did abc move from 95w to 99w or did my dish get a stray lobe?

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well, got my answer a bit ago. on cband board there was a link to sathints. hmmmm, looked at sathints for 99w and there was abc there already but i didn't get it on a blind scan until the last scan. so went to sathints and looked at at ses1. i see cbs with other channels on a transponder that is not listed on my ses1 scan. input the transponder and lo and behold, now i got another cbs channel i can watch. i think it is from the virgin islands. will see if it is real cbs... either i am a slow learner or there is a lotta knowledge to learn. at least i finally got my 7.5' on a solid post and can go from 55w to 137w with a good signal. the only thing i have to figure out now is why my actuator can change direction a hair depending upon which direction i come from going to 97w. al jazeera is my test channel. i want to go from 55w to 97w to 135w and then to 97w without needing extra counts. i can multiple scan if i set up the satellites in order from 55w to 137w. that is the way the solomend scans in order. i do have the c band satellites working from either direction but the k band are a little tighter. charlie
Slack in the actuator tube or the mounting hardware at the dish-attachment points will cause inaccurate stops as the dish travels, mine does it sometimes. And yes I discovered some ABC channels on 99w the other day, that I didnt know about. Don't know how long they've been there, I'm sure there's lots of things on c-band I still haven't found yet, too. Those Virgin Island feeds have been there quite a while though.
so checking out ses1, daystar scans in but is a lot of square blocks on the screen. thought it was transponder was wrong. i had 3771 and sathint said 3773 so deleted channel, deleted transponder, added transponder with 3773 v 4442 and rescanned. same thing with the blocks on the screen but audio is good. is there something in the signal that i can't get? or is it scrambled so to speak? i thought daystar was a clear channel. guess i got a lot of questions tonight. charlie
Daystar has been at that location in the arc for over 10 years and is using 4:2:2 colorspace which shows up as blocks in the picture or a blank screen if your receiver doesn't do 4:2:2, which most don't.
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Signal great at dish, but not at receiver

Dish size that's able to get FTA clear "Fox Soccer Channel" on 91 W

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