hr20 upgrade question

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Oct 22, 2006
i currently have a 3-lnb dish with 1 line running to an h20. do i need to run another line from the dish and install a 68WB if i replace the h20 with an hr20?
i currently have a 3-lnb dish with 1 line running to an h20. do i need to run another line from the dish and install a 68WB if i replace the h20 with an hr20?

3-LNB dish works fine with the new HR20. You can simply run 2 coax from the 3LNB Dish to the HR20 straight w/o any 68WB.. dual coax for using both tuners in the HR20.

You can always run a single coax too
Without two lines connected, you won't be able to record two shows at the same time or watch one live while recording another one simultaneously.
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Hey Gang quick receiver question

HR20 Ratio Setting

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