I'm out of it indefinetly

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Does your dad live very far away from you? When my mom passed it was up to myself and the younger of my 2 sisters running up to check on my dad everyday to see if he needed anything. I stopped in 2 or 3 times a day! He really needed the company too and I am sure your dad will need someone to check in with him. This means friends as well as family. I am glad to hear that your dad has a lot to keep him occupied. You also need to escape from the world now and then. So take care of your dad and yourself!

He lives, (I almost said they :cry:) about 6 miles from me I think..

My son is there with my dad for the rest of the week so that is good.
Myself, I'm flowing in and out of moments of numbness and total devastation. It comes and goes and I keep having VIVID flashbacks to yesterday and my brain is trying to process this because I want it to be not real, I keep trying to convince myself it's a bad nightmare, I'll wake up in a minute and everything will be fine. The suddenness of it is hard to accept. There was no warning, no indication that Mom had heart problems until boom, out of the blue and she's gone just like that. I really expected Mom to live to see 100. Her mom died at 99yro.

I guess that because I was able to be there, as was my dad, as she passed away, that gives me some tiny bit of comfort to know that I was there for her in her last moments. She was there in my first moments and many other moments in between. I just wish I could have done something to change the outcome of yesterday. I wish I could go back in time and tell her "MOM! GET YOUR HEART CHECKED!" If she had even had had it checked last week she would be alive today.. :cry:

This is just so hard to accept.. I want so badly for this to all be a nightmare that I'm going to wake up from..

I lost my Dad, then about 15 years later, my Mom.
But at least I wasn't put through the wringer you were, sitting bedside waiting for the end. :(
Still, it took about two years for me to get back to normal, after each passed.

Now, I remember them fondly, and mention each from time to time.
They stamped their personalities on us, and made us who we are.
I'm sure we are the better for their influence. - :up

In a month or two, try to focus on friends, projects, your pets, maybe even FTA, or anything to keep busy.
For the first couple of months, I have no words.
We lost my dad to cancer in April and found out my mom has pancreatic cancer in early September. Mom has been in the hospital since last week and is coming home tomorrow. Hospice is involved so we as yet don't know how long she has left. It's tough seeing your folks getting older and not the folks you always remember. Love them just the same, one day the memories are all we will have left. Dee, my heart goes out to you..I know its tough but hang in there. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!...Blind
I lost my Dad, then about 15 years later, my Mom.
But at least I wasn't put through the wringer you were, sitting bedside waiting for the end. :(
Still, it took about two years for me to get back to normal, after each passed.

Now, I remember them fondly, and mention each from time to time.
They stamped their personalities on us, and made us who we are.
I'm sure we are the better for their influence. - :up

In a month or two, try to focus on friends, projects, your pets, maybe even FTA, or anything to keep busy.
For the first couple of months, I have no words.

Actually, to be honest, I think it was better that I was there through the whole ordeal. And especially her last moments.
I was there for her to the very end and I know she would appreciate that and want it that way.
And in a way that I can't explain, it makes things a tiny bit easier for me that I was there rather than off somewhere else only to get told about her passing.
I just can't explain it.. No one should ever have to go through this but eventually we all do. It's always painful, there is no escaping that.. :cry:

Right now family is making plans to come down, it looks like we are going to have the funeral on Saturday. My son is staying with my dad for the rest of the week and he's being a big help right now, and he's there keeping my dad company so he isn't sitting there all alone. I can't be there around the clock.

We had lunch today and talked about lots of things. I asked my dad to let me take Mom's plants so that I can keep them going for her, Dad doesn't know anything about them except they need to be tended with a weedeater. Mom loved her plants, Dad couldn't stand them. So he was asking me what other things I wanted and I told him not to worry about it right now, let's focus on taking care of her funeral and all that stuff and we'll worry about her things in the future.
Mom was also into doll houses, she has several of them all over the house and they are VERY expensive. I need to make room for those. Dad didn't care for those either. And so on...

I guess this week I'm going to work on getting her plants over here, fortunately they are all in clay pots so we can move them but OMG, there's a LOT of them. We figure at least FOUR VAN LOADS worth. That is a lot of back breaking work. I've got to get them here asap so I can care for them before they croak.

Next week after the funeral I don't know what I'm going to do. It's hard to sit here and think about life without my mom.
I feel lost... :cry:

We lost my dad to cancer in April and found out my mom has pancreatic cancer in early September. Mom has been in the hospital since last week and is coming home tomorrow. Hospice is involved so we as yet don't know how long she has left. It's tough seeing your folks getting older and not the folks you always remember. Love them just the same, one day the memories are all we will have left. Dee, my heart goes out to you..I know its tough but hang in there. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!...Blind

Thank you so much.
I am so sorry for your loss and I am so sorry that your mom is so sick.. :( I lost an aunt to pancreas stuff though I don't recall if it was cancer, I just know it was her pancreas was involved. Seeing how Steve Jobs (love him or hate him) went downhill, it's a terrible way to go. Spend all the time you can with your mom now and take a lot of photos. Once they are gone, it's too late. I wish I had taken more pictures of my mom and of my friend who passed away last year. Some people will balk and grouse if you point a camera at them but ignore them and do it anyway. You'll be glad you did one day. And if you can do it, get some videos. Videos with her voice.. You'll find yourself longing to hear her voice and when you can't, it really, really hurts. So if you can have a video, that can help.. Right now I'm kicking myself for erasing a message my mom left on my answering machine last week. I would give anything to be able to recover those few seconds of her voice... :cry:

Now I have to buy another digital picture frame for what I call my "Wall of Woe".. I have one wall in my bedroom with two large digital picture frames and little knick knacks. For my BFF who passed away on April 23, 2010 and my German Shepherd that I had to have put to sleep on November 17, 2010. Now I have to put one up for Mom and put little things up there that she gave me over the years. Stuff to connect the memories.

There is no easy way to deal with losing a loved one. Losing a parent, that's just so f****d up on every level... :cry:
Dee...Your in my thought and prayers.

I basically went through that same hospital ordeal watching my brother go that way.

Family got together and made the decision to have them take him off life support (DNR)
He stayed with us for 23 minutes and he left us as well. It's a hard thing to watch and be a part of.
God Bless you and your family members !
i lost my father in 1987 . i have missed him much.
You are in my thoughts.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss.
Dee Ann, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Lost my dad 2 years ago on Veterans day, the same day I lost my wife and daughter 18 years before. Remember the good times.

I have not been very active here lately. When I came back to check in, I read your news about your Mom. I am truly very sorry for your loss. As everyone else, my prayers are with you and your Father and for your Mom. Your Mother is in very good hands now, she is with God. You are going to have to be tough now and help your Dad out more than you know. He will help you, too. Just remember that there are many people who are praying for all of you, we do care very deeply about our friends here. I trust in God that He will take care of your Mom just fine. But, I now worry about your Dad. Please be sure to watch over him closely and be a close companion for him as he is going to feel lost. Even if he is an independant cuss, he's going to feel a great loss and void now, so you will have to help him through this grieving time, even while you are feeling the same. You will have to be strong so that you can be a support for your Dad.

Remember that all of us are with you at all times and if you ever need a friend to chat with, you know that you can always come here in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day and reach someone. I know that it is not the same as having someone there in person, but when you are alone in the middle of the night it is hard to find someone to lean on. Someone will be here and waiting if you need an ear or a shoulder.

Dee Ann, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Lost my dad 2 years ago on Veterans day, the same day I lost my wife and daughter 18 years before. Remember the good times.

OMG......... :cry:

I can't click the like button on this because that just seems wrong considering the message. I'm very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you went through..

I do appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers of course..

Thank you so much..
The Thanksgiving season hasn't been the same for me for years... I lost my Dad in late September of 94, his Brother my Uncle the Monday of Thanksgiving week the same year... we spent Thanksgiving traveling the 11 or 12 hour drive from here to Corpus Christi for his Friday funeral... (we stayed in the same Motel that Selena was slain at not long after, She was buried at the same seaside cemetery my Uncle is at)
Dee Ann, So sorry for your loss!

I am so glad that you were able to be there for your mom and to support your dad. I am sure that your mom was comforted knowing that you were there helping her.

You are in my prayers....
Dee Ann, I believe there is a master plan for each of us. We can only see through a glass darkly now, but some day it will become clear. My wife had breast cancer that came out of the blue. No history, an OK mammogram 90 days before. It devastated both of us. After surgery and recovery - we found that the bond between us had become much stronger. Here we are 11 years later, thanking the Lord for the very thing some might have cursed Him for. Hold dear those that are close to you and take care of yourself.
Thank you guys for sharing your stories with us. A few of your comments, I just can't click the like button on your comment because your comment is about a great loss to you and your pain of that loss. But I do appreciate the intent of the message of sharing. I hope you understand why on some of these I can't click that little button.

I'm still numb today. I don't know what to do, I can't get started on anything, I Just sit here in shock and the grief comes and goes in waves.

I guess I need to start by getting out my clothes and seeing if they still fit and get them to the dry cleaners.
I think I better make an appointment to get my hair done too. Family is coming in from all around and all of Mom's many friends will be there.
Maybe I should do some house cleaning too. I guess I should get busy instead if just sitting here like an idiot. I should occupy myself.
I have to think of what my mom would tell me to do in a situation like this.

Thank you guys..

I appreciate you all and I thank you for your kind thoughts, wishes and prayers..

My deepest sympathy and condolences for you and your Dad. May the Lord help you and you Dad with your pains and sufferings.

You are in our prayers.
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