This is my first post here. I was gifted a large dish, mount, feed horn and LNB. The dish is about a meter tall and slightly narrower in width. It was disassembled so I am not sure if it is prime or offset focused.
The LNB is a Zinwell PLL LNB ZK-PF1G, with a model number of LN - 139210. It seems older, only had one connector. I wad able to find a data sheet, which did not say if this was a linear or circulars polarized unit. It definitely is a Ku LNB.
Next is the feed horn. I think that it is a Channel Master, the number on it is CM3040645. I do not know if this is for offset or prime focus, as I said above, I have not put the dish together yet. I am painting it as it was pretty grundgy looking.
Does anyone have any information on these two things? I want to put together a FTA system with more a more up to date LNB. Any suggestions?
Thank you much,
This is my first post here. I was gifted a large dish, mount, feed horn and LNB. The dish is about a meter tall and slightly narrower in width. It was disassembled so I am not sure if it is prime or offset focused.
The LNB is a Zinwell PLL LNB ZK-PF1G, with a model number of LN - 139210. It seems older, only had one connector. I wad able to find a data sheet, which did not say if this was a linear or circulars polarized unit. It definitely is a Ku LNB.
Next is the feed horn. I think that it is a Channel Master, the number on it is CM3040645. I do not know if this is for offset or prime focus, as I said above, I have not put the dish together yet. I am painting it as it was pretty grundgy looking.
Does anyone have any information on these two things? I want to put together a FTA system with more a more up to date LNB. Any suggestions?
Thank you much,