Couple of Sirius Questions


Original poster
Nov 7, 2004
I'm looking at getting a Sirius radio for Christmas, but I have a couple of questions.

How long does Sirius have an exclusive on NFL games? Is it multiple years?

How much better are the 2.5 generation receivers over the second generation? Specifically, I'm looking at the very good deal posted in this forum on the Audivox PNP2, and wondering how much better the PNP3 is (what better features, better performance, etc).

Thanks for any help,

I can answer the NFL question: Yes. I think it's 6 years including this season. They are broadcasting 2 versions of each game, so you can pick the home team announcer you prefer.

And welcome to Satelliteguys!
The newest Sirius PNP's are smaller. There are a couple of minor features not on the PNP2, but nothing you would miss. I would go with the good deal, if still available, and wait until the gerneration 3 Sirius tuners are out next year.

BTW, the NFL agreement was for 7 years and this is the first year of the contract.
Thanks for the replies. I just ordered the Clarion PNP receiver and two car kits from Sirius' website.

Since I had to buy a year's service with it to get the good deal, does anyone know when my clock starts on the service? Is it from the time I receive it, or can I wait to activate it at Christmas and still receive 12 months service from that point?


mcamden said:
Thanks for the replies. I just ordered the Clarion PNP receiver and two car kits from Sirius' website.

Since I had to buy a year's service with it to get the good deal, does anyone know when my clock starts on the service? Is it from the time I receive it, or can I wait to activate it at Christmas and still receive 12 months service from that point?




I have heard from reliable sources that the clock starts ticking when you get the radio. But, if this is a question you want answered with absolution, just call Sirius and ask. 888-539-7474.
more sirius questions...

are the sirius music channels that are available on dish network permanent, or promotional only??? (trying to save myself $300+subscription)
They are permanent for now, for however long DISH's contract is with Sirius.

It's still worth it to get a subscription and a receiver for the car. Sirius has a good selection of both music and talk/news channels. :)
sirius on dish

how long is the contract??? I'm getting a receiver for the car, but I don't need one for the home (or at least a home adapter) if the channels will stay around a while.
You wouldn't need a receiver for both if you had the home kit for your pnp. You would just have to take the receiver out of the car and into your house if you did that, and then take it back to the car whenever you wanted to listen to it in the car.

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