Blu-ray sales more than double while DVD slips


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Blu-ray rescues discs Thanksgiving weekend
Blu-ray salesmay have encountered a turning point on Thanksgiving weekend by saving a declining DVD market, based on results published today. Home Media Research notes that the HD format more than doubled its revenue in the US that period,
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Even 19.99 would be fine. IMO no movie, unless it's some special edition, should never be more than that.

Looks good to me. Wider adoption, higher sales, maybe more and cheaper titles.
Yeah I have too. They should adopt a standard formula or something. Offer the DVD new releases for $9.99 with no extras, make them go Blu for extras and keep that at a standard $15-$20 price.

I just spent $90 at Amazon for the complete series of HBO's Rome, Terminator Salvation and Galaxy Quest this weekend.
Have seen New releases go to 15 at wal mart! I just picked up harry potter and the half blood prince for 15 flat.. awesome, I will def. keep buying if they stay that way, my blu ray collection is now over 50!
Many new releases at 19.99 with BluRay, Data Disk, and DVD included. For the month of November BluRay discs were up 255% DVDs down %8.:D
More BD sales! Bring it on. More demand and volume inevitably leads to overstocks and lower prices. Soon we'll see the $5 BD bin at Wal*Mart (hoping!)...
Well in theory it'll be in 3D Blu-Ray next year, with all the preachy promises of hardware availability.

Even Sony wants the PS3 to be able to play 3D BD sometime next year. Seems like going after too small a niche to put resources on to me, but hey, they're burning so much money this generation on their console ($5b in the hole last i heard) what's a little more?
It's getting rare I'll even pay $20 anymore! I did pay that locally for A&D on release day (another rarity for me, release day purchase). But I paid only $15 for the new Transformers movie at BBuy and $10 ea. for Master and Commander and I Robot at Wal*Mart. BD media prices will continue to decline...

Please post the sales for 4th Qtr when they're out. Be interesting to see if BD continues to grow, and DVD decline, thru the holidays.