FTA Receiver


New Member
Original poster
Apr 19, 2020
I used to be in these forums several years ago. (MrFTAMan). It has been about 10 years since my last project as far as FTA is concerned. I’m going back into the hobby.
I’m wondering what would be the best FTA receiver for me to look at? I’m stumped about what’s the latest one to consider. I’m not familiar with the latest FTA signals. I still have my old 8 foot dish I bought back in 1986 so I can set up for the C-Band/KU. I searched the forums about the receivers and went thru EBay and Amazon. It is so confusing! I don’t want to buy a receiver that comes from China. Any suggestions?
Welcome back to the forums MrFTAMan!!

I normally have a basic receiver that works great, but currently out and more stock is sitting on the water, waiting for this COVID-19 mess to let it through. I have another one that I don't have setup and listed yet. Both are Amiko Brand.

Brian Gohl, whom goes by Titanium on here and owner of Titanium Satellite sells a very nice E2 box. It is a little different than the typical appliance user box. Once you learn it though it is a very nice box also sold in North America with Support right here in NA and on this very forum! Titanium Satellite - Store
The osmio4k works better than the Android boxes that I've tried. I wish I could give the best recommendation but I'm not in a position to test every make/model of receivers. But, it seems that linux based receivers are better designed.
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