CE's for Labor Day Weekend

Something else interesting, On my HR24, I downloaded the 0x4d9, same on my HR20-700.
You guys are reporting something MUCH different on the 21-23's .... Hmmm.
hr20 and hr24-500 didn't get the new gui. incredible because thats what i have :( all other dvrs are included tonight with the new gui. enjoy
We have a new GUI!! Unfortunately it locked up my box and had to reset it.. It just froze after the banner came up..

some more pics would be nice :)
On it.. Had to wait for it to reboot, because that pic was while it was frozen.. :D

I have noticed that it dropped all of my custom lists, and my locals are not showing up.. I've got it rebooting one more time then I'm going to do a refresh.







Guide (Looks like a the new guide is still being worked on)


Captions/subtitles are much clearer now (font scales properly)

So they went to avatars in some screens ?
Thats too bad, they make it look cheap that way in my opinion, thankfully it's not every screen.
I got 04D9 on my HR20, nothing different! How did you guys get the new GUI and I didn't!
Yeah they're in all of the menu options except for "My Directv" (which is what they're now calling UMIGHTLIKE).. Yeah it looks cheap, but I can definitely see it because it's more "friendly" to look at. Text menus tend to intimidate the technologically challenged.. ;)
So they spent all of this time on an "HD" GUI, and they weren't able to squeeze any more info on guide? Still 1 1/2 hours by 6 channels?

Are there any significant changes other than crisper graphics and a few icons?