CU officials considering athlete compensation

One issue that arises from compensating players is: How do you control how much is actually doled out?? Once you allow cash payments to players how can you track how much is actually given out by the schools?? This would probably make for more abuse than we're seeing now.

One suggestion was to have the NCAA pay the players, bill the schools, and not allow the schools to pay the students directly. I'm sure the NCAA would not like this option....
I left out top ramen! You could buy those seven for a dollar as of 1991. I have not eaten that since the end of my freshman year, May 1991. I have permanent ramen burnout.

Salsa, I would be okay with the NCAA (or the universities) giving something like $100 per month spending money to a true hardship case and a free bus pass if the athlete is living off campus. The one thing that you've stated and that most don't seem to have noticed is that student athletes are barred from working, so if you don't have *any* money coming from home, I am okay (in principle) with this.

However, I have a sneaking suspicion that it would make the system even more corrupt than it is now. Students who aren't hardships would receive payments. Students would get multiple $100 deposits per month, and so on. I don't know the answer to make it work in practice. If you could create a system that ensured that only needy kids got the money, that they got it only once per month, and that it was available to athletes in all sports (including all non-revenue sports), I would support that.