LNB question

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Found an old LNB at a flea market, duct taped it next to the LNB that I get Intelsat 5 with and it gets KUIL 64 off AMC 4 great. About 78 on the meter. I tried pointing it at other sats but AMC 4 is the only thing it will get except for some pay services. If it gets KUIL , shouldn't it also get other linear sats??
It should, but remember it is possible for a Circular LNB to pick up some Linear signals!

Does it say anything on the LNB? Any Numbers?

Is there any clue ( writing perhaps ) on whether it's a linear lnb or a universal ? They require a slightly different local oscillator freq, and one that was misconfigured might "sort of " work, but not on all transponders.
linear = 10750 LO
univ =10600 LO

If there's no clue, try the other frequency and see if it's more predictable. You are correct, though, that if it gets one linear bird, it ought to get any linear bird between 11700-12200 Mhz. You might also aim at 91W ( Nimiq 1) and scan. If it acquires that, it's definitely a circular transponder.


KUIL is very strong. I can pick it up fine on a smaller dish (24x20). You should be able to get 3ABN (3 Angels Network) too pretty strong.

Some fo the channels on AMC4 are weaker
Sorry, dozed off there. Went out, took the duct tape off and tried to read any numbers, no luck-too corroded. Tried getting KUIL with a circular LNB but sig was too weak, so this must be some kind of linear one. I replaced the LNA I get Intelsat 5 with this old one and got nothing. Grief! Going to try the universal freq and see what happens. Will update later but now I hear the wife stirring.
I do love a good mystery and duct tape.
By the way this is a great forum! Thanks..
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I've never had a Universal lnb, so I won't say anything for or against them. But, I have Standard Linear and Circular lnb's. There is a difference in the size of the throat on them. The Linear throat is larger than the Circular throat. If your throats are the same size, they're probably both Linear (assuming your original is linear). If they are different sizes, then the new one is probably Circular.

Ok, mounted it on an 18" dish and was able to get AMC 1, the Pentagon channel came in great. So it is a standard linear LNB, guess due to it's age it only gets strong sigs. My meter was showing I was hitting other sats (low readings) and they would not load. Going to duct tape it back and watch KUIL on AMC 4. It seems to like it there.
According to LyngSat there is a NBC news channel and a lot of feeds on AMC 1. I might try it out for awhile.

My setup is a Traxis 3500 hooked up to a Dish network oblong dish with 2 LNBs. One gets Intelsat 5 and the other will be getting KUIL. Also have a 3 ft Pansat that is aimed at Galaxy 10R for the RTN chans. My 10 ft BUD rests on two pine trees and is forever pointed at Galaxy 11 so we can listen to American Voice radio on transponder 12. We get 1 OTA chan but it's 60 miles and alot of hills away.

Wish I had known about Global Communications, would have saved 20 bucks on my Traxis.

Never would have guessed throat size on the LNBs, good tip.

Thanks again, I thought I was alone in the wilderness with this stuff till I found this site.
The throat size of an LNBF is not an ideal indicator of LNBF type as it varies between manufacturers and distributors. Some DSS circular LNBF throats are smaller than 40mm, but that is due to the fact that they are designed for mounting in the rectangular base mount and not for a 40mm or 23mm clamp. Most FTA LNBFs use the now common 40mm or 23mm throat mounting to facilitate skew rotation.
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3.5 to 4.0 outer diameter non penatrating mount

Dish Music Channel (in the clear)

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