Best system Configurations?

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Oct 12, 2006
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and new to satellite! I'm still a COMCAST/TWC subscriber, but want to move over to DirecTV. I was wondering how to find out in advance what the best configuration for my satellite setup would be.

I have 2 HD TVs that I want to connect, and I really want TiVo on at least one of them. I'm mainly interested in soccer, so want to see Setanta and Fox Soccer Channel, but my wife and kids also like to watch movies and other stuff :confused:

I do have a TiVo box already, but it's not HD.

I would also like to write from TiVo to DVD-R but don't yet have a DVD recorder.

The guys at DirecTV told me I should go with the following (all h/w from them except my existing TiVo, naturally!):

1 HD Receiver (use existing TiVO box with this one)
1 HD Receiver
Total Choice Premier (HBO/STARZ/Showtime/Sports Pack (FSC))
Setanta Sports package
4 months @ $119.77 per month, then $129.96.
$200 setup costs, $100 back MIR (effectively 1 free HD Receiver)

Concentrating on the hardware, does this sound like the optimal solution for me, and is it best to get it from them or go shopping elsewhere for the boxes?

I haven't decided on a budget yet, so all suggestions are welcome!

Are there any websites with suggested configurations, or is it best to go to a local shop and do it all through them?

Any help you can give would be much appreciated.


Sounds like an average deal for a new subscriber but you should be able to get them to waive the "$200 set-up costs" and make sure you get the standard 4 months free HD package. Depending on what kind of movie person your wife is most of those premium channels HBO, Showtime, Starz ETC, All of them show the same movies eventually. So you might be better down grading to Total Choice Plus and add on two premium choices (HBO & Showtime or whatever suits your flavor) that'll save you a few bucks.

I would imagine the 2nd HD receiver you mention is the H20 which for some has been a problem. Try to get them to give you the (HDDVR) HR20-700 so you have HD recording and HD locals if they are available in your area. It never hurts to ask. If you get the HR20-700 free or at a substansial reduction then you have gotten a good deal.

Check Dish's package, compare prices and call Direct back if Dish offers you a better deal. I personally am very satisfied with DirecTV and their service, but if you get a better deal from Dish and Direct does nothing to match. Then its your call.
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