Another unhappy Sadoun customer!

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"The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires mail order merchandise be sent to the buyer within 30 days of purchase"

It's been twelve days since the motor was ordered. However the card probably shouldn't have been charged until the item shipped.
What we have been seeing is not the real problem at all, only symptoms and manifestations of the real problem.
In my profession, I encounter many people who bittterly complain about their problems, but when offered simple, effective solutions such as Brian suggested, they refuse to apply them. On the surface this seems irrational until you examine the underlying motive: If these complainers applied a solution such as Brian offered, they would no longer get to talk about their favorite subject: Themselves and their problems. So they continue on, actually deriving a perverse sort of comfort with their misery, actually embracing it as opposed to ending it and finding another source for their feeling of importance.
What we could expect to happen is, if this person were to apply the solution Brian suggested, he would buy a motor elsewhere and then we would all be treated to a discourse about how great the new vendor is, compared to Sadoun. Can't wait.

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I agree, goalie is now the one looking like a whiny, pouting kid. Heck, a few weeks ago I ordered a new motor from Brian. It arrived DOA which surprised us both. Instead of pitching a fit about it I contacted him directly and we worked it out. Was I disappointed? Heck yeah...but stuff happens sometimes you know? This isn't yet a perfect world nor does everything always happen in a timely manner. The fact that Sadoun is still in business after all these years and apparently doing well shows that most of his customers at least are satisfied. The occasional 'customer from hell' they are willing to lose and let someone else deal with them. I do agree however, that websites that allow you to order something that is currently out of stock should not let the order go through without some sort of a tag indicating to you that the item is currently not available. I'm not a programmer but I wouldn't think that would be too difficult to do.
I need to issue a correction with my apologies to Brian. Brian no longer sells motors so he did not sell me a defective motor. The motor I purchased was from another Gold sponsor here but the problem was cleared up through emails and after that I shortly received a working motor. It was certainly an anomaly.
:angel:SKYSCANNER very well stated and I agree! I would like to make an addition to that which is: HE IS GETTING THE ATTENTION WHICH HE CRAVES. So I would like to make this suggestion. Let us just ignore him and not comment anymore on his tirade. I've had product delays also and the world didn't come to an end. No big deal. In the end I got what I needed and all is well. Maybe one becomes more tolerant and understanding with age and maturity. I am happy and keep on playing with my fta toys. Slingbox right now is frustrating because don't have the remote control codes for the OPENBOX sat rx. I too will work that out and when I get to that point the world is still ok. This whole thing sounds like the soap opera " AS THE WORLD TURNS ". Enjoy life, because it is too short!:)
Of course you are correct,...ordinarily, but your suggestion that we just ignore this has already failed. This post had disappeared to page 2 yesterday, and we would all have been happy except the the OP replied with: UPDATE, there is no update. That brings it back to page 1 again, and it will continue. See what I mean? It won't just go away so we may as well face it. When he finally realizes how he really looks to everyone, he may then give up. I certainly would be ashamed of myself having made all those threats of legal action and not having followed through on any of them. Looks empty and desperate.
would these actions be acceptable from an ebay seller? would you leave negative feedback to a seller whose auction you won, accepted your payment, didn't ship but then continued listing auctions for the same item? should b&m businesses be held to a lower standard than ebay sellers?

What we have been seeing is not the real problem at all, only symptoms and manifestations of the real problem.
In my profession, I encounter many people who bittterly complain about their problems, but when offered simple, effective solutions such as Brian suggested, they refuse to apply them. On the surface this seems irrational until you examine the underlying motive: If these complainers applied a solution such as Brian offered, they would no longer get to talk about their favorite subject: Themselves and their problems. So they continue on, actually deriving a perverse sort of comfort with their misery, actually embracing it as opposed to ending it and finding another source for their feeling of importance.
What we could expect to happen is, if this person were to apply the solution Brian suggested, he would buy a motor elsewhere and then we would all be treated to a discourse about how great the new vendor is, compared to Sadoun. Can't wait.

You hit the nail on the head. This guy used to B & M all the time on the E* site about how awful they were. He has move to D& now and FTA so he now has to B & M here and maybe on D* side. So SS I think you got him down to a tee. :up:up:up:up
Goalie, This might help...If you've been talking with the girls in the office? with no luck... Ask to talk to Bill....Whenever I've had a problem he personally took care of it....Blind
I agree, goalie is now the one looking like a whiny, pouting kid. Heck, a few weeks ago I ordered a new motor from Brian. It arrived DOA which surprised us both. Instead of pitching a fit about it I contacted him directly and we worked it out. Was I disappointed? Heck yeah...but stuff happens sometimes you know? This isn't yet a perfect world nor does everything always happen in a timely manner. The fact that Sadoun is still in business after all these years and apparently doing well shows that most of his customers at least are satisfied. The occasional 'customer from hell' they are willing to lose and let someone else deal with them. I do agree however, that websites that allow you to order something that is currently out of stock should not let the order go through without some sort of a tag indicating to you that the item is currently not available. I'm not a programmer but I wouldn't think that would be too difficult to do.

You and Brian worked it out because there was communication.

My case totally different, there is no communication what so ever from sadoun.

According to some of you even if I posted happy news, you all would say I'm still complaining!
Of course you are correct,...ordinarily, but your suggestion that we just ignore this has already failed. This post had disappeared to page 2 yesterday, and we would all have been happy except the the OP replied with: UPDATE, there is no update. That brings it back to page 1 again, and it will continue. See what I mean? It won't just go away so we may as well face it. When he finally realizes how he really looks to everyone, he may then give up. I certainly would be ashamed of myself having made all those threats of legal action and not having followed through on any of them. Looks empty and desperate.

Actually I have followed through.... :up:up I just haven't posted here.
You hit the nail on the head. This guy used to B & M all the time on the E* site about how awful they were. He has move to D& now and FTA so he now has to B & M here and maybe on D* side. So SS I think you got him down to a tee. :up:up:up:up

Look at E* now falling apart.... Where have I complained about Free to air or D*? Only in your imagination!.... So no there was no nail hit on the head.
I'm going to jump in here

I have had many good experiences with Sadoun but that is my experience.

Many companies both big and small are struggling to make it - - - the economy is tough right now and many places have to make cuts in various places to make a profit. I don't know if that is what happened here but maybe just maybe we should give Sadoun the benefit of the doubt.

The vast evident found in this thread is that normally they give very good service - - - goalie your experience was different - - - but we all need grace at different times in our lives.

Thanks for listening.
i have never dealt with them but i think you are over-reacting here....

lets keep things in perspective here....its a satellite dish motor....geez....i think you can live without it for a few more weeks....the sun is not going to explode....the sky is not falling....chill....

if your satellite dish is so important to you that you cant be without it for a few more weeks then you must lead a very boring life....

if this is the way you react about something so unimportant and meaningless in life i would hate to see how you deal with your REAL problems in life....
Where have I complained about Free to air or D*? Only in your imagination!.... So no there was no nail hit on the head.

Bob there were a couple times with D* was the whole 3D receiver thing, one was overseas reps and the last was about the rebate.

And sometimes its not that you complain, its how you do it. Alot of times before trying to resolve it with the company you come here and start a story. A good example recently was the rebate thing. Before you even called D* you posted about it.

I dont get why you havent called the CC company and filed something with them to get your money back and go with someone else. Or if Sadoun has charged your credit card call them up and get a refund. That is what happened when the Sathawk/Solomend wasnt out yet. I pre-ordered one and paid. Then there was the original issue if blind scan was on it and we didnt have a definite answer since the manufacturer didnt show it. So I sent a PM to Sadoun asking for a refund which they promptly did. (I did end up buying one later as they did show that blind scan was on it).

I checked WSI/Galaxy and I see they have their brand of motor with the 55mm shaft on it for less. And if you have an issue I'm sure Robbie would be sure to make it right. :)
I have been hoping this thread would have died by now.

I do think Bob's gripes in this thread are legitimate. Although the way he gripes sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.

I got to be honest, and I am saddened to say I have had experiences like Bob has with Sadoun unfortunately. One time I ordered a specific brand LNB that I needed and was sent a different brand instead. I got the brand that I didn't want. I was told by Jamal it was all they had in stock at the time but if I wanted to ship that one back he would ship me the correct one when he had the correct one back in stock. If you have something listed in stock on your website then it should be in stock. For that one I had to make due with the LNB he sent as it was for a project I was working on and could not wait.

Then there was the time I ordered a 6 foot dish from him. I was told it was in stock, and then it turned into we have one here but the panels are different colors is that ok? Then it became the DISH I wanted was back ordered and would be available in a few weeks... finally after waiting a few weeks I ordered a 8 foot dish from SatelliteAV... the dish I paid for from Sadoun I decided to ship to Iceberg. It went from being in stock, to a mix and match dish, to on back order for 3 weeks to finally almost 3 months before Iceberg got the Dish.

Those times were very unfortunate in doing business with Sadoun because there have been plenty of other times where his service has been top notch. (and I mean REALLY good!)

I have met Jamal a number of times over the year, and he is a great guy. I am positive he did not want any of this to happen. I know hes been traveling trying to find stuff to bring to the US and at the moment the FTA market is not the best. Getting equipment that can work here is a challenge. It been a hard year or two for him. This I know and understand.

I hope his business improves and I also hope his service does as well. He should not be advertising items in stock and billing people when they are not shipping the items ordered.

These are hard times for Sadoun, an I am wishing him nothing but the best as he works to make things better.

Now people have asked why we haven't closed or deleted this thread... if you go an look when someone has an issue with one of our sponsors or non sponsors we do not close it, we instead let the companies defend themselves and show people how god they really are. This has been better not only for our sponsors who get to shine and show how great their support it, but it is also good for the member who is a consumer as it helps them get this problem fixed. I feel it does not do any good for the company, our members or our site to just sweep things like this under the rug.

Thats my on opinion and 2 cents. :)
You think so

Look at E* now falling apart.... Where have I complained about Free to air or D*? Only in your imagination!.... So no there was no nail hit on the head.

Only in your mind. Just because Fox is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes in not the end for E*. So stop using your bias opinion to try and bolster your statements.
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