Could be a couple things. The transformer could be under a strain from excessive draw from a capacitor breaking down. Or the coating inside could be breaking down and a vibration is occurring.
I know what is happening now. Your line voltage is low or dirty. I had a UPS on my 4D until it died and when it was running on the UPS alone the voltage was at around 90 volts and the sinewave was dirty off the inverter. Check your line voltage and see where it is at. My normal voltage is around 123 volts. I also have a very high amount of EMI noise filtration on my line that feeds all my gear. I also use a dedicated 15 amp AC circuit feeding all my gear with its own breaker and use 12 ga wire from the panel. If your line voltage is 120 plus then get a high quality EMI filter or design your own like I did. I built a surge suppressor/line filter in 96 that has take repetitive lightning strikes on the poles behind my house. And also been slammed with over voltage and under voltage conditions over the years and all my gear has never had one bit of trouble.
My voltage right now 122.3. Ive seen it run up to 140 at night only to drop to around 115 in the morning hours. I use an APC H10 to regulate voltage for sat , HiFi , TV & related equipment.