Who in here is moving to another cable/satellite company?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Dec 18, 2004
Disneyland, Cali
I'm still deciding LoL

Right now, I am still deciding to stay with E* or move to D* my family wants Filipino Direct from D* and the Viva Pinoy Pack from E* shows the same old movies over and over again. I know E* is great and somewhat cheaper.... I'm still lost lol

Merry Christmas!:)
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8.5 years now with E*. I still have 14 months to go on my 622 lease. And D* isn't offering anything that I want. So I'm staying, but I might downgrade my package. Will consider my options again at the end of my lease.
Same here am staying with E*. Direct rasies there rates also, and Directv has nothing that sparks my interest either.
Staying put. Everyone has rate hikes. It's just the way life goes. If there was no rate hikes in anything I could be renting my mobile home space for $300/month instead of $600/month.
While I said I'm staying, I don't agree with the opinions expressed that everyone has rate hikes so we just accept them as normal. It depends upon the rate hike. A hike that is close to the inflation rate, I have no problem with. Hikes that are 2X-4X the inflation rate, that's another story. A company that sticks it to their customers like this should expect low customer loyalty, which plays out as customers leaving as soon as the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Right now D*'s grass looks kinda brown to me.
Well, after being a loyal Dish Customer for almost 4 years. I have decided to switch to Directv because of the rates going up again for Dish.

Is anyone doing the switch like me? Tell me your stories.

Merry Christmas!:)

So what are you going to do when Directv raises their rates March 1st like they do every year?

I have been selling satellite for almost 8 years now and the biggest complaint I get from people is their current provider is raising rates and thats why they are switching.

The fact of the matter here is that everyone raises their rates every year, so switching to Directv now is only going to result in a less than $5 savings! since technically Directv will be cheaper for the month of febuary!
Well 1st Direct Tv is a step backwards you get less for your money. I know several people who made the switch from Direct to Dish. They all said they wish they had done it sooner. Dish Rocks and is the HD Leader yes I dont like a price increase but atleast your getting more for your money. Most time cable compaines rase rates and you dont get nothing at all. Like someone else said all TV Providers raise their rates. It would not surprise me to see Direct raise their sometime next year as well. Overall Dish is the best out there by far.:)
Damn everything in Cali is going up next year. My phone bill, my water/trash bill 6% =(, my electric by 3%, and E* 6% (thats what i heard with top 120) I maybe wrong. Where should I move too??? Cali is getting expensive lol
The only two choices I have are to

1. Switch to DirecTV. Howver they don't an equivalent Arabic language package.
2. Switch to RCN who just announced a 15% increase in rates for 2007.

I'll stay with Dish for now and hope that Verizon runs FIOS in my area in the future.
I'm going to switch to RFC Satellite!

They PAY YOU to install satellite dishes on your house, seal them perfectly so that they never leak, and the dish is only 10" round but picks up 100+ signal strength on 10 birds!

The picture is uncompressed and flawless, the boxes are quad tuner HD DVRs with 4 solid state hard drives that make no noise and have no fans, and yes they only need 1 cable to the dish!

The service is cheap ($25 a month) and every month they add a new HD channel!

[If only]
We just switched to TWC about three weeks ago. Still have Dish but downgraded to just the Superstation Pkg. and then got the DNS with NPS earlier this month. Thinking very hard about dropping the Supers as well. Having hard time justifying paying $12 just for programming access fee and 2nd receiver fee on top of the Super's pkg fee. For the next two years, I'm saving good money with the TWC bundle(cable,internet and phone) over what I was paying separately. Also get ALOT more channels than we had with AT-60. Particularly like the On-Demand offerings and we got a choice of two of the premiums for free for the first year and only $9.00 for both for the second year. Unlimited long distance is also a plus. What I don't like is the channel layout as they have no rhyme or reason as to where they place a channel in the guide, eg. news channels are scattered all over the place, HBO channels are not together. There are no themes or favorites menu options so you basically have to scroll through every freaking channel to get to something you watch- - really hate that. The remote control is twice the size of the 508 remote and is very bulky and difficult to find the correct buttons.
I've been with Dish for 8 or 9 years now and they were the best deal back then. But they are far from that now. In two years, I'll look at it again but IMHO, Dish will need to come around big time to get back in the game. Sat. providers are at a significant disadvantage not being able to bundle internet and phone service to the customer.
No change

Got about 14 months left on my 622 contract. ONly have the minimum package. Also have DirectTV with the minimum. The only other option is comcast (a lot more for a lot less) or my local fiber optics company, Surewest who, unfortunately doesn't have an HD dvr! Lately, watching less and less TV, only the network shows. Nothing else compeling to watch! :mad:
The rate hike isn't an issue, and we really love our 622s, but Adelphia/Comcast is offering a 12-month $29.95 special (digital cable, HBO, Showtime, Starz) that is hard to pass; $58 plus tax including HD, two HD DVRs, and a HD CableCard.

Still thinking...
"The only other option is comcast (a lot more for a lot less) "

Francisco, I think you got it backwards with Comcast. (A lot less for a lot more). At least that's how it's here in So. San Francisco, you pay more money for less channels.

Looks like U-Verse has launched in some cities here in the Bay Area, I'll wait and see what they got to offer and when it's offered here in my area, I'll give them a shot. But not because of the recent raise, since every provider is raising their prices.

Added the channel line-up for UVerse here in the the SF Bay Area.


  • San_Francisco_Oakland-UVerse.pdf
    618.7 KB · Views: 172
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Nice line-up with U-Verse there. I'm surprised there is no INHD on that system though.

I am staying put with Dish due to the HD line-up. If Direct does pass E* in that department, I may consider a switch but I love a some of the Voom channels like Monsters, FilmFest and Rave.

I also like HDNews but this channel is starving to be bigger. I wouldn't mind half hour news capules with commercials instead of the 12 minute ones they now do commercial free. It is understandable that this would mean more staff and equipment but I wouldn't want that cost passed on to the subscribers.

Obviously my main interest is HD.
just got off the phone talking to direct tv and asking what they offered over dish and they were like you are leaving dish. they then said GREAT here is we can off you for a package price just for leaving dish. The Total Choice Premier package with locals for just $79.99 if i sign a 12 month contract

Pioneer 640H-S DVR Setup with Dish Network

622 and 625 & remotes, your set up?

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