Big News: New VOOM HD LL Web Site (They are back! or Are they?) YES!

Nothing to click on, just call.
What is this company doing to itself, it is like it is bi-polar or something.
bruce said:
Nothing to click on, just call.
What is this company doing to itself, it is like it is bi-polar or something.

What is son doing to his father and brother is a more appropriate question.....
View the source of the home page also, very little content. You can tell they are working on it as we speak/type.
VOOM Still Delivers is now bookmarked on my browser. Lets see if the site grows a bit more.

I am so confused right now. Can a company that doesn't even own a service try to sell another company's service when that company stated that they are shutting down the service and no new orders will be taken? Because, until there is a finalized sales agreement between Cablevision and Voom HD LLC, that is what is going on here.

On the other hand, does this new website indicate that a sales agreement has been reached and will be announced soon?? That would be :D :D :D
Someone needs to be sued for copyright violations.
Of all the "professional services" their host site offers, not of them are web related.
I could put up a website with Voom's copyrighted logos and content too.

Take your relax pills and wait for official announcements. Unless you guys and gals really like to live life on a roller coaster!

Just keeps getting stranger by the minute. is created. Minutes later is working again????
The comapny owned by the dolans is NOT named VOOM lLC. It is named VOOM HD LLC. It seems odd that they would use this name.