Flip this House on a&e

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western said:
If you saw the episode where Davis and Maloney go in together on this really expensive house and Ginger jumps off the dock in a bikini...

she really doesn't.

:p :p :p :p :p

Thank god i missed that one then! I stick with my small memory of her!:D
mkatts said:
Thank god i missed that one then!

03 - What the Heck - Write a Check  
Richard and Kevin's friendship is put to the 
test when Kevin asks to be involved in the 
investment side of the business. Setting his 
sights on a beautiful but unfinished waterfront 
house on Foley Beach, Kevin convinces Richard 
it's a good house to flip. At $1.2 million it's a big 
gamble but Richard, unsure at first, agrees to go 
50/50 on the house with Kevin. Things get out 
of hand as costly decisions are made that Kevin 
and Richard don't necessarily agree on and 
threaten a slim profit margin. A lifelong friendship 
strains at the seams until Dawn takes matters 
into her hands and uses a little southern style 
coaxing to get the two friends back together. 
Tune in to learn the incredible value of waterfront 
property, true friendship, and find out whether 
Richard is pushed out of his helicopter or does 
he jump?
Kevin didnt appear in episodes recorded after that although he still worked for the company.

There WAS a google group run by trademark properties, apparently they deleted it when trademarks involvement in the show ended........

Someone asked about kevin, and was told no longer on show, still at company
Anyone watch the thief show on Discovery? Some parts of it look a little staged, but I still find it interesting (if they'd lay off the reruns). Also, Jon needs to try a little harder after the security makeover and I noticed that on some makeovers, they go noticeably cheaper than on others.
Davis: There's Ginger. She's my eyes, ears and teeth on the ground. :D
western said:
Her teeth are too big and she has no chin. She's classy and elegant, but not attractive. Typical real estate.

But in fairness, I guess there is worse.


Looks like sandrabernhard!:eek: :yikes
It gets worse. Here she is at the American Fashion Awards.

I dont really like the new guys on the new season of Flip This House.
I haven't seen it!

What's the scoop on the latest version?

Is there anyone from Trademark?
western said:
I haven't seen it!

What's the scoop on the latest version?

Is there anyone from Trademark?
No...its these yahoos from San Antonio.
Any possibility Trademark just used it as a vehicle for extra exposure and never intended to do it long term?
According to trademark employees Richard pitched the idea and created the show. A&E wanted a highly scripted written show richard said just let the cameras roll.

Creative differences caused the break up:(

the new group appears a hard drinking clan, and none of the gals are single, people do enjoy dreaming.

I have decided if I were ever in trademark area I would stop by their office. I really wonder if the store front shown in the show was really just a staged set just for the show since trademark had way more employees than we ever saw on the show.

I am happy to say I e mailed ginger and got a response one time. I do suspect she was afraid of stalkers.

In any case last I heard richard was working on another show with the same people of a similiar nature. I sincerly hope that occurs:)

I may try calling their office and ask, it cant hurt and might be informative
Got this from Trademark:)


First of All, I want to personally thank you all for the overwhelming show of
support you guys have shown us during season 1 of "Flip This House" and even
more so since the introduction of season 2 without Team Trademark. TRULY
HUMBLING and more appreciated than I can ever put in words.

Many of you have taken the time out of your busy lives to let the powers to be
know how you feel, that means more to me personally than any victory we will
have in court.

I can't comment on the lawsuit but I will tell you it is the FIRST time in my
life that I even contemplated suing anyone. I don't believe in wasting good
energy chasing bad energy and truly believe you reap what you sew but this time
I wasn't going to be bullied by a network and allow them to steal what is
rightfully mine.


I want to clear up any question as to our association with season 2, it's real
simple....WE HAVE NONE! A&E did a casting call to replace myself, Ginger, Dawn,
Lori, Vance, John and everyone else associated with Trademark Properties. I
wrote the show, produced our pilot, shopped it to 3 networks, never sold it,
still own it and somehow A&E "recast" a show that was never cast in the first
place. We are real people, doing what we do every day, just with a camera
capturing it for your amusement and hopefully you pick up some tips along the
way, some how to and some how not to:)

We are filming as we speak for a new series on a new network. I want to assure
you of one thing, we will not change for the sake of a network or production
company or anyone for that matter. We are who we are, flaws and all and don't
care to show you anything but who we really are, what we really do and how we
really do it, success or failure.

It has been great meeting many of you at the airports, at our office and for
many of you at The Crab House:) you guys have shown us nothing but support and
even if I get in trouble with the lawyers, I felt the need to respond to your
gracious support.

Everyone has brought it to my attention that the network has removed the website and discussion boards for your comments. I would ask that you all please go to www.imdb.com and utilize the "flip this house" discussion boards there. This is a television database for the industry that cannot be removed by the network. It means so much to Team Trademark that you continue to have a place to voice your concerns. This is the place that will get the most attention from network executives, production companies, and sponsors, as well. Please remember when you rate the show, it is about season 1 with Team Trademark. So if you like season 1 - rate it high, but put your comments about season 2 in the comment section.

Thank you so much – we could not ask for a more supportive group of people!

We will keep you up to date as we are allowed (and sometimes when we're not:) )

i actually emailed richard, ginger, dawn, and the other guy when the new show came on. ginger and dawn emailed back within the hour. ginger said they have 24 episodes ready for the fall. i think dawn said it would be in jan.
I'm sure the show with the new cast will die a horrible death (as it should). It would be like.. like... Oprah without Oprah..
Wait, come to think of it that would be a really good thing.

It would be like Judge Judy without Judge Judy! Wait.. another bad example.

I know. It would be like Sandra Bernhard without a bag over her head.
Ever notice that the name Sandra Bernhard is just a flowery way of saying Saint Bernard?
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I'm watching the new crew right now. They're kinda home girls, aren't they?

I think it's going to fail because it's so blatantly scripted.
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The Trademark crew will have a series on TLC starting in December. as fior the new cast there are actually two of them. One in San antonio and one in atlanta.
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Bank of America adds ShopSafe for your credit card(s):

What is it with some people??

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