How bad is it going to get?

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On Double Secret Probation
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
I was hyped to extract the High definition presentation of The Passion of the Christ from my HDtivo off of SHOHD until I saw the file size. 7.3 gig for a 2.25 hour movie?? This is Ridiculous!!! That is a Dual layer DVD or superbit file size!:rolleyes:
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So what's the problem? It's high def, what do you want? Compress it down to crappy quality and everything's OK. :)
With all of your continuous whining about file sizes and PQ on D*, what were you expecting? I know it's Eater and all but did you think J himself was rising to wave his hand over your 10-250 and wa-la 1080P. I just think you haven't seen any PQ posts lately so you decided to make your own. By the way, did you at least watch it or do you see a number and decide it's not worth your time? Good lord V, we know!
vurbano said:
I was hyped to extract the High definition presentation of The Passion of the Christ from my HDtivo off of SHOHD until I saw the file size. 7.3 gig for a 2.25 hour movie?? This is Ridiculous!!! That is a Dual layer DVD or superbit file size!:rolleyes:

Dude I think you may have just figured out why D* has HDLite and cant release everything in HD. HD is huge. Huge to produce, huge to distribute, huge to store. That size is actually quite small for 2.25 hours. I use a FusionHDTV capture card for my Media Center PC and its about 6-7 GB per HOUR for MPEG2 OTA network stuff. Now maybe you willl have a little bit of understanding and patience for bandwidth limitation.
Brewer4 said:
Dude I think you may have just figured out why D* has HDLite and cant release everything in HD.
They do not transmit anything in HD except espnhd1 and 2 yet they bill for all of the channels.

Brewer4 said:
That size is actually quite small for 2.25 hours.
Actually that was the point of my post. Its horribly small even for D*. Ive seen that for 1.5 hour movies but for 2 hours and 15 minutes it is ridiculous.
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FlyingJ said:
With all of your continuous whining about file sizes and PQ on D*, what were you expecting? I know it's Eater and all but did you think J himself was rising to wave his hand over your 10-250 and wa-la 1080P. I just think you haven't seen any PQ posts lately so you decided to make your own. By the way, did you at least watch it or do you see a number and decide it's not worth your time? Good lord V, we know!

I suppose you meant to type "Easter" and yes I watched it. It looked much like an SD DVD. You know you really are clueless. And it is sad. A 50 minute episode of BSG on UHD runs 5.8 gig or so. For a 2.25 hour HD movie on a pay movie channel to run 7.3 gig is a pretty significant drop in quality. If that same movie had been run on HBOHD it would likely have been 40% bigger in file size and quality. (Godzilla ran 10.3 gig for 2hours and 20 minutes and others at AVS report a file size of 10.2 gig for Passion on cable.) Still HDlite but at least it would have some "HD" quality to it. You would think that D* would at least give the pay HD movie channels equal quality. Why did they choose to destroy SHOHD?? :rolleyes:

PS I find your references to Jesus and Easter in very poor taste. Of course I suppose I should expect no less from you.
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Hey V, I do understand it and I am with you and your cause. But, it is what it is. I cancelled Showtime because they show a bunch of crap and the quality wasn't where it should be. I choose not to watch it. We all hope it will change. It should change, it should have be done. For some reason it is not and I refuse to believe it is because they don't want it to. I have the ability to change my providers but have decided against it to this point. Various reasons like Time Warner and WOW and Insight in my community are the cable companies and I have seen their HD PQ and offerings and they suck even worse than D* I get it for Sunday Ticket, OTA HD and ESPN 1-2 and HBO though I feel it's almost as big a waste as showtime. When the PS3 comes out and I have HD DVD ability or decide to bite the bullet and get another type of new HD DVD player I would cancel HBO. To sum it up...I have made a decision based on what I can get and my needs. I don't TIVO or watch things that piss me off, and I don't pay for things that I think totally suck and then sit and complain about them on a daily basis. If I have a complaint I tell my provider about it. Period. OK, it doesn't seem to do any good but that is the world we live in.
I see that Vurbano edited the initial post. It originally sounded like the file was too big. Now its restated that its too small. You scare me Vurbano.

I should have learned by now to just ignore his posts.
I don't think so Brewer. he is consistant with the file sizes being small. I have no doubts to Vurbano's technical expertise and frankly I am always interested in what he has to say. But they are complaints that everyone in the know already understands. I look forward to a V post one day that tells me that D* has finally solved the PQ issue. That day I will buy V a drink and celebrate with him. Oh and have a sense of humor about the Easter comments, if Ioffended anyone with that I ummm...well, I don't give a damn, get a life.
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Brewer4 said:
I see that Vurbano edited the initial post. It originally sounded like the file was too big. Now its restated that its too small. You scare me Vurbano.

I should have learned by now to just ignore his posts.

Wrong. I said 7.3 gig for a 2.25 hour movie in the original post. Please if you dont understand the issue then wait for one that you do understand before posting.
vurbano said:
I was hyped to extract the High definition presentation of The Passion of the Christ from my HDtivo off of SHOHD until I saw the file size. 7.3 gig for a 2.25 hour movie?? This is Ridiculous!!! That is a Dual layer DVD or superbit file size!

Not to attack anyone, but in reading your posting it does give the appearance that you are complaining the file size is too big, not too small.
mrmageaux said:
Not to attack anyone, but in reading your posting it does give the appearance that you are complaining the file size is too big, not too small.
WRONG. I clearly stated that the material was from SHOHD. Anyone with any knowledge of HD would know that 7.3 gig for an HD movie of 2.25 hours is farrrrrrrr tooooooo small and should require at a minimum 2 DL DVD's . Unless of course there is this uneducated group of HD viewers that have only had D* as a provider. Im starting to think that may be the case.
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vurbano said:
No I clearly stated that the material was from SHOHD. Anyone with any knowledge of HD would know that 7.3 gig for an HD movie of 2.25 hours is farrrrrrrr tooooooo small and should require at a minimum 2 DL DVD's .:rolleyes:

Gee, I wish I was as smart as you are. I am glad I have more consideration though.
FlyingJ said:
But they are complaints that everyone in the know already understands.

After reading a number of posts in this thread I think the amount of those people apparently is far less than you think. That in itself is justification for a thread like this ever so often. Unless its better for the customers to remain "little mushrooms".

FlyingJ said:
I look forward to a V post one day that tells me that D* has finally solved the PQ issue. That day I will buy V a drink and celebrate with him.
I look forward to that day too.
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vurbano said:
Scotty beam me up pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.

There is a transport waiting for you, and the rest of the geeks just like you, to get off this planet. It is clear you are just too smart for the rest of us.

Good luck finding a society that meets your stringent criteria.
Showtime HD and HDnet Movies seems to be the two channels that get the lowest bitrates besides the downresizing. I thought I would never say this but on my Cable company the channels are even better than what D* provides. I think it is time to stop calling the channels on D* HD (except for ESPN HD and ESPN2 HD). They are Enhanced Channels - more or less the same quality as a DVD. That is just pathetic but that is the reality. I think it is time to start leaving D* because no matter how much bandwith they have, they will never fix the PQ problem as long as there are people that support their enhanced channels. I am already in the process of leaving. I am waiting for installation on Dish so that I can transfer my entire monthly account to Dish and Cable. To me you need to start hurting D* with the money. It is the only voice that they will hear.
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HR10-250 OTA Reception?

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