I have a Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra box and an antenna motor. Since yesterday, the Antenna setup on the box often got reset or changed to random numbers. Very often the motor is "disabled" automatically. When I try to re-enable it again, the longtitude and latitude number become random numbers, such as 1458.3E and 0.0N. Experts, can you tell me why this happens and what do I need to do about it?
It seems setup of one antenna may affect others' setting. That is strange. Or it is just my receiver box and motor is off-sync somehow?
In addition, regarding to antenna motor, does it automatically reset to zero when the receiver is off-power by switch? My job is just pointing the reset antenna to true south and have the correct inclination based on my latitude. Is it correct?
Thanks in advance,
It seems setup of one antenna may affect others' setting. That is strange. Or it is just my receiver box and motor is off-sync somehow?
In addition, regarding to antenna motor, does it automatically reset to zero when the receiver is off-power by switch? My job is just pointing the reset antenna to true south and have the correct inclination based on my latitude. Is it correct?
Thanks in advance,