Get Voom To Talk To Us!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 15, 2004
How come Voom won't talk to us and let us know their aware of problems....and hopefully when they'll be fixed? I mean why can't they post something on this board! I signed up for their email newsletter but have never received anything from Voom except those useless responces for questions I posted to them. I'm talking about someone that knows their sh*t......not one of those phone idiots that just read the automatic responces off the manual for known problems and then they have the generic responces too.....I'd just like some news direct from the horses mouth instead of always listening to everyone guess about everything....Can't they tell us what's in the works? :confused:
Why not join the Yahoo group? I've never paid any attention to other sat providers, so I can only relate what others say that have experience with other providers. They seem unanimous that the Voom personnel that monitor and contribute to the Yahoo group are unmatched in their info and responsiveness.
There is nobody in the yahoo group. I have went there and it is a joke. This is the biggest Voom forum on the internet. If a person looking for help search on google this is where they will go. Voom executives know where to find us. Why won't Wilt post here either? Wilt I am sorry but yahoo groups isn't an official forum either. Dodge all you want but the problems won't go away. They just don't want to come here because they want to hide behind their executive desks and count their money. :mad: :mad: :mad:
rexoverbey said:
There is nobody in the yahoo group. I have went there and it is a joke. This is the biggest Voom forum on the internet. If a person looking for help search on google this is where they will go. Voom executives know where to find us. Why won't Wilt post here either? Wilt I am sorry but yahoo groups isn't an official forum either. Dodge all you want but the problems won't go away. They just don't want to come here because they want to hide behind their executive desks and count their money. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Yes, I also have gone there. I agree that this forum provides better overall assistance. Yet, many of the same people at Yahoo are also here. I don't intend to speak for Wilt, but how many forums should they monitor? Should they work or should they bounce from place to place all day? You really believe Wilt is sitting behind his executive desk all day counting his money???? You complained they don't communicate. I pointed out that they do. And, according to others, better than anyone else. You seem not to really desire their communication as now it appears your complaint is that they don't monitor the forum of your choice, rather than they don't do it at all. I am unaware that, as good as Satguys is, it is the "official" Voom forum. Other than possibly through self-acclaim. :rolleyes:
rexoverbey said:
There is nobody in the yahoo group. I have went there and it is a joke. This is the biggest Voom forum on the internet. If a person looking for help search on google this is where they will go. Voom executives know where to find us. Why won't Wilt post here either? Wilt I am sorry but yahoo groups isn't an official forum either. Dodge all you want but the problems won't go away. They just don't want to come here because they want to hide behind their executive desks and count their money. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Yes, I have gone there also. I agree - lots of useless garbage. But some decent advice is also there. Many of the same people that post here are there. The initial complaint to start this thread was that Voom doesn't communicate with us. That isn't true. According to others with a lot more experience than I, they communicate more than any other provider. I don't know how the Yahoo group began. Did it precede this forum? It isn't illogical for Voom to have a presence there, if they are going to have a presence anywhere. There are countless groups on Yahoo and it makes sense. I am unaware this is the "official" Voom forum. Do you really believe Wilt is sitting behind his desk all day counting his money???? Should he be working or should he monitor Yahoo, Satguys, AVS, etc. all day long? Comments such as that leave me without any alternative but to question your objectivity and purpose. Valid criticism or constructive suggestions are one thing. Inane rants are another and serve no purpose but to cause people to ignore your point, if there was one. :rolleyes:
I have a gut feeling we will be seeing less and less VOOM interaction, which is really too bad, I got to give Wilt Credit he really does care, but by the same tolken how much can he take, everytime he says something to help someone someone turns his comments around on him, and using his comments against him.

The only reason I would rather VOOM post here then at the Yahoo groups is because our site works, on yahoo it is not uncommon when you make a post for it not to show up for a few hours (or longer) here on SatelliteGuys when someone posts it can be read by everyone imediately.

We offer VOOM instant feedback which is a big plus, when there are problems you hear about them here before you see them on the Yahoo group, this alone gives VOOM a good heads up when there is a problem. I feel because of this we are Vooms best feedback.
Well try dialing Cox and talk to them. Here is starts in Spanish and you must figure out to press 2 to get English. Then you have to 'hack' the automated phone menu, with a series of menus you must maneuver thru to get to a level 1 'human' that reminds you 'this phone 'could' be recorded for quality purposes'. Then they interogate you only to pass onto 'level 2+' which in turns asks all the basic questions the first guy does.

Not to same Voom don't do the same but to have instant feedback would require a new office in Pakistan and a new tax.

The only interaction Cox ever has is a automated robot call your house to remind you to pay the bill.
The only point you make rick is to challenge my post. You say Voom communicates with us? Why was this post started in the first place? Why is there more people here complaining than praising in this forum. There is so many complaints that they outweigh everthing else here! When I was commenting on the executives counting their money (is Wilt an executive or a tech?) is was reffering to the owners of Voom. If I could be allowed to make my own observations of Voom without your oppinions I would be most appreciative. Though I bet you will back with something trying to challenge me.
rexoverbey said:
The only point you make rick is to challenge my post. You say Voom communicates with us? Why was this post started in the first place? Why is there more people here complaining than praising in this forum. There is so many complaints that they outweigh everthing else here! When I was commenting on the executives counting their money (is Wilt an executive or a tech?) is was reffering to the owners of Voom. If I could be allowed to make my own observations of Voom without your oppinions I would be most appreciative. Though I bet you will back with something trying to challenge me.
Alot lot be negative about lately, sad to say.-should have been reading the posts last week-everything was ire, man-no longer though-pq is bad-just bad!
rexoverbey said:
I think voom is making everyone mad! Sorry for the negative comments :)

Nope. Not out to challenge you at all. Just hoping for constructive criticism and/or positive suggestions. Scott's post several posts up gives reason for thought. I certainly agree with him that this forum is much easier and much more responsive than Yahoo. Yet his comments on how some people turn Wilt's good intentions around against him are very true. While I much prefer this forum to discuss issues, from Voom's (Wilt's) perspective, I'm not so sure. He needs to get information out but doesn't need (and shouldn't get into) a back and forth discussion on thread after thread. He just can't do that. I suspect Yahoo provides him with a more convenient forum for his needs and his desire to keep the natives informed. Likewise, Yahoo, although not as immediate as this type of forum, still provides the natives with a means to get their concerns direct to the people with some ability to address those concerns. There probably isn't a perfect solution. I primarily use Yahoo as a voice to and from Voom with an occasional tidbit of good tech information thrown in. If I want to find answers to questions (and I've got a million of them), this is the place I go. :yes
With all the millions of dollars that Voom is spending to get their service off the ground, you would think that they could afford the salary of just one person to go around to the forums to act as liason between Voom and their customers. I towould be money well spent when you consider the consequences of al the unanswered bad karma going around due to Voom's silence on an extremely important issue.

Microsoft is busy developing their WMV9 HD video compression codec (which, BTW, is absolutely awesome!!), and I know of at least a half dozen people that they send out to monitor and interact in the forums on a regular basis. The reps collect, analyze, interact, gather feedback, and offer their help to everyone and anyone who wants to see and use WMV9. Say what you will about Microsoft, but they really know what they are doing, and by satisfying the needs of the most picky groups in the world, they are confident that EVERYONE will just love their new codec - AND THEY ARE RIGHT!!

Voom would do well to learn by Microsoft's example.
Wilt and Dragonlady both have had very extensive interactions with the community. And beyond that I've gotten several emails from other Voom people as a result of a particular question or complaint I've had in a forum. I agree that their interaction will probably grow less and less, because the two of them are forced into an impossible situation. They have to be the frontmen for all the decisions, when in reality neither one of them has anything to do with them. I get angry when they tell us one thing one day and turn right around on it the next, but I understand that when they change the info it's not because they wanted to.


Voom installed today-my first impressions

Signal power versus signal quality

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