Anyone making a spring FTA "to do list"?

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damn the neighbors, and erect that mast !

Project # 3 - Mounting a deep fringe antenna up in my attic to pick up over-the-air signals.
My set of rabbit ears doesn't work too well except for our local channel.
I know that I would probably get better signal if I mounted it outdoors, but again to avoid getting complaints from the neighbours I am going to mount the antenna in my attic and hope for the best.
The words "deep fringe antenna" and "in my attic" do no go together.
If a moderate outdoor antenna would do the job, then maybe you super antenna will work in the attic.

Who are these neighbors who would complain about a TV antenna?
Do they not watch TV?
Any of them?
If they're so snooty they only go to the theatre (or opera), then they'll be gone all the time and never have to look upon your antennas. ;)

Please consider testing an outdoor antenna mounted above the eaves, but below the peak of the roof, along the back of the house.
Can't see it from the front, but it's still outside.
It's easier to install and depending on your local conditions, may do a better job.
(or not) :rolleyes: Your mileage may vary...
When we bought our house, one of the items that the lawyer brought to my attention was a zoning restriction against antennas. Our area is polluted with pizza size satellite dishes, so I guess nobody considers them to be an antenna. I'm probably going to really press the bounds by erecting a C-Band dish this spring. My local channel is available on Bell ExpressVu, so the antenna really is the lowest on the priority list. With the C-Band in full operation, I'll be able to pick up the sim-sub free networks on Galaxy 16. (I hate the way Bell overrides the ABC/NBC/CBS/FOX signals with signals from Global, CTV, CityTV and A-Channel). One reason for the outdoor antenna would be to try pick up the networks from Erie PA across the water.

In 2 or 3 years time I'll be in a new house in a more rural area, where I'll plant my dish and antenna farm :)
1. I still need to bury my coax from my dish to the house.
2. I want to mount my 18" and point it to 119 for NASA.
3. I need to tidy up the motor to LNB and LNB to switch wiring.
Well I finished the first project on my spring list.

I set up a motorized Primestar 84e for my family. Working on getting weaned from DN. :D

I still have to replace my 10' BUD. I have been sanding and repainting a 7.5' Perfect Ten dish for that.

I will also put up a C-Band dish for the family after I replace mine.

Here are some pics of the family setup and the dish farm as it currently stands.
family-pstar1.jpg family-pstar2.jpg family-pstar-motor-mount.jpg

family-pstar-back.jpg dish-farm-022807.jpg

Then I want to put in 3 more fixed Primestar dishes on poor-man H-H mounts sometime during the summer.

The weather has been a lot better here this past week. Up to 56F today. We may have some more snow yet, but it won't last long.

Spring is on it's way! :D
very nice, linuxman

well it looks like "spring" may be June now...suppose ot get another 12-15 inches of snow tonight---Friday
Holy Cow!

I feel for you guys. I have been watching the forecast up that way. My In-laws live East of Keokuk in IL, and they had some bad ice when you guys did.

Never fear though I saw Robins in the yard yesterday and today. The warmer weather will blow that way soon. :D

Thanks for the compliments.
Here in MN we got probably 2 inches right now. Just went out to clean off the LNB's/C-Band dish

2 more tonight
6-9 tomorrow
4-6 tomorrow night :(
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont send us anymore snow :D
Thank You,
I know that some of the folks here would say "Who cares what the neighbours say", but I am also doing my best to keep the resale value of my house as high as possible, because I am hoping within 3 years to move to a house that is a little more rural and where I can start a dish and antenna farm.
It's possible that if you have an fta dish setup, you may be able to sell it as a part of the house, and buy yourself a new setup when you move.... be sure to include the dish, motor if you got one, the receiver, and maybe throw in a cheap tv?...I think a lot of the general public don't know about fta and all the channels they can get through it.

I know if the previous owner of my new home hadn't left that ancient direct pizza dish in the basement when they moved out, a little over a year ago, I probably wouldn't have ever started seeking knowledge about fta, wouldn't have ever read the magazine article about fta in make magazine, wouldn't have ever looked around online about dishes, and ultimatlely fta, and wouldn't have ever visited this site. I would have been outta luck because of lack of knowledge like a lot of people in this country are... go ahead, spread the word, and sell the dish with the house. I'm pretty sure better, nicer updated equipment is gonna be here in 3 years...
well i hope its warm enough for me to re wire my BUD and fine tune it. also hope to get two or three more mounts ready for testing PrimeStars... will do it with lnbs that are already installed then hope to get a couple more for the test....

might also after the test just work them into the current system configuration since it only gets 105 to 72...... would like to get a few more west

i'm going to have to mount a new pole and move the motor so i can correct that problem but until then i can diseqc the temps primestars in....
I am going to replace my 3.1m Astra (that I got for free, a beat up dish using a buttonhook) and purchase a Brand New dish, possibly a 3.1m Sami, also, maybe will purchase a dual KU/C Orthomode Feedhorn and make my system easier to use.
It's possible that if you have an fta dish setup, you may be able to sell it as a part of the house, and buy yourself a new setup when you move.... be sure to include the dish, motor if you got one, the receiver, and maybe throw in a cheap tv?...I think a lot of the general public don't know about fta and all the channels they can get through it.

I know if the previous owner of my new home hadn't left that ancient direct pizza dish in the basement when they moved out, a little over a year ago, I probably wouldn't have ever started seeking knowledge about fta, wouldn't have ever read the magazine article about fta in make magazine, wouldn't have ever looked around online about dishes, and ultimatlely fta, and wouldn't have ever visited this site. I would have been outta luck because of lack of knowledge like a lot of people in this country are... go ahead, spread the word, and sell the dish with the house. I'm pretty sure better, nicer updated equipment is gonna be here in 3 years...

I actually hadn't thought of that. My current FTA Ku setup is an Alphastar dish that I got for FREE, and a Fortec unit that I paid either $29 or $39 for, I don't recall. $80 for the motor, and that's about it. I am definately going to be re-arranging the dishes in the spring to make them look more professional, because when I put up the motorized Ku system, it was starting to get cold and I did a bit of a hurried job of the install. I never thought about using free-tv as part of the selling feature of the house :) I'll put Ohio News Now from SBS6, Al Jazeera English or just something that they wouldn't see on cable or pizza dish here in Canada. Maybe Dr Gene Scott so that they can see a cigar smoking, cussing preacher man :)

Thanks for bringing up the point of making the dish a selling feature instead of being a drawback.
Well my wife asked me to teach her how to use the Pansat 3500 on the family Ku setup that I finished on Monday. All tuned in and ready to use Primestar 84e on SG2100 motor picking up channels from 30W to 148W. :D

She is taking to it pretty well. She complained about how to see what is on, so I took her to and logged her in with my account with most of the channels all set up. She printed it out, and went down the list asking what channels she could get?

After going down the list, and half the channels are not available because the family setup doesn't have C-Band yet, her next question was "when are you going to have C-Band ready"?

I told her to get used to what she has while I replace my C-Band dish, and I would have hers ready in a few weeks. :D

I think she is going to like it. She is in there watching Matlock right now and has magnum lined up at 8:00.

Kids are upset because she has taken over the living room tv. :D

They will get used to it too once the DN plug is pulled and they don't have anything else. :D
I plan on painting the Primestars, redoing some cables, setting one up for 30w - unless I can get the motor to go that far - LOS might be a problem on the motorized setup, and I have another receiver coming to hook up in my wife's office. We are thinking of pulling the plug from Dish when our contract is up in September, so will be getting the rest of the family up to speed with FTA.
I need to rerun some cables (they are ran behind some bushes that we are going to cut down).
I need to get a motor (and install it).
I need to move 1 of my two dishes so that I am not pointed right into a tree (it makes getting IA5 a bit dicey)
Paint 1 of the dishes (the other is brand new). If time allows.

But then again its only been a week since I got all RG6 installed so I don't think this is all going to happen this spring :>
Well, it is 80 out today, and the ground is starting to dry out. Guess I better get ready for some projects! I have decided to take the extra Primestar and do a "site survey" with it. I have a spot picked out, and if it works out, I will put my motorized outfit there (it is hidden from the road) and if I can't get full view there, I will see if I can hit 30w from there, and then put the extra Primestar there.
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Problems setting up (AMC4)on 101.0w with GT-S40 LNB

newbie needs Ultra hook-up help

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