Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: Snow White and the Huntsman

I enjoyed the flick, was a little long, but better than expected. I've seen a several 5 star PQ ratings, but I just dont agree. Granted it was shot a certain way on purpose, and there was some inherent softness, but I can't overlook that some scenes werent great, while others were. I would not give it 5 stars.

Next: Seeking Justice, Safe and Piranha 3DD are on the way.
Last :

Don't know why, this was a spur of the moment decision. Surprisingly good and Jack Black was excellent in low key rather than a manic performance.

Dunno, I'm in the middle of the big bluray rip. Technically about 40% of the way through, but you knew what I meant ;)

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Last: Safe

It was a Statham movie, what more is there to say. Started off a little slow, took like 35 mins before I got to see him start whooping on folks, entirely too long. I thought the sound was OK at best, I had to cut it up louder than normal, and it really was lacking punch IMO. I actually thru in a demo movie afterwards to make sure something in my audio gear wasnt down for the count.

Next: Seeking Justice

On another note, I threw in Tron Legacy for the first time since I got my new sub. Watched when Sam entered the grid, the games/cycles, then the aerial shootout at the end. Oh mama!
Last: Singin in the Rain

Next: The Indy box set should show up today. Looking forward to Raiders as it has been about 5 years since I've seen it.
Last: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Next: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Last: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Next: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.