71.8 in Iowa?

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Hey iafirebuff, I am in Des Moines IA. I will have to check to see if I get this 71.8 and get back with you.
While not Iowa, I know some (PSB?) have picked it up with a meter-sized dish in MN. I'm up near Minneapolis and I can't get it on a 31"
Reception of Nahuel 1 is of marginal quality, I use a 90cm dish and only have success during winter months, so I imagine a smaller dish will have a more difficult time picking up a signal.

Maybe a moderator can answer this, I use a Universal Linear Lnb, is Nahuel 1 a standard linear bird or is it like PAS 9 where you can only lock a sinal with a Universal LNB, and whats the rule of thumb determining this.

At this moment I am getting 11499 V, 11605 V, 11611 V, and 11637 V on Nahuel
is universal all freq under 11.700 ?

If that s the case another reason some of you are having problems picking up this bird.
Is it one of those that if you use a universal to get the tps, you can later swap back to a standard?
Well, I have an 80cm, with a Universal LNB. I scanned it in last night, but came up empty. I just wanted to make sure if it was do-able or not. Thanks! :)
All I know is that I have not seen Nahuel since changing to the Standard Invacom QPH-031 LNBF!
Interesting! I never had it before, but since I am re-scanning and all I just thoguht I would check it out. I am about 1/2 way done scanning....so far picked up 3 more satellites to my east, and probably can get more if I try 1.2 :)
Glad to know there is a few FTA'ers here in Iowa! :)

You bet, I saw your username and your post and wanted to try and help a fellow Iowan :D BTW, I take it you are a firefighter? I'm not one myself, but I do work (indirectly) with some at my job.

After work last night I scanned in this 71.8, or Nahuel @ 72ºw. It picked up three channels and this was at about 2330. Sorry, I can't remember what channels they were (one of them was a Christian channel with music and scripture, prayer readings). But the signal strength was about %75, and the signal quality was about 79%. This was even with the cloud cover and rain that we have been experiencing here in IA that past few days.

As the day goes on, I will re-scan it and see what else I can pick up. I will get back with you with more details on channels and signal quality.
You bet, I saw your username and your post and wanted to try and help a fellow Iowan :D BTW, I take it you are a firefighter? I'm not one myself, but I do work (indirectly) with some at my job.

After work last night I scanned in this 71.8, or Nahuel @ 72ºw. It picked up three channels and this was at about 2330. Sorry, I can't remember what channels they were (one of them was a Christian channel with music and scripture, prayer readings). But the signal strength was about %75, and the signal quality was about 79%. This was even with the cloud cover and rain that we have been experiencing here in IA that past few days.

As the day goes on, I will re-scan it and see what else I can pick up. I will get back with you with more details on channels and signal quality.

Sounds like you found AMC-6 @72ºw

Nahuel requires a Universal LNBF :(
I scanned it in at 71.8 so manybe I sshould try 72.....although I think I have one at 72 already.

I am not a firefighter, but my father retired after 34 years as one, so I have always been a "firebuff"


You bet, I saw your username and your post and wanted to try and help a fellow Iowan :D BTW, I take it you are a firefighter? I'm not one myself, but I do work (indirectly) with some at my job.

After work last night I scanned in this 71.8, or Nahuel @ 72ºw. It picked up three channels and this was at about 2330. Sorry, I can't remember what channels they were (one of them was a Christian channel with music and scripture, prayer readings). But the signal strength was about %75, and the signal quality was about 79%. This was even with the cloud cover and rain that we have been experiencing here in IA that past few days.

As the day goes on, I will re-scan it and see what else I can pick up. I will get back with you with more details on channels and signal quality.
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