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Awesome PPD numbers! I see the GTX 560 is one of the last cards that supports PCIe 2.0 and is old enough that the price isn't too bad. Too bad I can't find the GTX 560 Ti version for under $200. I'm not sure spending $160 to maybe double the PPD out of this workstation is cost-effective.
I'm out of commission for the next few days until I get my Internet back. Time to shut down my Mac Pro which has been Folding pretty much non-stop for the last six years (except for a power outage here and there).
I got my Folders back online Friday, so 25 million Points, her I come!
Ouch! When the core 17 advanced projects stop coming, the gpu points drop dramatically.
Do I need to get back to reading the Folding Forums? Your post sounds rather ominous...
sorry been out of pocket for a while. im just basic entry will have to hunt up links on maybe sprucing up the old box for F@H

Geforce 9800 GT
Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 Ghz
6gb ram
64 bit Windows (Vista) sp2

anything i need to know tips wise to run fast & smooth
Welcome to the Fold, gabshere and ComcastOrge! March marked my seventh year Folding for SatelliteGuys.

gabshere, I have a 9800 GTX card in my one XP box downstairs. The new Windows Client makes it a snap to set up two Folding clients, one for your GPU and one one for your Q6600 CPU. You should be able to generate 5,000-8,000 Points per Day with that setup. It may take 10 Work Units on the CPU client before you see full credit, however, so let it run a week or so before you look at your daily numbers. Also, make sure you have the current NVIDIA drivers. Finally, a can of compressed air to clean the heatsinks because Folding wil keep your fans going.
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I installed this a few weeks ago, and noticed it's always on "Paused: waiting for idle" on my GPU. It's probably the oldest part of my computer, a GeForce 9600 GT. Could the card actually be old enough to NOT run folding@home? Even when I right-click and choose "Fold" nothing happens, it just sits waiting for idle.

At least the CPU is contributing a little something (not much, but more than nothing).
kitthas1000legs, check your logs. The 9600 may not generate a lot of Points, but it should still be good enough to do science. Check out the Folding Forum ( and see if there are other people with a similar problem. I looked at the Stanford GPU WhiteList and see the 9600 listed, so you should be good to go in that regards.

Edit: a quick search of the FoldingForum with your "Paused, waiting for idle" message yielded this: It looks like you picked the screensaver option for the GPU client?
Thanks, when it get's a steady diet of stable core 17's my little GTX760 hums right along.
It looks like the 9800GTX card is no longer getting work. I should probably check, but this may be the last straw. I need to replace my Mac Pro which has been running the FAH software since Scott first announced it to us back in early 2007. When I do, I won't be installing FAH on the new Macintosh.

That will leave me with just the multi-core Xeon that was also powering the GPU client. Maybe I'll find a deal on a PCI-e graphics card that will let it boost my PPD, but I think I'll just be producing a trickle of my former production.
It looks like the 9800GTX card is no longer getting work. I should probably check, but this may be the last straw. I need to replace my Mac Pro which has been running the FAH software since Scott first announced it to us back in early 2007. When I do, I won't be installing FAH on the new Macintosh.

That will leave me with just the multi-core Xeon that was also powering the GPU client. Maybe I'll find a deal on a PCI-e graphics card that will let it boost my PPD, but I think I'll just be producing a trickle of my former production.
I would look for a Geforce GTX 750 TI. This baby will crank out the points and doesn't require a 6-pin power connector.

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