FTA Satellite Book

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SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Dec 4, 2010
Has any of the Satellite Guys seen the new Build Your Own FTA Satellite TV System By Dennis C. Brewer. Got my at a bookstore and it is some good basic points for people starting FTA satelite and it talks about FTA Satellite and OTA Antenna and it talks about satellite launches and and how to do basic R.V setups. Has anyone gotten their copy and what thoughts do you have on this book. I have read it and it would be a good book for people starting out into FTA Satellite.:D
I guess writing about computer and networks must not be making enough money these days. Doing a little searching with Google could save someone the price of the book as it all on the web somewhere, besides that it's probably already out of date.
Has any of the Satellite Guys seen the new Build Your Own FTA Satellite TV System By Dennis C. Brewer.
I have a copy. It is pretty basic. I'd say it is not useful for most writing comments on this forum. It also strays away from purely FTA into other subjects. I'd say it is suitable for somebody who has heard about FTA, but knows almost nothing about it.
I have wanted iceberg to write a book for years now but he won't do it.

I am even willing to give him all the earnings as I just want a book with the Satelliteguys in it. :)
I thought several times about writing an FTA book....you don't see many.
Had discussed a "FTA for Dummies" book with the series publisher, Wiley several years ago. The process would have taken much more more time for documented research and reference than I was able to commit. But there certainly would be a market.

I love the Dummies series for an introduction to about any subject!
I have wanted iceberg to write a book for years...
The timing now could be very good for a good in-depth OTA / FTA book. The few books existing on satellite TV are years out of date and therefore useless. If distributed properly, a book on the subject could catch the eyes of a lot of people disgruntled over way-too-high monthly TV programming costs. Especially in the US, the OTA / FTA combination can be a winner now if you live near a city. I tried rabbit ears on my TV recently...wow! OTA with full 1080i HD clarity using metal pointed sticks with no outdoor antenna can be startling. Before the analog - digital change, those stations were fuzzy analog on my rabbit ears. People just don't know: they need educating.
I wonder if we could "wiki style" an online collaborative book among SatelliteGuys members? The edited version could be electronically distributed and continuously updated for version reprints. The proceeds could benefit a common cause rather than an individual or company to encourage an open exchange of information without concern of a single company profiting from the efforts of the collective.

Imagine us, as a group, filling in a skeleton of index and chapters. The framework could be hosted by SatelliteGuys providing storage and modification tracking and references. Am I too far outside the box?
Think that is well within today's publishing "box", consider how many apps are developed that are updated on-line almost daily. I think it is a great idea. A lot of work, but distributed amongst the membership here it might be doable.
I wonder if we could "wiki style" an online collaborative book
This is a very good idea too. I am a fan of online. But many potential readers aren't so online capable or knowledgeable. This venue would miss a lot of potential candidates who might like to learn about FTA. If the online product could also lead to producing a physical book too, that would be the best combination.
If electronic copies were sold through Amazon, the buyer could have the book printed and bound.

The book world is certainly changing .... Not sure how a library will look 15 years from now. Hope that there are still hard copies available! eReaders just don't have the same appeal when the battery dies! :eek:
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