Will Dish ever have LOGO?

Please reply by conversation.
M Sparks said:
What are you talking about?

I personally would watch LOGO, and I'm straight. I have another straight friend who sent me several e-mails along the lines of "Hey, _______ is on Logo tomorrow" until I told her we didn't get it.

Let's say LOGO has programming that appeals to 80% of all gay and lesbian people and 5% of straight people. That's like 12.5% of the population*. Are you telling me more than 12.5% of the population watch CCTV, CNBC World, NASA, Horse Racing TV, ect? Nothing against those channels, just trying to make a point.

If it wasn't for niche-casting, we'd all still be watching 70's style 12 channel cable systems. And packaging/bundling is what makes it all economically feasible. You pay a nickel so other people can watch LOGO, DIY, G4, ect, and I pay $5.50 so you can watch ESPN.

* showing my work-(.8 x .1) + (.05 x .9) = .08 + .045 = .125

Chalk it up to the fact that he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about!
chaddux said:
Isn't Here TV a gay channel?

Yes with lots and lots of repeats. Unfortunately Dish also offers this channel as a PPV only channel. With DTv you have the choice of PPV or $10/month fee.

Let me add that I've watched Logo at a friends house. Can't say a whole lot about their series programs 'cause I haven't seen much of those, but they edit the crap out of the movies they show. I was real disappointed to see that.

Of course when Voom comes back online with its full slate of channels, Dish will then have Divine TV again.
chaddux said:
Isn't Here TV a gay channel?

HERETV is a PPV channel that you can purchase a 3 hour block for around $4.00. But that wasn't the channel Van was talking about. He was talking about a channel around 9600 that is a P.A. channel that shows one show a week (sometimes) and the way he sounded Gays should be more than happy with that.
LOGO is a basic cannel that is just like Spike, Comedy Central, MTV. That is it is commercially supported unlike HERE which is a PPV supported.
Are you saying that Gays should just shut up and be happy with a show on P.A. and a PPV channel?
SKrueger said:
Of course when Voom comes back online with its full slate of channels, Dish will then have Divine TV again.

A good point...I've never seen anyone complain about Divine TV. Why? It's just movies. Let's say one day they show "Saved", "Hairspray", "Four Weddings & A Funeral", "Home For The Holidays", & "Hedwig & the Angry Inch". All reletively mainstream films. My 65 year old mom would enjoy all of them. (OK, maybe not "Hedwig")

I understand why people don't want "Queer As Folk" on a mainstream basic cable channel. I know gays who are offended by "Queer As Folk". My wife and I watched for awhile, but eventually got tired of the constant explicit sex.

Looking at Logo's website, I see movies like "Moulin Rouge", "Being John Malkovich", "Cabaret", "The Hunger", "Prick Up Your Ears"...

Of course they also have "Go Fish" (a film a lesbian friend described as "way too dykey") and a foreign film called "Steam: The Turkish Bath". But considering the latter is rated PG, it can't be that explicit.

I also found this note: "Logo's programming is edited to the same degree as other MTV Networks channels geared towards adult audiences, such as Spike TV or Comedy Central."

My point is, there's not much on this channel that's not already on other channels- and in less explicit versions. I fully understand that the average straight American doesn't want hardcore gay porn available. (Although it should be available via PPV... at the same outragious prices and poor quality as straight porn.)
juan said:

"Dear DISH Network,

Please remove Univision, Galavision, Telefutura, MUN2, and SiTV from your basic packages. You already carry HITN on channel 9401...that should be good enough for 'them'.

In fact, I don't see any reason to offer any of the other spanish language packages either, as long as you have a spanish PPV channel. Seems like you could use that bandwidth for west coast feeds of TBN and Fox News.

If anyone calls to complain or cancel, just tell them to shut up and be happy.

Thank you,
David Duke"
M Sparks said:
"Dear DISH Network,

Please remove Univision, Galavision, Telefutura, MUN2, and SiTV from your basic packages. You already carry HITN on channel 9401...that should be good enough for 'them'.

In fact, I don't see any reason to offer any of the other spanish language packages either, as long as you have a spanish PPV channel. Seems like you could use that bandwidth for west coast feeds of TBN and Fox News.

If anyone calls to complain or cancel, just tell them to shut up and be happy.

Thank you,
David Duke"

Is that a petition? If so, where do I sign?!
i·ro·ny: noun. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.

"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Johathan Swift
M Sparks said:
Johathan Swift

Ah, the witty Mr. Johathan, twin brother of Jonathan.

With the removal of Univision, Galavision, Telefutura, MUN2, and SiTV, perhaps, then, DISH would finally carry all of my local channels. :)
bpickell said:
If my memory serves me correctly, Bravo used to be geared towards gay and lesbians. Then they started airing better programming and got the rest of the population. And they went mainstream. Who's to say that Logo won't do the same. Once they start to get viewers they'll start brainstorming to see how they can get more. More viewers means more advertiser $'s.
Bravo was never a gay channel. Although, their lack of car chases, explosions, and machine gun fire, along with the inclusion of James Lipton, made it seem like it was.
It has always simply been geared to those who appreciate the arts. (Unlike the innapropriately named A&E)
GaryPen said:
I guess you've proven his point.


I wouldn't mind seeing all of those channels removed (and LOGO never added) and I'm not ashamed of that fact. While they're at it, there are more channels than just those that could be removed and the bandwidth re-used for more useful channels. They could all be combined into a few a la carte or PPV channels so that those who desire to watch them can do so and they would be the only ones paying for them.
chaddux said:
Ah, the witty Mr. Johathan, twin brother of Jonathan.:)

The sad thing is, I cut and pasted that from a website attached to Princeton University.
Just because YOU don't like them, doesn't mean they should be removed.

If it was up to me, they should remove the Fox "News" Channel because A...It's not news, it's editorial, and B...I don't agree with the editorial. And Spike, because ither than TNG reruns, it airs crap. MTV? Also mostly crap.

But remember, one man's crap is another man's pudding.

(There are even avid Dishkissers who defend the shopping channels, the one true and inarguable waste of bandwidth, because they think it keeps package prices low. )
chaddux said:

I wouldn't mind seeing all of those channels removed (and LOGO never added) and I'm not ashamed of that fact. While they're at it, there are more channels than just those that could be removed and the bandwidth re-used for more useful channels. They could all be combined into a few a la carte or PPV channels so that those who desire to watch them can do so and they would be the only ones paying for them.

So if I read this post correctly,(and I am just trying to clarify here) you are advocating all of us help pay for the channels YOU want and Dish puts the one's you don't want out to pasture or on PPV so that the other 11.whatever million (minus you of course) will have to pay extra to watch? I think Stalin or Hitler would really be impressed! :rolleyes:
chaddux said:
I wouldn't mind seeing all of those channels removed (and LOGO never added) and I'm not ashamed of that fact. While they're at it, there are more channels than just those that could be removed and the bandwidth re-used for more useful channels. They could all be combined into a few a la carte or PPV channels so that those who desire to watch them can do so and they would be the only ones paying for them.

Exactly...ESPN, Fox News, TNT, ect...

Actually, with the out-of-control price increases on channels like ESPN, it would be interesting to see what happened if everything was truly a-la-carte. Let's say everyone's paying 10 cents for a channel that I like, but it only appeals to 5% of the population. If 95% stop paying for it, then it costs the other 5% $2.00. Meanwhile, everyone's paying $5.00 for ESPN, but it only appeals to, say, 60% of the population. Now, that 60% has to pay $8.33. The ESPN fans costs go up $3.23, and mine go down $3.10. And that's just on two channels. And who's to say that the whole 60% want to keep paying that much for ESPN once they realize how expensive it is. Maybe a third of them drop it...now you're up to $12.50.

It's simple economics. Sure, niche-casting has gotten a little out of control. Sure I have TONS of channels I never watch. But that's why DISH has different tiered packages. I pay an extra $10 a month for the Top 180 package, even though I only watch a few of the extra channels, which means I am essentially paying $2.50- $3.33 for each of those channels. But I have the OPTION of watching the others. A-la-carte channels means higher prices for most, and less choice for all.

But of course, that's not good enough for you. You don't want anyone to even have the option to pay through the nose for these channels. If you don't like it, it shouldn't exist apparently.

"More useful channels?" Examples? I know KlanVision is having trouble getting carriage agreements.

M Sparks said:
admit it out loud that Chad is an ignorant, self centered jerk
Slamminc11 said:
And why is that?
Lets see The Asian Community is much larger than the "gay" community yet the dont have any channels in e*'s regular line up!! the African-American community only gets one channel !! There are no channels for disabled Americans!! No channels for "straight" Americans(I mean that cater strictley to straight Americans) No channels for most other ethnc minorities!! Why should gay people get their own channel?? because the bitch and moan louder than most other people!! percisely why I say E* should never ever consider adding this channel unles they treat it like they do every other ethnic/minority channel..put it on a side satellite and charge an outrageous fee to subscribe!!!
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