10,000 dead?

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vurbano said:
Is that why they put all of those men on the moon before we did?:rolleyes:

Maybe because when it comes to show power, it doesn't matter who I use to achieve it - like Wernher von Braun, known to be a nazi, was washed free of all guilt to be of service.
Sorry, can't resist on that one. There are many others as all of us might recall.
T2k said:
Soldiers are dying at this very moment to ensure a cheap source for the big energy companies, therefore ensuring your SUV's cheap gas, therefore ensuring you won't vote out or rise against the current corporate-driven system and they're also dying to stop the process of switching to Euro-based oil market exchange because that would end the current free-to-print dollar currency policy of the Fed.

Yes and as we all know the price of gas is falling as we speak! :rolleyes:
T2k said:
And then US will have serious problems because the 70s oil prices will look like happy times.

Well you don't seem to like the imperialist-capitalist-corporate system we have here. You also seem to be rooting for the US to have problems. So what are you doing here???

W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Well you don't seem to like the imperialist-capitalist-corporate system we have here. You also seem to be rooting for the US to have problems. So what are you doing here???


Well, you don't seem to grasp what I was saying. You also seem to be having problem to comprehend the history. So what do you want from me? :wtf:
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
We aren't talking about the 40's.

If you don't understadn something, feel free to ask.
Everything started in the late 30.

What happened after that?

Soviets were in the space before us, despite we had all the Nazis and European immigrants onboard. So?
T2k said:
Yes because we winning in Iraq as we speak, rrrrright... :rolleyes:

Well I was trying to be sarcastic but you didn't catch on. We have been in Iraq about 2 and a half years. What has oil done in that time period? And we are winning-reports just today of successful attacks against terrorist strongholds. The only way we will lose is the same way we lost Vietnam-the media and leftists turning opinion against the war.
T2k said:
Well, you don't seem to grasp what I was saying. You also seem to be having problem to comprehend the history. So what do you want from me? :wtf:

What I want from you is to explain why if this country is so bad you are here since you are obviously not born here and came here of your own free will. It never ceases to amaze me when left-wingers run around bad-mouthing the US but keep right on living here. If I really felt that way I would get out.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
And who put men on the moon and continues to lead the world in space? The Soviets? The Nazis?

Ouch. :rolleyes:
As I said, ask if you don't know anything about the subject. That could save the public embarrassment for you.

Let me quote you Wikipedia on "Sovie space program" from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_space_program


Two days after the United States announced its intention to launch a satellite, on July 31, 1956, the Soviet Union announced its intention to do the same. Sputnik 1 became the first satellite with its launch October 4, 1957. It stunned citizens the world over.

The Soviet space program led the space race from 1957 through 1967:

* First ICBM, the R-7
* First satellite, Sputnik 1
* First animal to enter orbit in space: Laika on Sputnik 2
* First person in space and in orbit, Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1, Vostok programme
* First dual manned flight and approach in space with Vostok 3 and Vostok 4. While considered by some to be the first rendezvous, Vostok 3 and 4 were 5km apart, and on different orbital planes. American Gemini 6A and Gemini 7 were the first true rendezvous, three years later.
* First woman in space Valentina Tereshkova on Vostok 6
* First three man crew Voskhod 1
* First EVA on Voskhod 2 by Aleksei Leonov
* First docking between two manned craft in Earth orbit and exchange of crews Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5.
* First firing of a rocket in Earth Orbit Luna 1
* First probe on the moon Luna 2
* First images of the moon's far side Luna 3
* First probe to land on Venus Venera 3
* First probe to land on Mars Mars 3 and return data
* First samples automatically returned to Earth from another body Luna 16
* First robotic space rover Lunokhod 1
* First Salyut 1 space station in 1971
* First woman to walk in space: Svetlana Savitskaya in 1984 while on Salyut 7 space station.
* First permanently manned space station, Mir, which orbited the Earth from 1986 until 2001.

So you can keep repeat your mantra about 'first to put man to the Moon' but that's pretty far from this list, let alone the fact it's nothing but using existing technologies and most likely the 'lucky' outcome of the death of Korolyev in 1966 and the lack of competency of his successor, Mishin.
You didn't answer my question. I said who was the first and only country to put a man on the moon and continues to lead the world in space exploration to this day? No one is arguing that other countries have made achievments in space in the past. Are you saying the Soviets are the leaders in space? Do they have a space shuttle?
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
What I want from you is to explain why if this country is so bad you are here since you are obviously not born here and came here of your own free will.

You can't "want" anything from you, dear arrogant American pal. You may like to hear something. I know it appears to you a smal distinction but believe me, in better circles it makes a big difference.
You answer: apparently you still unable to understand the part where I was talking about the chance US has missed when gave (gave? let it slip?) power to this bunch of lunatic idiots in 2000. As I said I believe this nightmare will end, similarly as the McCarthy nightmare ended onceor as the liberties of 60s were born.

It never ceases to amaze me when left-wingers run around bad-mouthing the US but keep right on living here. If I really felt that way I would get out.

It never surprise me when right-wingers always think if somebody doesn't share their quite simple, silly, ill-informed view of the world, he/she is a left-winger. It directly comes from their simple world, pal.
FYI: I'm NOT a left-winger - how could be somebody a left-winger after living under a Commie-regime? :rolleyes: You're not making any sense.

ALso it's very interesting that all of those liberties you guys like to brag about came under Dem administration... hehe, another example of nonsense. :cool:
You're still not answering my question.

You obviously hate the US. You can't even admit they had men on the moon first-you have to go back and point out whatever the Soviet Union or Germany did instead.

So why are you living in a country that is so terrible? If you are living here you must be paying taxes to some extent. Doesn't it kill you that you are contributing to a system that is so corupt? Or do you give yourself a pass from all that?
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
You didn't answer my question. I said who was the first and only country to put a man on the moon and continues to lead the world in space exploration to this day? No one is arguing that other countries have made achievments in space in the past. Are you saying the Soviets are the leaders in space? Do they have a space shuttle?

Ouch. :rolleyes: Nobody was talking about this, pal.
Mentioning the Apollo-program was vurbano's lame attempt to counter my argument about the better education of Europe and then I pointed out the whole program came form the 30-40s military research which were overwhelmingly based on European immigrants, their knowledge.

At least pay attention to the subject of ongoing debate when you decide to enter...
T2k said:
Ouch. :rolleyes: Nobody was talking about this, pal.
Mentioning the Apollo-program was vurbano's lame attempt to counter my argument about the better education of Europe and then I pointed out the whole program came form the 30-40s military research which were overwhelmingly based on European immigrants, their knowledge.

At least pay attention to the subject of ongoing debate when you decide to enter...

In case you didn't notice this is the "Chit-Chat Club". You can talk about anything in here. The original subject of the thread was "10000 Dead" and has been changed several times since then. You are the one that is spouting off all the anti-American stuff when you have "Location-NYC" in your header. As someone who actually is an American as opposed to just here to milk the system as you seem to be doing I have every right to question you and will continue to do so.

Until you explain why you hate this country and it's system yet want to live here.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
You're still not answering my question.

You obviously hate the US.

LOL, sure. :D That's why I live here, huh? :D

Seriously, you need some professional help if you are not joking here. Why owuld somebody live in the US if he wouldn't like it? :rolleyes:

You can't even admit they had men on the moon first

:smug That's a fact. What should be 'admitted' about it? :rolleyes:
It wasn't the subject - it's just your pathetic obsession with lunar programs as you think it's an example of some kind of American superiority whereas in reality it's one step from many, which happened America reached first.

-you have to go back and point out whatever the Soviet Union or Germany did instead.

I don't have to - I just gave you the bigger picture, hoping you'll understand how utterly silly is pounding your chest about certain things when others achieved even more in that particular field, let alone its offtopic nature in a debate.
My hopes were high, I admit now.

So why are you living in a country that is so terrible?

Wow. Your logic is quite stellar: since I don't 'admit' (sic! :D) US was the first on the Moon and I keep remembering that they were behind Soviets until the 70s technically, I must feel it terrible to living here. :D :D

Priceless, flattening reasoning. :D

If you are living here you must be paying taxes to some extent.

Yes, I do. In fact, apart from my daily job I'm also the majority stockholder in a small company, so I pay taxes everywhere.

Doesn't it kill you that you are contributing to a system that is so corupt? Or do you give yourself a pass from all that?

:) You're amazing. :)
Let me get this right. You hate the US because:

1. 2000 Election was a fraud.
2. We are currently fighting a war for oil.
3. Every war since WWII was for “imperial expansion”.
4. The US is racist country.

You are here because:

1. You are "the majority stockholder in a small company" and as such obviously making money from the US system.

So it's ok for you to get rich from the American system but not any corporations?
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
In case you didn't notice this is the "Chit-Chat Club". You can talk about anything in here. The original subject of the thread was "10000 Dead" and has been changed several times since then.

Due to the lack of data, of course. But you entered a discussion about something and now you are stucked with your Apollo-related obsession. I have nothing to do with that.

You are the one that is spouting off all the anti-American stuff

Stop acting like administration = America. It's not true. I'm always disgusted when sneaky right-wing nuts trying to sell this thing.
I am criticizing this f**ed up administration, this bunch of extreme right-wing fundamentalist, bunch of jesusfreaks (I'm RC, so I can say that) and corrupt corporate crooks.

when you have "Location-NYC" in your header.

What does it have to do with the content of my criticism? Nothing.
It'd be true if I'd live in Iceland too.

As someone who actually is an American as opposed to just here to milk the system as you seem to be doing I have every right to question you and will continue to do so.

You don't have *any* right over anybody else. This is your ill-informed, pseudo-patriotic warm and fuzzy feeling which makes you think you have any right over anybody. You don't. If you'd have, I wouldn't be here - I hate any system where anybody has any more rights than anybody else, where anybody have rghts to demand explanation from anybody else. You can *ask* but that's it.

Until you explain why you hate this country and it's system yet want to live here.

Stop this nonsense. It's sooo boring when you, right-wingers, being unable to counter others' arguments, start attacking them as 'anti-American' and 'America-haters'.

It's boring, old and ridiculous - nothing but the final evidence you cannot counter any of my statements.
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