Tribune stations gone?

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Hopefully they get it worked out, but i'd also love to see a superstation pack with wpix, wwor, wsbk and ktla come out of this. The one thing i loved was havjng that on my old c band and maybe the knly worthwhile thing dish has that we dont.
The Chicago Tribune (HQ for the Tribune Co) article I referenced earlier made it pretty clear that it was the Tribune pulling the plug and that the two sides were far apart. They also state that they receive no compensation from DirecTV. DirecTV seems to be downplaying the situation and claim Tribune does receive fair compensation.

Someone will eventually blink but I wouldn't be surprised to see at least some of the Tribune stations go dark on DirecTV.

It is really kind of sad to see it come down this as WGN was one of the first, if not the first superstation and a staple of nearly every CATV and DBS system almost from the beginning (and by many accounts, the reason the Cubs can field horrible teams but continue to remain one of the most popular teams in the Majors).

This is probably the same as most others, a lot of bickering just before deadline time ... doesn't mean D* is pulling anything, for all those out there saying that D* is doing it.

Note the line previously about continuing to negotiate after the deadline, happen all the time when the two are trying to get a resolution.

At this point it doesn't sound like the Trib is interested, we'll see.
WTBS was the 1st Superstation by like 2 years. Also WGN has far few Cubs games now. Use to be almost all were on WGN now its like 60 or so
1st satellite superstation..wnew,wor and wpix were available via microwave in the early 1970's..along with other stations on a regional basis
I used to watch WGN all the time when I had cable, but now that I have Directv and they have less Cubs games I don't watch but maybe 5 times a year.
Here we go again. The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

It's the same rhetoric we see in every other dispute. First, the only way those stations go dark on DTV is if Tribune pulls them. Secondly, 99% of these disputes get settled before the stations get pulled.

The only exception I can think of (that affected me or the NYC DMA) is Versus.

So, instead of getting all worked up, just sit back and wait it out.
But robjlevin, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!
I think we WILL see the Tribune stations going away on Saturday.

The reason I say this is because I am being told by a number of retailers that Comcast has started running some nice ads telling why people should switch to Comcast from DIRECTV so they do not miss their favorite FOX television shows. (I should note I have not seen these ads myself)

This appears to be a heavily orchistrated move on Tribunes part.

I did however see a full page ad in todays Hartford Courant (which is also owned by Tribune) which I have attached below.


  • keepfox.jpg
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Yes, I'm tired of those retransmission consent disputes, and it's getting very common. I think the retransmission consent clause is a curse by ex-Congressman John Danforth (R-MO), and if they didn't have this retransmission consent clause in the 1992 Cable Protection Act bill, this mess wouldn't happen today. IMHO.

It' not fair that TNT, TBS, ESPN, USA... etc get tons of revenue just from subscriber fees, not necessarily the result of a good product and advertising revenue. The commercial stations before this law had to put out a good product period or they'd be off the air. As it is, the broadcast networks are losing quality programming to high bidders like ESPN who can outbid FOX and CBS for sports. The broadcast networks before this law weren't subsidized for poor ratings like MSNBC, for example, which I contend would not be on the cable/sat systems with their current programming if they weren't getting the subscriber fees they are getting now. The ratings just aren't there. The again these fees also cause our subscription rates to go sky high every year sometimes outpacing the rate of inflation. So, this is good and bad. Personally I'm glad I have the AM-21 so I can watch WGN. I can wait this out with an over the air signal. If I was outside the CHI market I'd be pissed off.
Don't forget, Tribune is under network pressure to generate Retran$ money - especially from FOX. 25 cents a head now, more next year, more next year, and so on. Not sure how much The CW or MyNetwork might be demanding. ABC's probably wanting a 50-50 split.

Whatever they want or get, we all know who'll end up paying in the end. Look in the nearest mirror.

And yes, Jimbo, this is a contract issue.

It's actually 35 cents per sub now for 2012. It was 25 cents last year. In 2013, it'll go up to 42 cents and in 2014, it'll be 50 cents per sub. Fox Fee Demand Driving Away Affiliates | Media Matters for America
EDIT: BTW, don't mean to hijack the thread, but I found these two letters from that article (which are dated over a year ago) that were sent to the FOX affiliates about this whole retranmission issue. The first is from the FOX affiliate board and the 2nd is from FOX Networks. Again, not trying to hijack the thread, but considering that Tribune has 7 FOX affiliates, I'm sure that's one reason they're asking for retransmission money from D*. Affiliate Letter1001.pdf
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Maybe after they make up and agree DireCTV will reach an agreement to come out with a Super Station Package like Dish. Better yet it will be in HD.

I can only dream. . .
Why? There is nothing special on them anymore. They all pretty much show the same thing. Heck, I get KTLA and never watch it.
The hand is on the other foot!

It's about time DirecTV subs get a taste for business as usual at Dish.
DirecTV has conflict issues like this every year. A few months ago it was with FOX. The difference is, unlike with Dish, the channels seldom get pulled because an agreement is usually reached ahead of time.
I suspect it will be settled at the last minute. the Comcast ads happen all the time in programmng disputes affecting satellite. they are not much of an indicator one way or the other.
The same ads came out when DirecTV was having disputes with FOX a few months ago. In fact they even had commercials on TV telling people to switch. And it was settled a couple of days before.
I don't care if the stations do go away for a few days as long as they reach an agreement a few days later AND add the

Superstation package

like Dish has today.
I would love to get all those channels.
Does anyone know if this will affect the Food network which is controlled (but not wholly owned) by tribune.
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I might get an installer job

HR24 on single feed legacy 18inch dish?

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