Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

I have been playing Fallout 3 on my PS3 and I absolutely love it. This is a game I can get lost in.
I have been playing Fallout 3 on my PS3 and I absolutely love it. This is a game I can get lost in.
Agreed. I enjoyed the game except that the bugs kept ruining the experience. Too many times I got stuck or had characters act like they had a case of the stupids and I just couldn't take it anymore. If you can get past all that then you're in for quite a fun ride.
The Video Game Awards are on Spike at 9:00 eastern tonight for those that care. They are supposed to have several exclusive first looks as well. I will DVR it so I can skip through the parts I don't care about and the performers.
Agree w/ ME1, I played it a bit, kind of liked it, but I'll never touch it again because of the tedium of running around and talking to people. ME2 seemed so much better, and I am hoping to play through that before I get to ME3. I played the demo of ME3 and liked it quite a bit.

These days I've started playing Planetside 2, a PC FPSMMO. Ton of fun at times, just need people to play with or it's easy to get overwhelmed. So much fun to hop in a random person's vehicle as their gunner and then watch a few hours just evaporate. Bored/stressed lately so even installed Everquest 2 to tinker with that.

One of the WWE games is probably my longest Gamefly rental when I had the service. I stopped watching when I was a kid probably 20+ years ago at this point... this was the era with Hacksaw Jim Dugan... Jake the Snake's snake getting squashed by Earthquake, the Legion of Doom, the Bushwackers, Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, etc etc. Before the attitude era I think when it took things to the next level, WCW and others were still around (and I was not interested in them at all). One of the UFC games is one of the games I've kept the longest from Redbox. I go back and forth between these games when I need a wrestling fix, I'm about due to buy one.
The Video Game Awards are on Spike at 9:00 eastern tonight for those that care. They are supposed to have several exclusive first looks as well. I will DVR it so I can skip through the parts I don't care about and the performers.
I don't even bother with that. I just wait until the next day when all the trailers are posted online and watch them there. The VGAs are such a joke anyways it's not worth giving them the viewership. While I'm ALL for setting a truly recognized video game award, like how movies have the Academy Awards, Television has the Emmys, etc, they're a LONG way from that now. Basically the VGAs are just a corporate run video game circle jerk to show off trailers and give "awards" to whatever games sold the most copies.
Agreed. I enjoyed the game except that the bugs kept ruining the experience. Too many times I got stuck or had characters act like they had a case of the stupids and I just couldn't take it anymore. If you can get past all that then you're in for quite a fun ride.

I've noticed the bugs but I've gotten past it. Haven't played it in about a week now. I've been too busy and just haven't been in the mood. The game I play all depends on the mood. Think I may play some Modern Warfare 3 this weekend while my wife and son are away.
I have been playing Fallout 3 on my PS3 and I absolutely love it. This is a game I can get lost in.

Agreed. I enjoyed the game except that the bugs kept ruining the experience. Too many times I got stuck or had characters act like they had a case of the stupids and I just couldn't take it anymore. If you can get past all that then you're in for quite a fun ride.

Fallout 3's GOTY edition is probably one of the best gaming values and experiences on the PS3, in spite of its age and being a Bugthesda game. Fortunately there are a lot of ways to minimize (though not completely eliminate) the many potential bugs, freezes, and glitches. Someone on the PS3T.org forum put together a nice advice thread on it.

Agree w/ ME1, I played it a bit, kind of liked it, but I'll never touch it again because of the tedium of running around and talking to people. ME2 seemed so much better, and I am hoping to play through that before I get to ME3. I played the demo of ME3 and liked it quite a bit.

Eight hours into Mass Effect, I am enjoying it, but not loving it to the extent of ME2 and ME3, which I literally had trouble stopping myself from playing over and over. My intention was three playthroughs of ME to complete an Insanity run, but it might be hard to motivate myself to play that many times as I'll likely want to jump right into importing my first ME Shep to ME2/3. All the talking to get more backstory to the ME characters/races is interesting at times, but in my first 4+ hours of play, I think I only shot at about 20 enemies (mostly on Eden Prime).
Fallout 3's GOTY edition is probably one of the best gaming values and experiences on the PS3, in spite of its age and being a Bugthesda game. Fortunately there are a lot of ways to minimize (though not completely eliminate) the many potential bugs, freezes, and glitches. Someone on the PS3T.org forum put together a nice advice thread on it.

Eight hours into Mass Effect, I am enjoying it, but not loving it to the extent of ME2 and ME3, which I literally had trouble stopping myself from playing over and over. My intention was three playthroughs of ME to complete an Insanity run, but it might be hard to motivate myself to play that many times as I'll likely want to jump right into importing my first ME Shep to ME2/3. All the talking to get more backstory to the ME characters/races is interesting at times, but in my first 4+ hours of play, I think I only shot at about 20 enemies (mostly on Eden Prime).

The GOTY Edition is what I have and love it. Bought it new two months ago on Amazon for $15. Was thinking of getting New Vegas soon, also was on sale for about $15.
Yeah I mainly plays BF3 right now but also play Star Wars Old Republic and Counter Strike Global plus Guild Wars 2 all on PC. :)
Just beat The Walking Dead. I put this in my best of 2012 awards even though I hadn't finished it yet, and now that I have, I still stand by that statement, although I do have a few points of contention with it.

Apparently TWD the game corresponds more with the comic book than the tv show and takes place right as the sh*t really starts to fly. From what I can tell this is a completely different story than what the television show has, but I can't confirm this as I have never seen the show, but I read up that playing the game does not spoil the show, and apparently vice versa. You play as Lee, a convicted felon who is being transported to jail until suddenly his driver crashes their car and Lee is able to escape. He meets up with a young girl named Clementine, who acts as the focal point of the story with Lee basically swearing to himself to protect her. From there you meet up with various characters who will either join up with you or interact with you in some way, and the decisions you make mold the story as a whole, to a point anyways (more on that later.) It is broken up along 5 episodes, all ranging about 2-3 hours each. It's done in Adventure Game style, which is unsurprising as the company, Telltale Games basically creates only such games, but as someone who has played other games by them I can safely say that this is their best effort so far. And considering the game has grossed $40 million, it's obvious people agree. It's a standard "new age" point and click adventure, but unlike games like Monkey Island or Sam & Max, this game focuses less on solving puzzles to get the plot going and more on telling a story and the people you interact with, as made evident by the fact that I had to consult GameFAQs much less with this than I have with many other Telltale games.

And it's through the cast and interactions that this game shines. Often times you are forced to make decisions with no right answer that cause dramatic changes, such as who gets to live and who dies. In fact you have to make such a decision in the first chapter. Characters will remember the decisions you make and will not hesitate to remind you of them, which can lead to problems or changes later on. They do grow on you, especially Clementine, the girl you are trying to protect. Her relationship with Lee is paced and dramatized very well, to the point that at the end of the game, I was literally bawling my eyes out. Yes, it touched me that much. As much as video games have evolved in my lifetime it is still rare that a game touches me in such a way. The last one to do so was Mass Effect 3, which tells you the kind of company TWD is in.

Still, I have yet to find the perfect game and TWD is very good but doesn't reach that mark. My main complaint is in part to do with it's biggest strength, which is the decisions/story element. While it is true that the decisions you make can affect the storyline, at the end of the day everything still plays out and you will get the exact same ending as everyone else. This gets a little frustrating later on when you realize that supposed "tough" decisions really weren't that tough had you known nothing would have changed from an ending standpoint.

For example, there's one part where your party comes across an abandoned car full of food and supplies. You have to decide whether or not to take the food and supplies to help your own party, or to leave it there in hopes that the person will come back soon and thus not be left without food. Seeing as my party was starving and food had become very scarce, I of course opted to take the food. Some people did give me some flack for it, but I thought that given the circumstances, basic survival overrode common courtesy. Also, who leaves a bunch of stuff like that out there unattended? Later on in the game I actually was confronted by the person who that belonged to, and he gave me stern chiding for it (among other things that I won't get into for fear of spoiling.) However, when I looked it up I saw that even if you DON'T take the supplies, they still end up being taken by your partners and then you get crap from the same guy later for not trying harder to stop them!
While I'm glad the game doesn't pull what older adventure games used to and allow you to get yourself into scenarios where you forgot something or didn't do something and thus can't proceed and have to pray you saved in the right spot, it would have been cool to see my actual gameplay experience modified by what had happened, as opposed to simply replacing who is in a particular scene and what is said as a result of your actions.

While that does seem like a really major complaint, I didn't find myself regretting or thinking much less of the experience once I realized this, and I'm still looking forward to playing through the game again knowing all that I know now as opposed to previously. The game is available on numerous platforms (except Android because Telltale sucks like that) but I'd suggest straying away from the iOS version and instead do PC or Xbox/PS3. The controls on the iPad are much more convoluted than they have to be, and I've read numerous stories about it having major stability issues if you need to multitask and switch between apps.

Overall, The Walking Dead gets an A from me and if the television show is half as good as this game is then I can't wait to get into that as well.
Walking Dead was one of my favorite games of the year too. I'm glad to hear you compare it to Mass Effect 3 from a story standpoint. I got into Mass Effect late but I played the first one in about 2 weeks because I was so into it and I'm about half way through the second now. So far even without finishing the series yet I can say that Mass Effect and what I have played so far into Mass Effect 2 are my favorite gaming experiences of this console generation. However, I have heard bad things about Mass Effect 3. If it lives up to Walking Dead's story I have no doubt I will love it though.
Walking Dead was one of my favorite games of the year too. I'm glad to hear you compare it to Mass Effect 3 from a story standpoint. I got into Mass Effect late but I played the first one in about 2 weeks because I was so into it and I'm about half way through the second now. So far even without finishing the series yet I can say that Mass Effect and what I have played so far into Mass Effect 2 are my favorite gaming experiences of this console generation. However, I have heard bad things about Mass Effect 3. If it lives up to Walking Dead's story I have no doubt I will love it though.
Trust me.. if you liked ME1 and 2 I see no reason why you wouldn't like 3. Hell 2 and 3 are nearly identical from a gameplay standpoint, and it continues the great storylines and such, with your decisions from the earlier games once again making a difference with how things play out. 99% of the complaints about ME3 had to do with it's rather lackluster ending, and quite frankly the expanded ending that Bioware released later does a decent job in rectifying that situation, and I think it's rather off to think that 120+ hours of enjoyment brought by the series beforehand was somehow erased in a matter of 30 minutes stemming from the ending. Yes, even with the dissappointing ending I still declared ME3 one of my games of the year, and quite frankly after you finish ME2, if you find yourself not caring enough about the fate of Shepard, the crew, and the universe, well then you must be some sort of robot.

TL;DR: Play ME3; I promise you won't regret it.
It's one of those games that you can just kick back with your 360 controller connected to your PC and enjoy. Got it along with Prototype 1 from Amazon for really cheap over the holidays.

I've heard Sleeping Dogs is good, Amazon currently has it on sale for $9.99. They have a lot of 2k games on sale, and have had some ridiculous THQ bundles (25 titles for $24 last week) lately while they can still sell them.

Xbox One, issue with Ready to Install List & External Drive

Possible xbox Hard drive issues....is all lost

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