FTA on AT9?

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Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
Does anyone know if it is possible to add an extra LNB to the DirecTV T9 dish (already has 5) to pick up IA5 at 97W? The layout of the T9 suggests it is possible, but would the signal be strong enough in California?



  • DirecTV-KA-Dish.gif
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Reduced picture size, and moved to the MAIN FTA area! Out of the PC DVB area!


Very unlikely that it would work for FTA, you may get a few of the VERY strong signals, but that's about it unless you use the Main focal position!
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wont work. With 2 degree spacing there is no way that will work. It would have to be a real special LNB (one that doesnt exist) :)
Thanks for your answer, I was afraid that the spacing would be too small. Looks like I'm going to mount another dish on my roof..
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Do you leave your receiver on or off?

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