WVB-Wireless Video Bridge


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 25, 2010
Metro Atlanta
I am having a constant issue with my wireless Genie clients losing their network connectivity. I have the dreaded HR-17 (Genie II) and I also have a stand-alone WVB. The HR 17 is located in my basement and the WVB is located upstairs. I was told that this would work...however...

As I was watching something on one of the wireless Genies, the screen began to freeze, then would state "Signal Interruption", then "Waiting for Receiver Signal" (see attached images). I began some troubleshooting on this end with rebooting the HR-17 as well as all receivers. Once everything was back online, the wireless receivers were still having issues. Two of these wireless receivers are practically next to the HR-17.

I began to dig deeper into this issue. I went to the menu, and selected Whole Home. I clicked on the Bridge option which then showed me the two wireless bridges. The HR-17 had zero clients connected to it. The WVB had every wireless client connected regardless of location in my home.

I think I know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway: is there a way to allocate specific wireless clients to a specific bridge? I know I should have had some of these receivers hard wired, but hindsight is that 20/20 thing. Thank you in advance.

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I went through the same thing, after tons of calls and 3 visits, I cancelled the service.

John, you told me to do the same thing, hardwire the receivers. That is not always a feasible option for some people, hence why I did not go that route. Appreciate the suggestion, but it isn't viable for all.

And by the way, when I was having the issues, two of my receivers were hardwired and still had issues.
Unplug the WVB and then reboot the two C61W‘s you want to connect to the HS17, they should then connect to the HS17. Then power the WVB back on and hopefully until the C61W reboot they will stay linked to the HS17. I think the problem is that when the HS17 reboots the WVB is still up so the clients connect to it.
Unplug the WVB and then reboot the two C61W‘s you want to connect to the HS17, they should then connect to the HS17. Then power the WVB back on and hopefully until the C61W reboot they will stay linked to the HS17. I think the problem is that when the HS17 reboots the WVB is still up so the clients connect to it.
I don't have any Clients, is there no way to tell the Client which device to connect too ?
I am having a constant issue with my wireless Genie clients losing their network connectivity. I have the dreaded HR-17 (Genie II) and I also have a stand-alone WVB. The HR 17 is located in my basement and the WVB is located upstairs. I was told that this would work...however...

As I was watching something on one of the wireless Genies, the screen began to freeze, then would state "Signal Interruption", then "Waiting for Receiver Signal" (see attached images). I began some troubleshooting on this end with rebooting the HR-17 as well as all receivers. Once everything was back online, the wireless receivers were still having issues. Two of these wireless receivers are practically next to the HR-17.

I began to dig deeper into this issue. I went to the menu, and selected Whole Home. I clicked on the Bridge option which then showed me the two wireless bridges. The HR-17 had zero clients connected to it. The WVB had every wireless client connected regardless of location in my home.

I think I know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway: is there a way to allocate specific wireless clients to a specific bridge? I know I should have had some of these receivers hard wired, but hindsight is that 20/20 thing. Thank you in advance.

Since the WVB is internal -Your only choice is to move the HS-17 Closer to the wireless clients -or you might try adding an additional WVB if that is even possible- Wired Clients are always way better than wireless --When distance is an issue

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Whenever this type of thing came up, we were told to install everything on the main floor ... particularly if it was a 2 story and possible basement.
Basements are always hard to work with as far as signals go with all the brick.

I would move it all to the main floor and see IF that helps.

radioactive hr54

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