White Springs TV audio

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Is anybody getting a horrible mish mash of sounds on the main audio channel of White Springs TV on IA-7?

I'm getting what appears to be a preacher's show and a 3rd show mixed in with the proper audio track. This is all on the main audio channel. Channel 2 is a radio program. (USA News?)

This kinda sucks, as I often enjoy tuning in for the old films. They had some WWII propoganda film today which looked great. Too bad I couldn't hear it!

Language 1 (audio) RIGHT only is White Springs
LEFT only is that weird thing

language 2 both is something else :)
Keep this trick in mind for other satellites and other channels on those satellites too... sometimes, I've found a few channels elsewhere in the arc that has the oddball radio station on the other audio. This trick is really useful for that 6in1 channel that you find on some of the echostars also.
Is that new for WSTV? I never got that with that channel on my previous receivers (CS5000, SP6000). I only noticed it now with the SonicView. I don't see a way to choose left or right only in the stb. I don't wanna have to pan with my TV or audio system. PITA.

BTW, is WSTV a local OTA channel somewhere? Or, is it FTA only?
its FTA only

I have a CS5000 and I have right only audio. Left has something else.

There has to be a audio or language button. I don't have a Sonicview (and the Buzz was sold) so I cant remember how to change it
Iceberg said:
its FTA only

I have a CS5000 and I have right only audio. Left has something else.

There has to be a audio or language button. I don't have a Sonicview (and the Buzz was sold) so I cant remember how to change it

Ah. There is an "english" audio setting. I will try that.
Gary Z said:
They are on some over the OTA Stations... also they are are trying to get on muticast Channels

They seem to be OTA only, according to the website.

Their "click here to buy and fta system" link points to Sadoun, btw.

They show such great stuff. But, their PQ truly sucks. It seems to have gotten even worse, if that's possible.
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Really Need Help!! Channel Master Issue

FTA setup for pas 3R

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