Search results for query: *

  1. C

    Netflix Raises Fees for Blu-Ray...AGAIN!!!

    I dumped blockbuster. We had three movies at a time from them, and they throttled our account so often it wasn't funny. Then they put a limit on the in-store swaps, which I could live with, but they also took out 2 instore coupons for games per month away--which I actually used for games, and...
  2. C

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    The shield was awesome. Bad cops suck in real life, but kick ass on TV!
  3. C

    Rude Installer

    Could be the guy was just not talkative. Some aholes think they are paying for you to be their buddy for the day, and get sand in their twat if you are all business. Me? I can hang out with you OR I can work. I DO NOT get paid to be your booty buddy, so leave me alone and let me work. Kthnksbye
  4. C

    Dish just lost another Hd customer

    It's amazing that you guys could understand the OP. I speak & read american english, not redneck meth head or mexican or cuban or french canadian. WTF is wrong with people? Why the hell would you lease an apt. where you expect to have to terminate the lease anyway? I think someone is...
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    700 WLW Off XM Today

    When I called to cancel I got jamaica. I listened to wlw. One less reason to reactivate when/if I ever get to go back to work.
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    Satellite Encrypted Receiver

    If the OP already works at a satellite channel that is adding another, wouldn't they already have this stuff? :confused:
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    primestar recognition

    They area where the logo sticker went is usually NOT textured, right? So, one could look for the shape of the logo where it used to go. The big ones also had P* on the feed cover sides.
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    Fun Stuff with dishes

    If 70 yards WITH a scope is a challenge for you.......... :eek:
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    Top Movies are a gyp!

    I hate to be a wet blanket, but people like you are the reason this stuff is available. What kind of sucker rents a VOD or a PPV when there exists netflix? I do not know the answer to this, but aparently, you shave with him. :D
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    Why do Fox affiliates use their own logo for primetime HD?

    Who cares? Don't like it? Wait till its on DVD!
  11. C

    Flat Roof Dish Install

    It shouldn't move around as long as he didn't do this: LOL. And yes, that one moves around. I got us a pallet off the tire truck and put it out back, but some ghetto jackass stole it before I could take it up on the roof and put the dish on it. Firestone doesn't want to pay for a...
  12. C

    DirecTV Scam my old tivo. I could also use a weaknees unit, but this only makes since if it avoids a bloody commitment. So, if I repair and reactivate my old Tivo, are they gonna make me commit? I understand that I could call D*, but they are incompetent morons, and I don't trust no stinking...
  13. C

    Installation Begins

    You sound like a jerk, and I feel sorry for that tech. He should probably replace the 11 year old cable, though.
  14. C

    Comcast ups the high speed competition!

    I got comcrap out of Memphis. I did that test. yeah, they suck and no way in hell would I even consider upgrading. OTOH, who knows, maybe I will actually get what I am supposed to get now if I pay more. LOL. 2.335 down 1.039 up WTF
  15. C

    Cancelling Service--procedures

    If you didn't PAY for it, you do not own it. Charlie doesn't do "free." :rolleyes:
  16. C

    Surround Sound Forgotten?

    I don't understand why you would run "surround sound" through a TV in the first place. To me, "surround sound" goes to a processor/reciever. TV speakers suck and can never measure up to a proper system.
  17. C

    Will my installer take down a competitors dish

    Honestly, he wasn't out of line. I wouldn't have done it either. Every trip up the ladder has a chance to end in disaster, and I am not swinging my ass in the wind for free. So, unless it was directly in my way, it stays. Monopoles are always required.
  18. C

    Dish Locals Shutdown and DirectTV

    I think you are all getting ripped off. I would never have dish after having them f me over as a subcontractor for 18 months. I haven't had D* since my TiVo R10 hard drive died. Local stations are nutty for asking for ANY money from anybody other than advertisers. If they get paid for me to...
  19. C

    Found worlds largest Primestar dish? on the one I mentioned, but that was 8+ years ago and the thing was already bleached white. The guy said he was one of the first to get P* in that area. Any of you ever checked out "miniature satellite dishes" by Dr. Frank Baylin? I have a copy of the second edition I made my...
  20. C

    Found worlds largest Primestar dish?

    There is one on Hwy 82 west of Strong, Ar. It was still there last time I went by, but that was a year ago. Right out in the front yard.
  21. C

    Canceled sub today

    when I am at home, I don't listen to music. besides, my primary mode of transportation doesn't have a radio. I do wish we hax XM at work. Terrestrial radio plays the same songs over and over again. every day. sort of like 20-22 on xm. Man, I hated the times when multiple channels would...
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    Canceled sub today

    What a PITA. Not really a fan of the sirius changes. I gave it until my last day of school, but since I am on medical leave b/c of a motorcycle crash, and finished with school, I don't anticipate driving much (mine was a real XM, not a roady type radio), I won't need it. Too bad my head unit...
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    Install was yesterday....

    He's a customer. They know everything. :rolleyes:
  24. C

    Pam spray

    do whatever you want. The idea is to get the water off the dish before it ices up. Snow won't be a factor if it doesn't have ice to stick to. If your dish is where you can reach it or hit it with a sprayer, you can de-ice it with windshield deicer, but we only get snow once every two years...