Espn2 Hd??

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I can. Charlie has been saying that more HD isn't "compelling" enough.
Has anyone figured out which channel it will be on D*? There is nothing on the D* website's program guide yet. Nothing on Titan either.
billbillw said:
Has anyone figured out which channel it will be on D*? There is nothing on the D* website's program guide yet. Nothing on Titan either.

The only one who seems to know is bschinder over at avsforum and he's not telling (at least not yet). I'd guess 72 so as not to have to reassign channel numbers and be next to ESPNHD.

We probably won't know until 7pm est.
it doesn't launch until 7pm tonight, how can directv have the channel when the program provider is not providing them it :)

and im sure directv will have it tonight, or ask yourself, when espn2 hd launches and the service provider is not carring it, ask yourself, did it actually really happen :)
hdtvtechno said:
it doesn't launch until 7pm tonight, how can directv have the channel when the program provider is not providing them it :)

and im sure directv will have it tonight, or ask yourself, when espn2 hd launches and the service provider is not carring it, ask yourself, did it actually really happen :)

OK, not in the guide, did you have a source where it said D* would have it starting tonight????
As of 7:15 EST no ESPN2-HD

hmmm, I kind of expected this. I mean just because the Disney contracts included this channel and the "deals are done" doesn't mean that D* ever had the space pre-allocated of that it will be on on the first day. Just like with TNT-HD and all their NBA games in HD, this channel really needs to be online ASAP even if it isn't 24/7 HD.

I will keep checking my EPG.
OK here is something I just learned, but I dunno how accuate this might be. I called and asked about the transmission of ESPN2-HD. The guy "sounded" very knowledgable about this and he claimed that ESPN2-HD programming will not have its own channel. It will remain on ESPN-HD channel number. Can anyone verify to see if the Cinci and Depaul game is on regular ESPN-HD?

I kinda find this hard to believe. What happens if ESPN-HD and ESPN2-HD have HD broadcasts at the same exact time? What happens then? Just curious.
Like I said I didnt know how credible this was, thats why I wanted to see if anyone out there could verify. Sorry for any mis-hopes. Just trying to help. : (
They did say it would debut at CES ... I didn't see anything saying it would actually be national. But ... it is probably just a technical difficulty. I don't have it, but since there is no NHL season I don't care.
I just hung up with DirecTV, i spoke with 3CSR's and 3 Supervisors, the first 5 people knew absolutley nothing and didn't even know ESPN2 had an HD channel. 20 minutes later, I guess I finally got a supervisor that was in the know. He said he knew about ESPN2Hd and actually thogut that it was up. When I informed him that it was not up he acted very surprised and researched some things and came back and said there must be a problem. He took my number and said that he was calling an engineer and would give me a call back in a few minutes. Do I believe him, i guess we will see....maybe we will have it soon.....Ill update if I get a call back...
They said ESPN2-HD itself would debut at CES, they didn't say ESPN2-HD would be on any particular provider.

That supervisor that sounded surprised it wasn't on, what channel did he say it SHOULD be on?

AND there is still no official announcement by D* on their website about having this channel.
He thought it was 72. he had to go to his set to believe that it wasn't on yet. I wasnt going to call but I was watching the game ad announcers were saying that it was available on DirecTV, so I decided to call because I thought I could have something wrong....
I just read this on another board and makes perfect sense and kind of ties in with what I have been saying that ONLY the ESPN2-HD launch was what has been announced for Jan 06, 2005, not any go-live dates for DBS or cable.

"People at CES tonight can see the games in HD (on ESPN2). Who knows, ESPN might have planned to have tonights game exclusively shown at CES. For all we know the channel could go live on D* and Adelphia tomorrow. ESPN picked today to go live so they must of had a reason for it and the dates for CES were out well in advance of ESPN's announcement to start ESPN2 HD today.

I know it makes little sense, but what info do we really have to explain why ESPN did what they did with this channel launch."
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