Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

its so screwed up right now...lets see. normally the 10 stations in my town are within a couple cents

Kwik Trip-2.20

all within a block of each other

by my work
Sinclair-2.19 (was 2.35 last night)
BP-2.35 (same as last night)

so the gouge failed :D
Ok for anyone that will be traveling north or south along I-75 from around Detroit to as far as Atlanta here are the following results of gas prices.

Atlanta averaged around $2.25 - $2.29

North of Atlanta to the border and into southern Tenn prices averaged $2.20 - $2.05.

North Tenn averaged $2.33 except for Jelicho wich was in the low $2.20's

Kentucky all the way up and in through all of Ohio was $2.15 - $2.03,

South eastern Michigan is flaky and fluxuates from $2.15 - $2.30 as little as one station across from another.
Well, sounds like the price increase did not last long and that it may have been a gouge after all. I was surprised that it went up that quick suddently as I was expecting it to go down below $2 a gallon soon.

This leaves me to wonder "How low will they go?" That leaves me to also wonder "How long will they stay this low?" I heard someone saying that they are expected to go back up the beginning of the year. Anybody else hear this?
Funny how they same "experts" on TV that were complaining high gas was killing us are the same jackasses on TV now claiming too low will hurt more. These idiots are clueless and just want anything to bitch about.
2.12 still today. Most places went back to the pre-gouge price
charper you are right. These "experts" have no clue and just want to bitch about anything.
Gas dropped .05 yesterday here in Westland Michigan down to $2.13.

Honestly I do not believe anything that is reported on any news station, for those that listen to Stern theres a prime example with the reports of his leaving sat radio to go back to regular radio. The original story was clearly labeled as a report on rumours and has since been increasingly exagerated out of proportion and changed from a story of rumours to supposed fact.

Lower gas prices will hurt though atleast in the aspect that people will go back to driving vehicles with poor gas mileage and less pressure will be put on the auto industry to produce more fuel efficient vehicles and alternative fuel cars and trucks. We really are a gluttonous society in the states in more ways than just food and wont complain while we are eating to excess but sure make an uproar when we have gotten ourselves in trouble wether it be with our fat asses or stuck paying $359 a month for an suv lease that runs $70 a week to fuel up.
Not sure if I totally buy into the "cheaper gas will hurt". A lot of people, me included, really don't have much of a choice in daily drivers. In my case, I own 3 vehicles. One I use for work ( I'm gonna put MORE miles for pleasure or vacations on that truck...LOL), one I use for groceries and going out on dates/socializing, and a third (a beat up '82 Chevy truck) I use for hauling furniture or getting firewood.

In the case of the 2nd vehicle, Toyota Solara, it's not in my best interest to trade it in for a Focus or Civic (can you say negative equity!).
I think it is too late when it comes to alternative fuels to come out. I think the gas going down will delay it some but the gas is still not cheap enough for people to not watch their gas budget, trips that they make, and to want to get SUV's again. Last year when it was around this price we were hurting then. Instead of the prices being very very high they are now just very high. To me high is $1.79 and regular price should be $1.25-1.50 as that allows for inflation from what the price was before it went up all at once. I know that some will say that gas has not went up with the rate of inflation like other things have but still for it to go up all of a sudden it sure gets people's attention.
I got milk for $1.99 for 2% and $2.50 for Vitamin D on sale at Kroger with the card. Gas is down to $2.23 according to a friend that just stopped in as I was typing this.

According to .......

10 Lowest By City - Price and Trend

Des Moines 1.998 SAME
Kansas City 2.036 SAME
Oklahoma City 2.062 SAME
Lexington 2.113 DOWN
Indianapolis 2.114 SAME
Dayton 2.120 DOWN
Virginia Beach 2.120 DOWN
Tulsa 2.125 SAME
Akron 2.130 DOWN
Cincinnati 2.139 DOWN

10 Lowest By State - Price and Trend

Missouri 2.055 DOWN
Iowa 2.143 SAME
Ohio 2.148 DOWN
Kentucky 2.159 DOWN
Indiana 2.160 DOWN
Oklahoma 2.184 UP
Kansas 2.186 SAME
Georgia 2.203 SAME
South Carolina 2.206 SAME
Tennessee 2.206 SAME

Regular Gasoline Average Prices

USA ---------- Canada
Today 2.421 90.855
Yesterday 2.427 90.679
One Week ago 2.512 93.776
One Month ago 2.891 108.205
One Year ago 2.753 106.366

Current Trend - All The SAME Above
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Northwest side of Houston - $2.07 (filled up both cars last night :) )

For regular unleaded, prices are all over the place here in Houston. Last night I saw $2.39 and then 5 miles further down the freeway $2.01.
Big oil running price down before congressional election to try and help republicans and espically there leader bush, who when democrats take control will be investigated with a fine tooth comb.

big oil has stuff to hide and doesnt want their friend bush in trouble, after all he was trying to help big oil in the mid east when things blew up in his face....
Nope! If they had that control it would have been at all-time record lows for the past year at least. Supply is way up, demand is down; typical high driving summer season is over.
charper1 said:
Nope! If they had that control it would have been at all-time record lows for the past year at least. Supply is way up, demand is down; typical high driving summer season is over.
Then how would bush make any money.
Wait I'm wrong, I forgot about government contractors, or is that just dick and halliburton. :eek: