tOSU being investigated for tattoo-gate?

cjwct said:
Free room and board ... what do they need money for?
What if they want to order a pizza? Eat the free cafeteria food, right? What if they want a beer? Hell, if someone buys them one it's probably a violation! Rent a movie or go to a movie... Put gas in their car to drive home on breaks...
Free room and board ... what do they need money for?

I went through this at FSU. What about money for laundry? Toothpaste/soap/ and maybe having some small snacks in your room? What if I wanna take my girlfriend to a simple movie? What if I have a piece of sh** car on campus and it needs repairs? GOD forbid, what if I have to go home because of an emergency?

Without going into to much details of my college life....I went to FSU on a baseball scholarship.....FULL ride. BUT, we were not allowed to have a part time job. This was NOT because it would take alot of my time away from class and practices, but because they were afraid 2nd basement might get bought. I came from a VERY poor upbringing and the full ride did not pay for everything. I sure as sh** could not call home or family because they did not have the money. So I ran errands at the athletic department for FREE during the off season. My job was to make arrangements for alumni and their football tickets. The tickets they were not gonna use, they would give to me as a gift and I would sell them for face value and keep the money. I needed it desperately. My round trip ticket to and from upstate NY at the time was and still is VERY expensive. I got caught and I got in trouble.....lost my ride. Would I do it again, in a NYC heartbeat.

These football players and basketball players make university MILLIONS to pay ENTIRE athletic departments...and IF they don't pan out. Yep, they got a free education, but the university made MILLIONS off their likeness, their name and their image. In MOST cases, if the player gets hurt....they will pay the ride in full...but ONLY if you are a star....if you are a nobody, I would not be surprised if they don't do it. So at NO POINT is the education is "free", you work for your grades but you slave for a university and the conferences they belong to.
Academic students with a "free ride" have the ability to earn money doing jobs (in or outside of school). These athletes don't have that opportunity because they are always busy with their sport, but they sure make a lot more money for the schools than their academic counterparts.

Athletes dont have the opportunity because they are busy? How do you think most of these people that are on scholarship got them? Most people on those types of scholarship put just as much, if not more time in as those that are on athletic scholarships.

As far as the making money for the University part, I would wager that most big donors to the majority of schools are not former athletes. I have not looked up those stats, but id damn near bet on it. Depends I guess on how you define make money for the schools. Yeah, during their time there, a few of the players on the team make money for the school by their play. Thats not true for all of them, even though we all know there is no I in Team.

Some schools dont allow athletes to work though, and if that is the case, then there is a discussion to be had on that point. I just wouldnt want it to be university (or in most cases taxpayer) provided stipends. Thats a different discussion though than what most have talked about here.
If they dont pan out?
They still got an education that costs the normal joe hundreds of thousands of dollars. For free. (time put in to practice and be on the team of course)
Like I said, most would kill to be so lucky.
Sorry to say but even as a former athlete I stand on the side that as an amateur athlete, star or not, you should not be allowed special treatment of ANY fashion in which a regular student can't get also. Here are some examples I find painfully obvious.

Donts I think some amateurs do this because they just may never make it as a PRO so cash in NOW just in case - because you are still a "big fish" at the moment.

1. Selling or trading your jersey, ring, cleats or ANYTHING of this nature as it relates to something special to being an athlete.
2. Getting into special events, clubs, parties, concerts. You likely shouldn't be there ANYWAY!
3. Selling or trading your autograph for other items or services. Just wait till you go PRO.
4. Don't show-off nice cars, jewels, and mega-$$$ worth of electronics unless you are prepared to show how you got them.

The kind of "violations" that make me sick are the ones where the NCAA complains about a coach or another person buying the team a cheap McDonald's or pizza dinner or helping with a flat or minor car repair because you know that can and does happening to regular students each and every day. The NCAA has gotten out of control and so have parents and boosters they constantly try to find ways around the rules; thus making the NCAA's job even harder which may be why they are so out of control.
Sorry to say but even as a former athlete I stand on the side that as an amateur athlete, star or not, you should not be allowed special treatment of ANY fashion in which a regular student can't get also. Here are some examples I find painfully obvious.

Donts I think some amateurs do this because they just may never make it as a PRO so cash in NOW just in case - because you are still a "big fish" at the moment.

1. Selling or trading your jersey, ring, cleats or ANYTHING of this nature as it relates to something special to being an athlete.
2. Getting into special events, clubs, parties, concerts. You likely shouldn't be there ANYWAY!
3. Selling or trading your autograph for other items or services. Just wait till you go PRO.
4. Don't show-off nice cars, jewels, and mega-$$$ worth of electronics unless you are prepared to show how you got them.

The kind of "violations" that make me sick are the ones where the NCAA complains about a coach or another person buying the team a cheap McDonald's or pizza dinner or helping with a flat or minor car repair because you know that can and does happening to regular students each and every day. The NCAA has gotten out of control and so have parents and boosters they constantly try to find ways around the rules; thus making the NCAA's job even harder which may be why they are so out of control.

I agree. The last part in particular.
I went through this at FSU. What about money for laundry? Toothpaste/soap/ and maybe having some small snacks in your room? What if I wanna take my girlfriend to a simple movie? What if I have a piece of sh** car on campus and it needs repairs? GOD forbid, what if I have to go home because of an emergency?

Without going into to much details of my college life....I went to FSU on a baseball scholarship.....FULL ride. BUT, we were not allowed to have a part time job. This was NOT because it would take alot of my time away from class and practices, but because they were afraid 2nd basement might get bought. I came from a VERY poor upbringing and the full ride did not pay for everything. I sure as sh** could not call home or family because they did not have the money. So I ran errands at the athletic department for FREE during the off season. My job was to make arrangements for alumni and their football tickets. The tickets they were not gonna use, they would give to me as a gift and I would sell them for face value and keep the money. I needed it desperately. My round trip ticket to and from upstate NY at the time was and still is VERY expensive. I got caught and I got in trouble.....lost my ride. Would I do it again, in a NYC heartbeat.

These football players and basketball players make university MILLIONS to pay ENTIRE athletic departments...and IF they don't pan out. Yep, they got a free education, but the university made MILLIONS off their likeness, their name and their image. In MOST cases, if the player gets hurt....they will pay the ride in full...but ONLY if you are a star....if you are a nobody, I would not be surprised if they don't do it. So at NO POINT is the education is "free", you work for your grades but you slave for a university and the conferences they belong to.

If your on scholarship and get injured, blow out a knee or something, does the school pay for the surgery and rehab ?
If your on scholarship and get injured, blow out a knee or something, does the school pay for the surgery and rehab ?

In MOST cases, they will pay for the operation...and that's about it. UNLESS you were a big time star. I was a decent 2nd basemen that barely played. FSU paid for my 3 arthroscopic operations, but this is while I was attending school on the full ride. We use to(I don't know now because this was back in the early 80s when I went there) have an infield practice area that had artificial turf that we used during "fall ball". I had NEVER practiced on this kinda turf and my knees went out. I had 2 arthos on my right knee and 1 on my left. Not to mention removal of any scar tissue. Back then, that operations was in it's infancy. Back then, it was the operation and 4 weeks in a cast. On 6th week, you were walking and rehabbing. By the 8th week you can do a little running and you could not practice until you 10th or 11th week, if all went well. NOW, you are practicing within 3-4 weeks after the operation. After my scholarship was taken away, I was not even allowed to rehab my knees. WHERE was I supposed to rehab with no insurance and no money?

I am still VERY pissed off how I was treated by FSU. :mad::rant:
Salsa, did you know at the time that accepting the tickets and selling them was against the rules? You did say that you would do it again, knowing that it is. Just curious if you knew when you did.
Salsa, did you know at the time that accepting the tickets and selling them was against the rules? You did say that you would do it again, knowing that it is. Just curious if you knew when you did.

Yep....of course I knew. That is the 1st thing the tell ALL student athletes. Did I think it was fair? Hell, I was not even allowed to borrow money when I had a family emergency. I don't know why I even took the "go-for" gig at the athletic department....but once I started getting free tickets....I knew that I was not gonna go to all the games, so I started selling them. I took my chances. I did it for 1 year. I KNEW if I got caught, I could get in trouble. I knew MANY football/basketball/baseball players that would borrow toothpaste, trade some of there things for soap. In some cases when they had no toothpaste, they would brush their teeth with just water and then steal mints to suck on so their breath would not stink.

I know ALOT of folks here will not agree with it...I frankly have never cared what others think....I know what I went through and it still bothers me to this day.
Yep....of course I knew. That is the 1st thing the tell ALL student athletes. Did I think it was fair? Hell, I was not even allowed to borrow money when I had a family emergency. I don't know why I even took the "go-for" gig at the athletic department....but once I started getting free tickets....I knew that I was not gonna go to all the games, so I started selling them. I took my chances. I did it for 1 year. I KNEW if I got caught, I could get in trouble. I knew MANY football/basketball/baseball players that would borrow toothpaste, trade some of there things for soap. In some cases when they had no toothpaste, they would brush their teeth with just water and then steal mints to suck on so their breath would not stink.

I know ALOT of folks here will not agree with it...I frankly have never cared what others think....I know what I went through and it still bothers me to this day.

So basically you were a Scalper, or in better terms a "Ticket Broker" .... If you made it a business, it would have been legal .... ala Stub Hub and all the others !

Except for how you got the tickets ...
When did you make up that rule?

I didn't. The United States government did. Its called Title IX. Look it up and be informed next time.

As to schools making money off athletic programs, you are so far off track you will never ever be able to get back on.

As stated, most of the "profit" in college athletics is accounting tricks. At the most basic level, they build the infastructure at state expense, off the athletic budget. If you accounted for college athletics as if they were minor league sports, there are about 30 programs that might make a little profit.

Will not even address the vitriolic spewing about tOSU.

You mean the cheaters who got caught cheating because they cheat?

Where are you getting your insider info re: rules violations?

Umm, from the newspaper. Outlaw State got caught, again. Try to keep up, OK?

Some friends are MDs and I will inform them that they did what you say.

They would already know that, genius. Pick a school. Lets try Louisville. The last two years of medical school are 99% work in a hospital. Not classroom work. Free work for an ultra profitable medical center. I'm sorry you wish to allow Outlaw State, and others, to cheat, but don't make stuff up as you go along. Any health profession involves a large amount of free work for the hospital. MD or DO? The last two years of medical school, then a residency, then probably a fellowship. A little more than two or three years playing football.

Also, upper-middle class <> over a million / year for a typical surgeon. - What is the average yearly income for an MD

$200K/year. A little less than an NFL salary.

Poor little Outlaw State, caught cheating, again.
That's always bugged me (a little bit) about him. I have wondered if he's not 'allowed' to say good things as part of his job as it might show favoritism. He could of course stay neutral though...

All the other announcers lean towards thier schools.

Think of Dr Lou and Notre Chump football. At least he never claims to be impartial about them. :D
So basically you were a Scalper, or in better terms a "Ticket Broker" .... If you made it a business, it would have been legal .... ala Stub Hub and all the others !

Except for how you got the tickets ...

YEP. For myself. I never sold them for over face value because I did not know better and no one knew I was doing it until an alumni that gave me his tickets, wanted them back and I told him I "gave them away".
So what is cheating about a kid selling his jersey for a tattoo?

They violated their amateur status via an NCAA rule. Regular students do not have team jerseys that have any market value in which to curry goods, services or favors. So he cheated they cheated the rules as written and should have been deemed ineligible from that incident forward. I am not really sure why the new classes coming in have to be told over and over about these things; God knows they see and gear about it before they walk in, so it should be REAL EASY to understand; so it stands to reason they think they are above it or can simply get away with it.

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