLY hard without some assistance (read: Maps!) The Castlevania series is good but REALLY hard. The original trilogy is probably the 2nd hardest series of games for the NES, being beaten only by the Ninja Gaiden trilogy. And the 2nd one (Simon's Quest) is good but if you can beat that game without consulting Gamefaqs to figure out what you're supposed to do next, you deserve either a medal or to be committed. Super Castlevania is probably one of the best SNES games ever made, and Symphony of the Night is one of the greatest games of all time. That would be a winner to get for the Vita. It's $10, but it's worth EVERY penny. This is a decent review of it:
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Metroid and Super Metroid are great, but REALLY hard without some assistance (read: Maps!) The Castlevania series is good but REALLY hard. The original trilogy is probably the 2nd hardest series of games for the NES, being beaten only by the Ninja Gaiden trilogy. And the 2nd one (Simon's Quest) is good but if you can beat that game without consulting Gamefaqs to figure out what you're supposed to do next, you deserve either a medal or to be committed. Super Castlevania is probably one of the best SNES games ever made, and Symphony of the Night is one of the greatest games of all time. That would be a winner to get for the Vita. It's $10, but it's worth EVERY penny. This is a decent review of it:

Thanks. I think Super Castlevania and Symphony of the Night just moved up to the top of my retro games list. I have always thought the series sounded cool but I don't think I want games that are so difficult I want to pull all my hair out. I think I'll probably skip the original NES trilogy for now.

I'll probably keep the Metroid games on my list. I can handle pulling up a map on the iPad from time to time as long as I am physically able to progress in the game.

Edit: it looks like Super Castlevania and Super Metroid are out for now because they haven't started releasing SNES games for 3DS Virtual Console yet. I was under the impression that Virtual Console was Virtual Console whether you were playing on a Wii, Wii U, or 3DS. It turns out that this isn't the case. The 3DS Virtual Console games are currently limited to Game Boy, Game Boy Color, NES, Game Boy Advance, 3D Classics(whatever that is), and strangely Sega Game Gear.

Me and my sister actually each had a Game Gear and between the two of us we owned most of the games available on Virtual Console. I really liked that system as a kid but it feels weird to me that those games were a priority over SNES for 3DS Virtual Console. In fact, the entire Virtual Console library seems very limited on 3DS. I hope it's better on the Wii and Wii U. Come on Nintendo! Your legacy is the best thing you have going for you right now. You're suffering from a lack of games. It seems like they could easily get those SNES games running on the 3DS and make a lot of people happy. I actually expected to see N64 games available and I'm shocked that they don't have SNES.

While they're at it they should make N64 and Game Cube games available on the Wii U virtual console. If all their classic games were available from all of their platforms at a reasonable price Wii U owners would be a lot less likely to complain about a lack of games.
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Super Metroid is one of my all time favorite games. I beat it numerous times and that's before I had the internet to look up maps and hints. The whole game play and graphics were great on the SNES. Chrono Trigger was also one of the best games I ever played. I even bought it for my DS.
Thanks. I think Super Castlevania and Symphony of the Night just moved up to the top of my retro games list. I have always thought the series sounded cool but I don't think I want games that are so difficult I want to pull all my hair out. I think I'll probably skip the original NES trilogy for now.

I'll probably keep the Metroid games on my list. I can handle pulling up a map on the iPad from time to time as long as I am physically able to progress in the game.

Edit: it looks like Super Castlevania and Super Metroid are out for now because they haven't started releasing SNES games for 3DS Virtual Console yet. I was under the impression that Virtual Console was Virtual Console whether you were playing on a Wii, Wii U, or 3DS. It turns out that this isn't the case. The 3DS Virtual Console games are currently limited to Game Boy, Game Boy Color, NES, Game Boy Advance, 3D Classics(whatever that is), and strangely Sega Game Gear.

Me and my sister actually each had a Game Gear and between the two of us we owned most of the games available on Virtual Console. I really liked that system as a kid but it feels weird to me that those games were a priority over SNES for 3DS Virtual Console. In fact, the entire Virtual Console library seems very limited on 3DS. I hope it's better on the Wii and Wii U. Come on Nintendo! Your legacy is the best thing you have going for you right now. You're suffering from a lack of games. It seems like they could easily get those SNES games running on the 3DS and make a lot of people happy. I actually expected to see N64 games available and I'm shocked that they don't have SNES.

While their at it they should make N64 and Game Cube games available on the Wii U virtual console. If every classic game was available from all of their platforms Wii U owners would be a lot less likely to complain about a lack of games.
Yeah the main issue with Metroid is that there's no in game map. Super Metroid fixed that oversight but as a 5 year old back in the day, Nintendo Power was a godsend, although honestly I don't remember if I had maps back when I originally beat it. Looking at this map now the game seems quite small, but they definitely made it "seem" a lot bigger. Part of that probably had to do with the massive amount of back tracking you had to do, and other time spent walking around trying to figure out where to go next.
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I decided to do some digging to see what is available. The Wii looks like it has a much more impressive Virtual Console library than the Wii U or 3DS. I don't really want it back in my entertainment center but it looks like I might have to put it there if I want to play some of these classic games. They actually have some of the N64 games I would want to play available. Hopefully they are still adding VC games to their newer consoles on a regular basis because what they currently have available is a little disappointing.

The fact that they aren't cross buy is pretty disappointing too. If you bought a 25 year old VC game on Wii it's a little insulting that they ask you to buy it again when you upgrade to Wii U.

Full List of Wii VC games.

Full List of Wii U VC games

Full List of 3DS VC games
I'm putting my PC today and I'm getting a little confused. For the most part I think I have everything plugged in with the right cables. I only have one thing left and that is the 8 pin plug from the PSU to the CPU on the mother board. The pins do not match up right. Some are square and some are rounded off. What do I do now?
I'm putting my PC today and I'm getting a little confused. For the most part I think I have everything plugged in with the right cables. I only have one thing left and that is the 8 pin plug from the PSU to the CPU on the mother board. The pins do not match up right. Some are square and some are rounded off. What do I do now?
This may help...

If it doesn't post a picture of the cable you're talking about.
Well it fit and everything else is plugged in. There are no other adapters so I'm assuming this is how it has to go. I think I'm going to plug it in soon and see if it works.

Xbox One, issue with Ready to Install List & External Drive

Possible xbox Hard drive issues....is all lost

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