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  1. cablewithaview

    Cable War Fails to Offer Rate Relief in Montgomery

    Bills for thousands of Montgomery County cable viewers will increase by 4 percent starting March 1, when Comcast Corp., suburban Maryland's largest cable television provider, raises rates throughout the Washington region. Montgomery leaders had hoped that competition from a new provider...
  2. cablewithaview

    Judge Bars DirecTV HD Ads

    A federal judge ruled Monday that DirecTV must stop running ads claiming that its HDTV service is superior to cable’s, pending the outcome of a false-advertising suit Time Warner Cable filed against the direct-broadcast satellite operator. Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the U.S. District Court...
  3. cablewithaview

    Alabama coach's salary raises questions

    MONTGOMERY - In a poor state that struggles to fund public schools, the $4 million a year offered to the University of Alabama's new football coach sent the wrong signal to some. "That certainly makes a strong statement in a state that funds education at one of the lowest per-pupil rates of...
  4. cablewithaview

    Cuban claims that broadcast networks are missing HDTV opportunities

    One of our favorite egomaniacs has once again stepped atop his soapbox, and with relatively awful sentence structure and nearly illegible paragraphs, Mark Cuban has managed to blast broadcast networks for missing the opportunities HDTV presents -- or at least that's what we deciphered. He...
  5. cablewithaview

    Not So High on High Definition

    Squeezed Signals Mean Some HDTV Customers Aren't Happy With What They See A pretty tough crowd hangs out at Tough as in tough to please. The site, which has more than 180,000 registered members, hosts discussions about high-end home-entertainment systems, including...
  6. cablewithaview

    Going back to Dish

    It's been over 2 years since I've been on Dish. I left in good standing, I have the equipment and probably will put it back up after the 1st of the year. I'm sure the card would have to be replaced, so do I call first and let them know of my intentions or wait till I have everything ready to go...
  7. cablewithaview

    Christmas Light Show

    This light show is over in the next county from me. We went to see it the other night and I thought I would share it with you, link: Their web site: :up enjoy Merry Christmas.
  8. cablewithaview

    Fireplace back on

    Notice yesterday evening the Fireplace channel has reappeared on ch.238, 299 and 402. It has a different scene this year, still logs burning in a fireplace but it is a different set of logs and if you watch it long enough someone comes into the pictures stirs up the fire with a poker and place...
  9. cablewithaview

    CNN, CNNHL, TBS, TNT, Cartoon will stay analog until further notice

    This is a note from John Ferguson at NPS concerning the analog Turner Networks, he posted this the 19th on another board: I just received the word from management. CNN, CNNHL, TBS, TNT, Cartoon will stay analog until further notice. NPS has worked out a deal to provide c-band analog support for...
  10. cablewithaview

    WTB DSR 410's

    Anyone has a handful (6 or so) of DSR 410's for sale PM me please. Must work and in good condition. thank you
  11. cablewithaview

    Why is the Christmas theme gone?

    I log in tonight and no Christmas theme. I loved the look and miss it, what happen ?
  12. cablewithaview

    NPS Wins Court Order

    While awaiting a decision from Florida litigation between EchoStar and the network affiliates, Decisionmark terminated NPS’s access to the licensed products that NPS claimed it was entitled to under their contract with Decisionmark. The eligibility to receive lawful distant network programming...
  13. cablewithaview

    Verizon Thumbs Nose at NYC-Area Cable Providers

    While most Cablevision, Time Warner and Comcast analog-cable television subscribers in New York and New Jersey won't be able to see the Rutgers and Kansas State football teams play in the Texas Bowl on Dec. 28, other consumers in the region will have a better alternative. The game will be...
  14. cablewithaview

    Atlanta, GA locals are up

    AMC 10 tp.15 the major 4 is up and running, will NPS be selling these for the Atlanta DMA and to those that qualify for DNS?
  15. cablewithaview

    Verizon set to take on Comcast/Its TV service, with SportsNet, starts Monday.

    Surprisingly, Verizon will offer the channel that has kept thousands of area customers from abandoning Comcast in favor of one of the satellite systems: Comcast SportsNet, with the Phillies, Flyers and Sixers games it carries exclusively. Neither company would comment for this story, but the...
  16. cablewithaview

    'South Park' Conducting HD Tests

    Comedy Central Animated Hit Experimenting With Format Comedy Central's animated hit "South Park" is producing some episodes in high definition, a network spokesman confirmed. At the request of the channel, Los Angeles-based South Park Studios recently produced two episodes of the series...
  17. cablewithaview

    Verizon Sets First FiOS Rate Hike

    Verizon Communications plans to raise the rates for its most widely distributed Verizon FiOS TV programming packages by about 7% in January. Beginning Jan. 1, the price for its 200-channel FiOS TV Premiere package will increase from $39.95 to $42.99 monthly for new customers in New York, New...
  18. cablewithaview

    What's cooking?

    I thought I would start this thread for people to post their favorite receipe/meal that you enjoy cooking/eating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rotel needed 1/4 to 1/3 milk 2 lb block of mild Velvetta Mexican Cheese 2 lb block of regular Velvetta cheese 1 lb of mild sausage 1 28 oz can...
  19. cablewithaview

    Have you ever???

    Has any installers, techs or what not ever got ugly with a customer? The reason I ask is, I went off on a guy (manager) the other day that was trying to justify theft of service. The arguement got heated but up to this point no cussing, but I had enough and it slipped, I gave 'em the bird to...
  20. cablewithaview

    Having issues with Netscape

    I've been using Netscape for a while now. In recent months however, it may just shut down for no reason, lose bookmarks, when cleaning out the browser it would take forever or hang up. I reformatted my computer not to long ago hoping when I reinstalled it the issues would go away. Nope it...
  21. cablewithaview

    Rapid Communications (Cable)

    Does anyone have their service? If so what do you think? I just heard of them because they are in the process of buying some systems close to me. I wanted to get an idea of how they are.
  22. cablewithaview

    Voom’s Treasure HD Is Chasing History Home

    Treasure HD will debut new original series Chasing History Home Aug. 27 at 10 a.m. (EST). The 13-part hourly series takes a look at the great homes of America -- including The Eastman House built by George Eastman of Kodak and the homes of Mark Twain, Paul Revere and The Hearst Castle --...
  23. cablewithaview

    Gospel Lands DirecTV Slot

    Gospel Music Channel said it scored a carriage deal with DirecTV -- one of the start-up channel’s largest carriage deals yet. Instead of packaging Gospel in its cable programming package, DirecTV is selling the channel its subscription local-to-local broadcast packages, which are currently...
  24. cablewithaview

    EarthLink to Build Pasadena Wi-Fi Network

    EarthLink has another citywide Wi-Fi network project, this time landing a contract to set up a wireless network for the city of Pasadena, Calif. The 23-square-mile network will provide connections for city buildings and employees and a symmetric 1 Megabit-per-second offer high-speed Internet...
  25. cablewithaview

    Electric Sky Lights Up Voom HD Nets

    U.K. production company Electric Sky will create original niche programming for two of Voom HD Networks’ services. The company will co-produce Art of the Heist for Gallery HD and Fashion Avenue for Ultra HD. Art of the Heist is a six-part documentary series uncovering the world’s most...