What should Vick do to get back in the NFL...?

That is the hypocrisy I do not understand.....Prime example is this situation with your Browns wide reciever. When the news broke out that Donte Stallworth flashed his long lights at the pedestrian and hit him, INSTEAD of coming for a stop....there was all this simpathy for Donte...

Hypocrisy? Vick was directly responsible for taking the life of a an innocent creature. Yes, I'm well aware that taking a life of a human is more serious than taking the life of a dog, but it's the intended act that most people have a hard time getting around. Stallworth didn't set out that night to kill someone. It was an accident. Vick didn't "accidentally" torture and kill dogs. He meant to do it. BTW, Stallworth will be punished by the court of law as he should be.
But will you accept a guy that has beaten his wife? gotten into drunk bar fights? THAT is acceptable?

i responded to a question about the Vick case. I never said I accept any of the things that you mention and frankly I am baffled at why you think I do.
I think once Vick has paid his debt to society, and any further debt Goodall comes up with, he should be allowed to play in the NFL. You cannot take away a person's right to make a living.

But not for my team...personally, I could never root for that piece of garbage.

If you care about animals even a little (or even if you don't) and want to be sick to your stomach, read the transcripts of what he admitted to doing to his dogs. The press only reported part of it, which may be a good thing. The cruelty goes far beyond forcing animals to fight each other, which is the perception some people have.

Vick funded and participated in the breeding of dogs who were born for the sole purpose of being sadistically tortured for the enjoyment of human beings. Vick can play in the league, but I can't root for him.

You also have to wonder what some NFL players may be thinking themselves. Of course, an offensive lineman who is getting paid will most likely do his job and protect his QB, even if he is an animal lover. But you do have to wonder if there are some defensive lineman and linebackers who will do their jobs a little better, hit a little harder, maybe do some things on the borderline of the rules, when Vick is on the other side of the ball.


Spot on Sandra. I particularly agree with the bolded statement.
I have no sympathy for Stallworth and the result of his actions is far worse than Vick. The reason Vick is such a villan is because he knowingly treated those dogs in a SADISTIC manner. You have to be pretty F'ed up in the head to do what Vick did.
i responded to a question about the Vick case. I never said I accept any of the things that you mention and frankly I am baffled at why you think I do.

That's Salsa's MO. In order to ensue an argument or debate, he often flips the script or responds to questions with more questions to drag things out instead of focusing on the subject at hand.
So if the guy does charity work for the Humain Society...does TV spots about how he was wrong and how he was sorry....and has GREAT workouts..and could STILL help your team....you would STILL not take him?:confused:
I wouldn't want him on the Browns under any circumstances.
The one thing everyone forgets about Vick is that he was never really that good in the NFL. Incredible athlete? Yes. Great NFL quarterback? No.

I don't really care if he comes back or not because I don't believe he'll make a huge impact with any team.
The one thing everyone forgets about Vick is that he was never really that good in the NFL. I don't really care if he comes back or not because I don't believe he'll make a huge impact with any team.

I always thought he was pretty good...
The one thing everyone forgets about Vick is that he was never really that good in the NFL. Incredible athlete? Yes. Great NFL quarterback? No.

I don't really care if he comes back or not because I don't believe he'll make a huge impact with any team.

He was good, but not the game-changing type QB some expected when he first came into the league. He never did live up to his commercials.

He was good, but not the game-changing type QB some expected when he first came into the league. He never did live up to his commercials.


He must have been doing SOMETHING good because he improved a dead franchise and had one of the biggest, if not THE biggest salaries in the NFL.

I remember him coming down here against decent Dolphin team and sitting in the pocket and lighting up two of the best cover corners in the NFL, Partick Curtain and Sam Madison ...in their prime for over 350 yards and 4 TDs.

I think he WAS a VERY GOOD QB..quite possibly great. I saw him come down here playing for VT and beat VERY GOOD Miami Hurricane teams WITH his arm.

And WHY are you rooting for a player and NOT your team...??! I have never rooted for a player UNLESS he was my favorite player.... Players are interchangable.....as long as your team wins, WHO they use should be irrelavent.....I mean do you root of the team or do you root for the player?
That's Salsa's MO. In order to ensue an argument or debate, he often flips the script or responds to questions with more questions to drag things out instead of focusing on the subject at hand.

Well I am calling him on that MO. We should bea ble to discuss things rationally without putting words (and ridiculous words at that) into the mouths of those who express a viewpoint different than ours.
That's Salsa's MO. In order to ensue an argument or debate, he often flips the script or responds to questions with more questions to drag things out instead of focusing on the subject at hand.

LMAO....MY MO.....I love that.....!! Since you know me SOOO well...quick, what's my home phone number....?;)

I did switch anything.....I just asked he also accepted what OTHER players have done.
Hypocrisy? Vick was directly responsible for taking the life of a an innocent creature. Yes, I'm well aware that taking a life of a human is more serious than taking the life of a dog, but it's the intended act that most people have a hard time getting around. Stallworth didn't set out that night to kill someone. It was an accident. Vick didn't "accidentally" torture and kill dogs. He meant to do it. BTW, Stallworth will be punished by the court of law as he should be.

An ACCIDENT??!! Driving Drunk and instead of stopping...he flashed his lights at him so he could hurry and cross the street...an accident??!! LMAO!!
i think once he pays his debt he should be allowed back in the nfl. not this season though. would i want him on my team? nope. where ever he goes the amount of negative attention he'll bring to that team will be huge. do i think someone will give him chance? yes, but probably not as a starting qb. he has a rocket for an arm and he's extremely athletic but was never that great at the qb position.tends to run more than he should.his mentality leans more to one of a running back which is a shame because i wish chad had vicks arm. he did go to a few pro bowls but so did favre last year when he didn't deserve to go :rolleyes:.

am i ok with what he did? no, i think it says a lot about what type of person he is but as it was already posted there are others in the nfl that have also conducted themselves in a very inappropriate manner but have been allowed to return to the NFL. to say he shouldn't would be hypocritical. if you don't allow him to return then there are others that also need to go.

again i'm not saying what he did was ok. to say he made a mistake would also be inaccurate! an act that is performed more than once and in his case repeatedly does not qualify as a mistake. even if he wasn't directly involved in this crime, he allowed it to happen on his property and probably was well aware of it. < my opinion

if i saw vick on the street i wouldn't stare at him,much less shake his hand.do i want anything else from the guy? no. he has paid his debt to society and has a right to continue his life. i believe that people can change. i've personally seen worse change their lives for the better. if he's truly sorry about what he was involved in and it's never repeated, that itself should be recognized and the past forgotten. after all, if it was any of us and we were truly remorseful about a mistake or an intentional act we would also want to be forgiven;)
Well I am calling him on that MO. We should bea ble to discuss things rationally without putting words (and ridiculous words at that) into the mouths of those who express a viewpoint different than ours.

I did not put ridiculous words in your mouth....I answered YOUR post with questions?

Where in my post did I say, "I heard you say this....." or "you once posted that...."

THAT is putting words into your mouth....I just answered with questions....
I suppose that if you like Vick , or if you consider dog fighting and throwing family pets into the ring with pit bulls to be acceptable behavior Vick's reinstatement will be a story of redemption. But for most of us we would rather not see him back.

BTW I think Goodell did lay out the terms under which Vick might be reinstated. But I don't think he wants to reinstate him either.

But will you accept a guy that has beaten his wife? gotten into drunk bar fights? THAT is acceptable?
These questions are clearly off-topic and have nothing to do with this thread. Unless Vick did those things too. :rolleyes: