Lebron James prediction thread

I hope Ramy lets this second Lebron thread stand, because it's time to leave the innuendo, outrage and hearsay in the other thread, do your best 'Cowboy Up' impersonation and tell us where you think Lebron is going...one day before they are actually free agents.

I already predicted Lebron is staying in Cleveland, and I'm sticking to that. He signs a two year contract, is not labeled the traitor of all traitors by Ohioans like Bucky, and gives Cleveland one more chance to build a winner around him. If they do not build a winner for him an exit in two years would be much more understandable for a lot of people, even the Buckies.

I think Lebron would really really like to play for the Brooklyn Nets...but not the New Jersey Nets, so the two year contract coincides perfecty with the opening of the new arena. It can be the 'house that was built for Lebron'.

I think Miami and Chicago are possibilities, but while it may sound like fun the actuality of sharing the ball with Wade every night would get old for Lebron.

And the best thing of all for Lebron is he gets to do this all over again in two years, a process he seems to be in love with...based on his play against the Celtics, he may even like this more than playing in the NBA finals.

It's 'Cowboy up' time boys, I can't be the only one making predictions around here. What say you?


It doesn't matter to me, if he's smart he'll leave to a city where he'll actually have a chance to win a championship, probably his best shot would be Miami since Wade already won one and he can help Princess James win.
It doesn't matter to me, if he's smart he'll leave to a city where he'll actually have a chance to win a championship, probably his best shot would be Miami since Wade already won one and he can help Princess James win.

VERY nervous about Wade's decision. Apparently, from all the reports down here...his divorce and full custody of his kids will/can bare greatly on his decision to stay or go. His boys, Zion and Zaire, have been in Chicago since the whole divorce proceedings started. With his mom, sister, his sons and his roots in Chicago...not to mention a stronger core IN Chicago to comeback than in Miami....I could not blame him if he left. His decisions will have WAY more to do with money AND basketball than anything else.

Instead of going after the "big thre", Miami should just concentrate on signing Wade, either Bosh or Lebron and use the rest of the money to sign good, mid-level players. But I am sure THAT is what Reilly was intending all along...or so I hope.
VERY nervous about Wade's decision. Apparently, from all the reports down here...his divorce and full custody of his kids will/can bare greatly on his decision to stay or go. His boys, Zion and Zaire, have been in Chicago since the whole divorce proceedings started. With his mom, sister, his sons and his roots in Chicago...not to mention a stronger core IN Chicago to comeback than in Miami....I could not blame him if he left. His decisions will have WAY more to do with money AND basketball than anything else.

Instead of going after the "big thre", Miami should just concentrate on signing Wade, either Bosh or Lebron and use the rest of the money to sign good, mid-level players. But I am sure THAT is what Reilly was intending all along...or so I hope.

I don't really see how Bosh is considered in the same breath as Wade or Princess James.
I don't really see how Bosh is considered in the same breath as Wade or Princess James.

he isn't....personally, I think Dirk is a much better player. DIFFERENT player, but a better player. I also thought Amare is better because he has no issues playing the 4 or the 5 spot. Bosh hates playing the middle and would avoid doing it at all cost.
Just a thought, since he is waiting till his camp in Akron is over to wrap up, thinking he is moving on??
I'd love to see a team with LeBron James, Chris Paul, Amare Stoudemire, Yao Ming, Kevin Durant.
he's looking like an idiot. he guaranteed yesterday or the day before that chris and lebron would end up in miami with wade. that it was a done deal:rolleyes:. i find that hard to believe. i'm not sure anyone knows anything yet. much less to guarantee anything :rolleyes:
hmmmmm......... looks like he was right after all :eek:................
let me take off my shoes.................. and insert my BIG ASS FOOT IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!!:eek::eek:.......
Yeah.....I guess....his source STILL has not lied to him. Hmmmmm....I guess it's safe to say, it's a "done deal" that some that will not be in to give him his props....LOL!
On SAS... you know how that saying goes... "even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while". :D

Was not talking about you HD, they know who they are...;) You have to give the man his due, according to him, his source has never been wrong. He stated yesterday BEFORE the announcement that that specific source gave him the scoop when Shaq came to Miami, when Kobe opted to sign an extention and this scoop to name a few. He has been one of the TOP NBA guys for almost 10 years and regardless of his 'tude, a VERY well respected NBA reporter. So why make a stink about him, because he is reporting something that more than likely will NOT be popular? PLEASE....:rant::rolleyes:
Was not talking about you HD, they know who they are...;) You have to give the man his due, according to him, his source has never been wrong. He stated yesterday BEFORE the announcement that that specific source gave him the scoop when Shaq came to Miami, when Kobe opted to sign an extention and this scoop to name a few. He has been one of the TOP NBA guys for almost 10 years and regardless of his 'tude, a VERY well respected NBA reporter. So why make a stink about him, because he is reporting something that more than likely will NOT be popular? PLEASE....:rant::rolleyes:
yep he better get his credit for this.
Was not talking about you HD, they know who they are...;) You have to give the man his due, according to him, his source has never been wrong. He stated yesterday BEFORE the announcement that that specific source gave him the scoop when Shaq came to Miami, when Kobe opted to sign an extention and this scoop to name a few. He has been one of the TOP NBA guys for almost 10 years and regardless of his 'tude, a VERY well respected NBA reporter. So why make a stink about him, because he is reporting something that more than likely will NOT be popular? PLEASE....:rant::rolleyes:

Oh, I gave him credit yesterday when it looked like all signs predicting Steven A was right. I just find it laughable that Chris Brousard (from ESPN) is getting all the credit when SAS said it from the beginning!

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