Will Dish ever have LOGO?

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M Sparks said:
Exactly...ESPN, Fox News, TNT, ect...

Actually, with the out-of-control price increases on channels like ESPN, it would be interesting to see what happened if everything was truly a-la-carte. Let's say everyone's paying 10 cents for a channel that I like, but it only appeals to 5% of the population. If 95% stop paying for it, then it costs the other 5% $2.00. Meanwhile, everyone's paying $5.00 for ESPN, but it only appeals to, say, 60% of the population. Now, that 60% has to pay $8.33. The ESPN fans costs go up $3.23, and mine go down $3.10. And that's just on two channels. And who's to say that the whole 60% want to keep paying that much for ESPN once they realize how expensive it is. Maybe a third of them drop it...now you're up to $12.50.

It's simple economics. Sure, niche-casting has gotten a little out of control. Sure I have TONS of channels I never watch. But that's why DISH has different tiered packages. I pay an extra $10 a month for the Top 180 package, even though I only watch a few of the extra channels, which means I am essentially paying $2.50- $3.33 for each of those channels. But I have the OPTION of watching the others. A-la-carte channels means higher prices for most, and less choice for all.

But of course, that's not good enough for you. You don't want anyone to even have the option to pay through the nose for these channels. If you don't like it, it shouldn't exist apparently.

"More useful channels?" Examples? I know KlanVision is having trouble getting carriage agreements.

ESPN's regular viewers comes in closer to 20% of the general population. Also consider when pricing the ESPN a la carte package, it is likely the MSO would close to double the actual cost to the consumer.

If they'd ever go a la carte, they'd be more expensive than HBO, and they'd likely still go under or revert quickly back to tractor pulls and synchronized swimming.
juan said:
Lets see The Asian Community is much larger than the "gay" community yet the dont have any channels in e*'s regular line up!! the African-American community only gets one channel !! There are no channels for disabled Americans!! No channels for "straight" Americans(I mean that cater strictley to straight Americans) No channels for most other ethnc minorities!! Why should gay people get their own channel?? because the bitch and moan louder than most other people!! percisely why I say E* should never ever consider adding this channel unles they treat it like they do every other ethnic/minority channel..put it on a side satellite and charge an outrageous fee to subscribe!!!

Asian-Americans make up 4.2% of the US population- smaller than the generally accepted numbers for the gay population. I'm not saying that makes them less important, just correcting your statement. And DISH carries Chinese news from CCTV in English, Spanish and French in the "regular lineup". Again- just correcting your facts.

Even when you look at that 4.2%, you have to break that into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, ect.

I agree with you completely on the African-American point... DISH should be carrying The Word, MBC, the BET Multiplexes, or whatever else.

Regarding "no channels for disabled Americans"- well you've answered your own question...there is no such channel. It's actually a pretty good idea from a financial standpoint. Disabled people may watch more TV in general if they are homebound, and there are plenty of specialty products to market to them. If one ever exists, I would expect DISH to carry it.

I'm not sure what a "straight" channel would be. Seems like 70%-80% of all channels have no "gay" content whatsoever. I don't know how to make a channel that's "straighter" without getting into KlansVision territory again.

As for the other "ethnic minorities"- well the problem is you are comparing foreign language to special interest. And there are dozens and dozens of different languages on those channels, all of which can only be understood by a tiny, tiny, TINY minority. Sure, DISH carries a couple Spanish language channels in the basic tiers. But Spanish is understood by a huge portion of America as opposed to Japanese. Even so, they charge extra for most of them.

Of course, there are a few of the expensive ethnic channels that ARE in English...I know most of Arraing's (a Korean interest channel) programming is in English. I would have no problem if this was added to a basic package. There are many Korean-Americans that don't even speak Korean, and I'm sure they would appreciate this channel. Better yet, someone should come up with a general interest, English language, Asian-American channel along the lines of SiTV. Have different programming that appeals to all different Asian races

The point is, most of these channels are useful to such a microscopic portion of the population, mainly because of the language barrier. I have watched Arraing when it was in free preview mode because it was interesting to see a different culture. But if it was actually in Korean, I wouldn't have. I also watch SiTV occasionaly. SiTV was a great idea. There are millions of Hispanics in America that don't speak Spanish, but don't get to see their culture represented on English-speaking TV.

Logo is kind of the SiTV of gay channels. This is not gay porn. It's not HERE, or the aborted Triangle TV. It's a mainstream channel that has mainstream entertainment that appeals to gays. But it can also appeal to straights as well. I have zero interest in HERE.

Logo must be compared to special-interest channels to judge it's value. It should be compared to Style, Fine Living, Outdoor Channel, ect. But unfortunately, there are no widespread phobias regarding those channels, so Logo has to fight harder.

If gays, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanics, ect were properly represented in mainstream media, we wouldn't need specialty channels at all. But they aren't. Straight white people are over represented.
chaddux said:
That would not be a useful channel.

WELL WHAT IS? Give us an example! Just one. What is missing that's so important? There are 41.3 million Hispanics in America. There are 29.5 million gays. What is it that's so dang useful that these people deserve to be ignored?

Juan was the one that originally ticked me off, not you Chad. But he came back and made an argument. Some of his points were valid, some not so much. I'm sure he feels the same about my arguments. But at least he opened a dialogue. If I met him on the street, I'd smile and shake his hand. You on the other hand...well I'm sure it's against forum rules to post here.

M Sparks said:
admit it out loud, Chad is sounding more and more like a closet case
M Sparks said:
Asian-Americans make up 4.2% of the US population- smaller than the generally accepted numbers for the gay population.

Really? Not that I disagree with your other points, but what is the "generally accepted number"?
Here is the key to all of this, everyone will have one channel that they can't do without, for some that would be ESPN, for others it would be HGTV, for others it may be Soapnet, and for others still it may be Logo.

And then some folks might watch all of them, while others never watch any of them.

I would like to see Logo on Dish, and personally I could give a rats ass if its a "Gay" channel or not. (Thats not even an issue to me)

I might not even watch it, but I want it for the reason I first got Satellite to get channels that were not available to me on Cable.

Over time there have been a number of channels added and as soon as I heard about them I said "Ugg what a waste of bandwidth" but guess what some of these channels have become my favorites.

The great thing about all of this is YOU are in control of your TV, and you have the power to make your own channel lineups, you can block whatever you dont want coming into your house and enjoy those programs that you love.

Again I hope Dish does add Logo.
CPanther95 said:
Where'd that number come from? You really think it's 1 out of every 12 people in the country? (Factoring every man, woman and child)

Actually the "generally accepted number" of Gays is between 15-25 million not 29.5. It is harder to track because the U.S. census doesn't do a real good job of tracking (but that is a different thread). Plus thanks to people like Juan, there are some Gay people who are still afraid to stand up and state who they truly are.
Still 15-25 million is a significant number of consumers.
You know what bothers me about forums and chat sites? Its that people will read one thing and see something entirely diferent such as you tell your friend the sky is blue and he hears green and swears on his mothers grave you said green. I never implied that anyone should be happy with a specific channel on dish but someone here got that idea, I never said that I have a problem with a specific portion of our society but someone got that idea.

What I said was that dish has a channel that shows programming that is consistant with an alternative lifestyle for the gay and lesbian population, that I havent seen much of it but what I have seen seemed to be more serious than anything that mtv could ever hope to provide considering mtv's track record. I also said that I doubt that there are people leaving in droves to go to directv for this channel and that my personal experience of working in a market area that has a considerably higher proportion of gay and lesbian population did not show a preferance for this channel as no one has ever asked me about it. If your someone that just has to have this channel then go to what ever service provider has it with my blessing and be happy.

Oh and just to make it very clear here, I dont care about anyone elses sexual preferences or skin color or religion or theyr gender, I dont hate someone because of these and I wont stand for anyone saying anything to the contrary period.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Here is the key to all of this, everyone will have one channel that they can't do without, for some that would be ESPN, for others it would be HGTV, for others it may be Soapnet, and for others still it may be Logo.

And then some folks might watch all of them, while others never watch any of them.

I would like to see Logo on Dish, and personally I could give a rats ass if its a "Gay" channel or not. (Thats not even an issue to me)

I might not even watch it, but I want it for the reason I first got Satellite to get channels that were not available to me on Cable.

Over time there have been a number of channels added and as soon as I heard about them I said "Ugg what a waste of bandwidth" but guess what some of these channels have become my favorites.

The great thing about all of this is YOU are in control of your TV, and you have the power to make your own channel lineups, you can block whatever you dont want coming into your house and enjoy those programs that you love.

Again I hope Dish does add Logo.

I hate it when people quote a whole post just to add a me too, so I am including this sentence before saying.....

Me too.
Just want to take the opportunity to beat a dead horse. See another reason to finally add all the Voom 21 channels. Divine wasn't one I watched but like Scott I'm glad another HD choice was available.
M Sparks said:
Better yet, someone should come up with a general interest, English language, Asian-American channel along the lines of SiTV. Have different programming that appeals to all different Asian races

Ummm that channel already exists, it's called AznTV formerly known as "The International Channel". If you want it ask Dish to carry MBC for their Korean American customers since it might be why Charlie can't get MBC, because I-Channel networks wants them to carry that or that and a few other foreign channels they distribute. Personally if I were Charlie I'd bite because I WANT AznTV since I've heard it stomps the **** out of Cartoon Network for the Anime they carry in terms of not being butchered.
Heck I'd also like Trio and Oxygen as well. Can anyone explain to me why neither DBS provider carries Trio and why E* doesn't carry Oxygen?
Oh and speaking of WE and Lifetime I LIKE some of the programs on it and I'm a man. "Unsolved Mysteries" on Lifetime, nuff said.

edit: PS, I'd like Arirang as a standard as well because of how much it costs and I'm thinking of holding off on carrying it until Dish says if they're getting MBC. If not they'll lose a few months they'd have made money off me buying it A La Carte.
GaryPen said:
Well, considering that most accounts of the number of gay men and women in this country put their population at around 10%, I'd say that's a pretty respectable number, and one that would back up maogdamian's claim. Even if it's only half that number, that's a lot of queers.
A number that has been discredited. Studies show it to be closer to 1%.

Either way, if Dish Network feels enough people will watch LOGO to make it economically viable, then they'll show it. If not, then they won't. Dish Network is in business to make money. After all, they carry Al Jezerra, because it's profitable to do so.
Derwin0 said:
A number that has been discredited. Studies show it to be closer to 1%.

Either way, if Dish Network feels enough people will watch LOGO to make it economically viable, then they'll show it. If not, then they won't. Dish Network is in business to make money. After all, they carry Al Jezerra, because it's profitable to do so.

Just for the record this data is 12 years old according to the date of the article. However I believe that number has not waivered much.
GaryPen said:

Yeah, that was the number I was using, and the 29.5 million was just 10% of the total US population. Obviously, there's no way to back that up.

It's probably a tad inflated, but it's NOT 1%- get real. I'd say 5%-8% is reasonable- which is still more than 4.2%. I was just trying to make a point.

I'd say among people I know (meaning co-workers, clients, ect- not just friends), about 2%-3% are gay. And that's just people who are "out". But I live in a rural area, where the numbers are naturally lower.

Anyone who buys into that 1% is the kind of person who thinks all gay men are lisping caricatures and all lesbians have mullets. In reality, most gays and lesbians look like everyone else and mind their own business- which is why people think they don't exist.

I really wish the gay community would realize that the gay-pride parades roll back any progress they've made each year. Middle America sees them on the news, and figure all gays are total freaks.
Come on folks it's a satellite site, not a lifestyle discussion site.

Please take the off topic stuff to the chit chat forum, thanks. :)
Slamminc11 said:
Actually the "generally accepted number" of Gays is between 15-25 million not 29.5. Still 15-25 million is a significant number of consumers.

Which is between 5% and 8.5%. So the point still stands. I had never seen those numbers, but it seems about right to me.
Sarang said:
Ummm that channel already exists, it's called AznTV formerly known as "The International Channel".

Sounds cool, and they should have had International Channel long ago. But is it in English? I always though International Channel was a collection of different foreign language shows.

So is Arraing an American channel? Why is it in English? I know they have Korean TV OTA in Los Angeles, but it's always been in Korean when I turned it on. I found it fascinating the day it was in preview. I especially loved the commercial with the little animated kimchi ("Oh Mr Kimchi, you're so popular!")
Scott Greczkowski said:
Come on folks it's a satellite site, not a lifestyle discussion site.

Please take the off topic stuff to the chit chat forum, thanks. :)

I don't see how any of this is off topic. The demographics of the gay population is important to discuss the answer to the question "Will Dish ever have LOGO?"

I haven't seen any political talk, and if anything, the conversation has gotten more intelligent, rather than spiralling into a verbal slap-fight. Admittedly, I got a little personal when I was ticked at Chad...I'll apologize for that. But it got back on track.

Technically speaking, it's the conversation about AznTV that's off topic.

Scott, you're a great guy, and this is a great site, but I've never seen such an uptight group of moderators! Satellite talk isn't just transponders and aspect ratios.

Now, I can see if someone tried to bring up the Bush administration's agenda agai*** *** *** ********, ******** "*** *******", *** *** ******** ******* *******'* ****** ** ******* *******.

[user banned by moderator] ;)
M Sparks said:
I don't see how any of this is off topic. The demographics of the gay population is important to discuss the answer to the question "Will Dish ever have LOGO?"

I haven't seen any political talk, and if anything, the conversation has gotten more intelligent, rather than spiralling into a verbal slap-fight. Admittedly, I got a little personal when I was ticked at Chad...I'll apologize for that. But it got back on track.

Technically speaking, it's the conversation about AznTV that's off topic.

Scott, you're a great guy, and this is a great site, but I've never seen such an uptight group of moderators! Satellite talk isn't just transponders and aspect ratios.

Now, I can see if someone tried to bring up the Bush administration's agenda agai*** *** *** ********, ******** "*** *******", *** *** ******** ******* *******'* ****** ** ******* *******.

[user banned by moderator] ;)

Some stuff on AznTV has English Subs., some doesn't.
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