Another unhappy Sadoun customer!

Please reply by conversation.
I had the same issue when I ordered my Geosatpro receiver as they showed the item in stock and the person on the phone confirmed that. So I waited and waited, no emails or shipping update from them and finally I called and found out the item was being dropped shipped from the factory. From other posting this appears to be their problem of not updating people when either out of stock or getting the item from someone else. Get the money and then order the item, at least that what it sounds like to me. Or they realize that a person may not order something if it shows zero quality on hand and will look for another place to order it from which equal lost sales for them.
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Do we really have to have this in here?
Lighten up dude.

I agree...Language is not necessary..I ordered my equipment from Sadoun over a year ago..It was here earlier than expected..Plus they were real helpful over the phone with me being a newbie then..Nothing but good experience with the Majority of posters seem to have..
TantalusFld said:
Do we really have to have this in here?
Lighten up dude.
goaliebob99 said:
Wtf are you talking about? 99 percent of the catches are from here, (satguys) and most of them are not complaints.
I agree...Language is not necessary..I ordered my equipment from Sadoun over a year ago..It was here earlier than expected..Plus they were real helpful over the phone with me being a newbie then..Nothing but good experience with the Majority of posters seem to have..

Well... even when that kind of language is never acceptable, we also have to take into account the guy posted his bad experience with a seller and he practically got chastized, with someone even going as far as to judge him a priori, even though he doesn't know him and did it based solely on a google search, whereas Goaliebob is just expressing his disgust over a transaction gone wrong and it's not fair to go against him as if he is the one who's been wrong from the get go.

Let's not forget that companies, good companies, grow and make adjustments on their way of doing business based on the bad experiences of their customers, the majority of the time boot-licking comments about how good they are don't reflect the weaknesses of a business.

So... yeah, the guy is having a bad experience, I thank him for sharing with us what went wrong; if I've had a good or a bad experience with Sadoun doesn't matter, because the one with the bad taste in his mouth after all of this is not me, it's Goaliebob.

A few months ago i read about a guy who was a moderator from a tech forum, he had a bad experience with a sponsor of that forum (defective mechandise that got replaced and its replacement also was dead on arrival), he expressed it on said forum and ended up being chastized, banned and backstabbed by his peers just because they didn't want the sponsor to end up being hurt by that (now)former mod comments.

Cheer up and lighten up with the guy, let's see how it all ends up, for every one hundred transactions Sadoun makes, at least has to have one not so good transaction, unless they have the most efficient business in the world with zero complaints.
I can understand customer frustration since I've been in the customer service field, trouble desk and technician in the communications industry. Having said that; there are always 2 sides to a story. With honey you catch more bees than with salt water. Yes, I as a consumer have also been frustrated but a anger tirade does not resolve the problem. Improvements are always possible. Are there perfect companies out there, NO. I've had questions on products from SADOUN and I've treated them they way that I liked to be treated and that is courteous. I've had to wait for items even though the website didn't state that they were out of stock. If you've ever had to deal with foreign suppliers and how some of them operate then you will have these types of problems. In today's economy, everyone wants the cheapest price and the best deal, understandably so but does anyone ever think of what the overhead of an operation is and still be competative? For my part, I had to exercise patience to wait for my receiver, made a lot of phone calls to Jamal, very nice and patient person, Judy as well. LT in the warehouse is also doing a good job. If there is an issue, then they will do their best to resolve it. I like to quote an old saying, " The way you holler into a canyon is the way the echo comes back ". Courteous and patience will get you a long way even when you are extremely frustrated. I know what I'm talking about since I've been on both sides of the fence in industry. I realize I'm not solving your problem but it might be a little bit of enlightning. May you be successful.
...whereas Goaliebob is just expressing his disgust over a transaction gone wrong and it's not fair to go against him as if he is the one who's been wrong from the get go.
People are basing their responses because GB is apparently real difficult to keep happy. Remember, he's the one who said

"I'm 1000 Percent glad that these guys are not a sponsor here anymore."

Now, based on what Scott has stated in the past, I wouldn't be too sure that Scott agrees with that. The site stays afloat on the $$$ that these sponsors put up. I don't know why Sadoun isn't a sponsor anymore though...

Or, he says

"...and Do not order from them" and "they do not deserve the business of anyone here!"

Pretty strong comments, don't you think ?
People are basing their responses because GB is apparently real difficult to keep happy. Remember, he's the one who said

"I'm 1000 Percent glad that these guys are not a sponsor here anymore."

Now, based on what Scott has stated in the past, I wouldn't be too sure that Scott agrees with that. The site stays afloat on the $$$ that these sponsors put up. I don't know why Sadoun isn't a sponsor anymore though...

Or, he says

"...and Do not order from them" and "they do not deserve the business of anyone here!"

Pretty strong comments, don't you think ?

Im not real difficult to keep happy if you do things right the first time instead of trying to half ass them, then I'm happy. I just have the worst luck with things not going the right way the first time. Now with that said, I havent heard not one complaint from anyone else in regards to any sponsor who is currently a sponsor of this site. They all do a great job, and I know I can rely on any of them to accurately have there sites updated or if there was any problems with the order they would contact me in a timely matter via an email or phone call.
When I ordered my VIP 211k from Dish store, it was shipped the next day and I had a tracking number the Same day! Brian or his staff, from Glorystar has been very quick to let me know whats going on with my order, if I haven't had a tracking number the same day! Sadoun, not so much. Even though I had problems with them in the past, I still gave them a 2nd shot as I'm forgiving and understanding that crap may happen. Unlike some here who continue to give me crap just because of what I post here, even though in real person, I'm nothing like what people like you make me out to be online.

Sadoun still hasn't called me, as I'm the one who has called them. Its their responsibility to keep their customers informed, That Sadoun has failed to do.

As far as my comments saying not to order from them, thats my opinion. Don't like it, don't let the door hit cha where the good lord split ya! I have every right to make a comment here just as any of you do. Also, its self explainitory why they are not a sponsor here. I'm not going to go into why Sadoun isnt a sponsor here anymore as there was much more that what you guys saw going on. I honestly dont think that sadoun would be coming back, and if he does I would be surprised, unless him or Scott came up with some sort of deal, but I know that Scott is happy with what he has now, and while sponsors do help pay the bills, if it was all about money we would see 10 times the amount of sponsors on this site than what we see now!

I think GB is putting them down because they are not a "Gold Sponsor" any more

No, It's because I have had now, for the 2nd time saudon has screwed up or delayed my order. If they are giving me this bad of customer service, then why should I recommend them? I'm just pointing out that errors like this could have lead to Sadoun getting the boot, besides the constant spam that went on in the forums from their company.
Now with that said, I havent heard not one complaint from anyone else in regards to any sponsor who is currently a sponsor of this site.
You may be right, they may do a good job (and I hope they do). I have a hunch what would happen if someone posted a rant (and had others back them up) about a current sponsor though... :eek:
I think if someone has a problem then they have a right to post their problem on here. If someone posted on here everytime they had an issue with a company they dealt with then we would figure out which ones were more reliable and which one's weren't and perhaps those companies would see that some fixing would need to be done. Everybody has a glitch every once in a while though.
Im a bit surprised that sadoun hasnt responded to goliebob by now!I know that he has or still monitors whats going on here at satellite guys.No bussness is perfect!but i think sadoun is sending a wrong message by not replying to all this.Maybe hes away right now and others minding the store havent stepped up to the plate to do some damage control.Like i said before i have aways had good customer/seller relations with him and dont really understand why this problem isnt getting cleaned up.
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i'm with OP on this one. how would they like it if he treated them that way? there is no excuse these days for a piss poor inventory system. this motor should should show up at his door asap and a full credit to his cc as an apology for their poor service.

actually the count so far in this thread on good/poor service is roughly 50/50 so i think calling this an anomaly is wrong. and besides for those people criticizing him for his feelings and earlier posts and language who are you to criticize/judge/impose your views as being the correct ones?
i'm with OP on this one. how would they like it if he treated them that way? there is no excuse these days for a piss poor inventory system. this motor should should show up at his door asap and a full credit to his cc as an apology for their poor service.

actually the count so far in this thread on good/poor service is roughly 50/50 so i think calling this an anomaly is wrong. and besides for those people criticizing him for his feelings and earlier posts and language who are you to criticize/judge/impose your views as being the correct ones?
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this motor should should show up at his door asap and a full credit to his cc as an apology for their poor service.
They should give it to him for free because their inventory was off ? That's ridiculous ! The lack of follow-up and/or poor service afterward maybe warrants a small discount but shouldn't be expected either.
I agree with beavis except for giving him full credit for the item. I think they should do something for all the poor service but it does not merit a full credit for the item.
I take exception to the 50/50 characterization.
When I looked (earlier in the week) it was more like 10:1 in favor of Sadoun.
However, I'm not going to waste time adding up the original comments to prove a point.
We're only getting 1 side of this scenario. Why would Sadoun need to call GB99 when it's obvious he's been on the phone plenty, and it's obvious nothing Sadoun can do will make this customer happy. Even if he GAVE him the motor TODAY, this customer will still not be happy and will contiinue to tell everyone who will give him an audience what a terrible business he thinks Sadoun runs. What is Sadoun supposed to do? Make a motor magically appear and then give it to him for free? Did Sadoun screw up? Probably. Chalk one up for GB99's side. It's obvious there has been some communication: GB99 was told the motor is supposed to be there around the 1st week of October, not what GB99 wants, but that's the way it is. To only hear GB99's side of it, you would think that the unavailability of a motor is a plot by Sadoun to defraud him. Really now, get a grip, someone has been staring at their avatar too long.
When did we become such a nation of whiners that we're supposed to be compensated with cash or free merchandise every time we're inconvenienced? Especially when this will not change GB99's attitude toward Sadoun at all. Here's what I propose: We've already given this way more of a forum than it deserves. Sadoun screwed up and one irate customer is making an international incident out of it. We have turned this forum into a whiney, touchy-feely encounter session. Let's just say "enough already" and move on to real discussions on FTA and leave customer relations to resolve this pitiful little incident that has already been blown out of all proportion.
Bottom line is this: Show me a company or individual who has never screwed up. There aren't any, you are fooling yourself if you think there are. With that in mind, I will spend my money wherever I choose. One of the things that has GB99 upset, besides the fact that he might miss a few sports feeds over the weekend, is that his hoped-for boycott of Sadoun isn't getting any traction. GB99 comes out looking worse than Sadoun on this one. Makes me want to get my checkbook out and order something I don't even need from Sadoun.
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I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal opinion regarding this matter.

First of all, regardless whether GoalieBob was justified or not in his complaint, he obviously went about his complaint incorrectly. His comments were sarcastic and unprofessional. He was in an unhappy state and very dissatisfied and possibly he had reason to be disgruntled but, he should have handled his complaint in a much better fashion with more courtesy, ettiquette and diplomacy.

If anyone has a complaint regarding a sale or service from any company or individual, they should take that complaint up with that company or individual personally or with law enforcement agencies or with the BBB. It should not be aired among the people unless you have reason to believe and have facts to PROVE allegations that the company is defrauding the consumers or deliberately conducting illegal operations.

I am sorry that you, GoalieBob, had a bad experience, but your complaint has backfired in my opinion, as your commentary on the issue only led me to support Sadoun's reputation and I didn't buy your story due to your demeanor and choice of words and/or phrases. I say this to you as I think you should have done better for the family of FTA satellite hobbyists and enthusiasts and should have represented us with a higher standard and more dignity and grace and diplomacy.

That being stated, I wish to include that I have done repeated business with nearly each of all of our sponsors here, including Jamal Sadoun, and I have never had a negative experience with any one of them. Quite the contrary, every experience that I have had was one of very pleasant and enjoyable circumstances.

I had to state this to you, GolieBob, as I have known you here for quite a long time and I honestly think that you are above this all, you just had some frustrations and wanted to vent them. I understand that, but I want you to remember that I think you could have handled it much better if you hadn't let your feelings and frustrations taint your logic and your written words.

Better luck to you in the future on all of your enterprises!

RADAR (Gordy)
Sadoun is no longer a sponsor...why? Who knows. What I DO know, is I'm sure he's still a member here. This has now gotten to 58 posts. I've seen him post, to tell people he's fixing it, your stuff's on it's way, etc, in the past. This time, after almost 60 posts in this thread...nothing. This, to me, speaks volumes about customer service, or lack thereof.
Something could have come up where Soudon was not around to post a reply to this or to help resolve the problem. On the other hand, if he was around and ignored this then maybe it does show bad on his part. Just trying to look at this on both sides of the fence in all aspects. For all we know he might have felt that it would best not be addressed in this forum or maybe he has had experience with the customer before.
Please reply by conversation.


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