channel scanning

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 5, 2006
Iam having issue getting all of my channels to come up when blind scan.
is there a way to get the zgemma or dymco receivers to scan all of the transponders without putting
all the frequencies in.
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Iam having issue getting all of my channels to come up when blind scan.
is there a way to get the zgemma or dymco receivers to scan all of the transponders without putting
all the frequencies in.

During a blind scan, it should scan for all active transponders. I'm not familiar with either of those receivers, but I would assume their blind scan would not be different than any other receiver. You may also want to check your LNBF settings, and make sure your receiver is scanning both polarities. When I add a satellite that's not in the list, I add one transponder and let the receiver scan for it, and once I verify I'm on the right satellite, I do a blind scan to locate the rest of the channels on that particular satellite.

I've always found all the active transponders by doing it that way. :)
on some satellites when i do a blind scan i pick up part of the channels it makes it seem like its not looking at all the transponders.
also i have a dual c/kuband lnbf i know the cband is 5150mhz whats the common freq for ku band.
Have you tried doing a TP or satellite scan after doing a blind scan?Many times a receiver will find the transponder but miss the channels during blind scan.Running a TP scan after a blind scan usually will find the missed channels.If after that you think you're still missing channels then you'll have to resort to manual entry.
I think most standard C/Ku combo LNBFs use 5150 for C band and 10750 for Ku. BTW, some use 22KHz to switch between C and Ku bands, and others use diseQc 1.0 to switch (1 for C 2 for Ku). It should say how to switch yours in the instruction manual or on the LNBF itself.
Match what you're tuning in with what you are missing. Does the tuned freq match what it is supposed to be? If not, you may have the LO set incorrectly. Is the polarity correct? Are you getting both polarities? Perhaps the LNB is skewed incorrectly. Are you just getting the strongest transponders? If so, your dish might need better aim.
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Dual C/Ku can be a real challenge. I had pretty great success with my Titanium dual but I also have a AI Turbo S2 meter to aim and tweak. If I was working with a STB at the dish, I probably would not have had the same result. You should expect to spend a lot of time with mixed results and making compromises.

Generally, if you point it using Cband on your due south and get your arc worked out, then peak it for Ku and hopefully you still get most of your Cband and as much Ku as you can.
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24" Von Weise actuator only extends 12"

Ku band Frequency

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