GEOSATpro microHD Editor Software Discussion


SatelliteGuys Is My Second Home
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Aug 9, 2004
This is very cool Brian. Now if I only had a MicroHD to use it with....:D
MediaBox editor is loaded and ready to go. First thing most should do is reconfigure the Italian language defaults to English. Successfully imported both the sample microHD file and my Openbox file. I selected the microHD option when importing my Openbox file and it seemed to work OK. I was surprised there was no OpenBox file format type listed in import box.

Only problem experienced so far is trying to save a newly created list to .si file type from an imported file. Following errors received, therefore save was not successful.

1.jpg 2.jpg
Only problem experienced so far is trying to save a newly created list to .si file type from an imported file.

The compiled list may exceed a parameter of the .si format. Export and save the file back to microHD STB type.

I actually like the fact that Openbox is not listed. Each time you use the program you will be reminded of the fact that Satellite AV is the developer who is working hard to provide North American users a better experience (not Openbox or any other competitor's ALI based STB)...... :D

Love the import features so you can configure how multiple files are merged!
Not really. If people don't know how to import a very common file format used by thousands of users, such as used by Openbox, then people can't use the program. The goal of any new software program is to get the maximum number of users quickly to get the word-of-mouth publicity. Also, the presence of errors popping up gives a sense that it is troubled software. One quickly starts to wonder if there are other unfound problems. I guessed that "microHD" might work when importing; others may not guess correctly since there are dozens of import formats listed.

For the final release, if that error still occurs, it is a bug. Once software imports a file format successfully (as it did), it should be able to save the data in its native format (.si in this case). Having said that, I guess one needs to export to microHD format anyway to be able to load it back into the microHD to use after editing. Beta testing is to find bugs. Final version shouldn't show errors if reasonable actions are being taken.
Get where you are coming from, but we have brought the MediaBox Editor Studio to the North American market to support the microHD.

There are many list variables for ALI chipsets memory allocation and even the way settings are stored depending on the firmware build. Since Openbox is just a generic and general branding that is used to describe a type of STB that is produced by dozens of factories, it would be rather difficult to have predictable import or export results. If Openbox is included in the import / export type, it will be because one of the manufacturers adds support for their specific firmware / hardware build of the Opensat "brand" and "model".

As in the original posting, we appreciate your input and patience as the software is developed from the current BETA version to final release. I believe that it may be a bit early in the process for the software to be labeled "troubled". Please PM me any software that has half the features and potential of this editor. This is one of the finest editors that I have ever used, even in the beta release version!
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From what you say, I understand why you might then drop the Export function. Your goal might be to have Import work as perfectly as possible for as many non-microHD units to encourage everybody to lose their non-microHD boxes and use microHD only. Regardless what the backstory is, there are lots of users of OpenBox and other products who might want to migrate to microHD and use this editor. You want to make this as painless for the user as you can.

(But unless you have exclusive rights with the developer, I guess they would want to keep Export to support other boxes.)

Then this program could save in its own native .si format successfully without errors and have the microHD support that format keeping the user by force. This is the old-fashioned Apple method; everything's secret and proprietary which is why I've never used Apple computers. Currently, since even the sample microHD file can't be saved without exporting, that's an issue. When would the commands "Open List" or "Save List" ever be used if you can't save even a sample file?

I prefer that users migrate to the microHD and this editor "voluntarily" just because these products work better for the user, which they probably will. The editor looks good (can edit PIDs!) and I'll use it.

Time to enjoy the sunshine and beach, and forget satellite stuff today. It's Father's Day! Not that I am one; I just use any excuse to party.
Sorry, I think that you are reading more into this than there is! The MediaBox Editor Studio is not exclusive to the microHD. We have requested that this excellent software package, that already supports dozens of European models, be capable of supporting the microHD.

We are working with the developer to import and export our .ubf and .abs files with correct formatting so we can provide microHD customers an exceptional editor. The introduction of MES to support the microHD has nothing to do with exclusivity or proprietary programming. It has nothing to do with trying to force anyone to buy a microHD. It has everything to do with providing the best editor software possible for our product! The MediaBox Editor Studio will import and export to any platform the developer supports or STBs that are OEM or clones. If it supports a version of Openbox files, this is great!

The native format for MediaBox Editor Studio is .si format. The native ALI format is .abs, .udf and .ddf. If you look at the software forum and download site you will see that each brand and model tyically is supported through the import / export process. This is the way that most widely accepted universal editors work. Channel Master is a perfect example. For years it had been viewed as the premier editor, but the native files were tyically exported to the model of receiver.

We look forward to working with MediaBox Editor Studio / microHD users to improve the experience!
This editor would be especially useful if it could import an openbox channel list, convert it to MicroHD without too many issues, then save in MicroHD format. If I understand the previous discussion correctly, that is not possible (yet). Maybe the openbox channel list could be saved from Ali editor in a format the new editor is comfortable with?

Anyway, just having a fully featured and supported Channel Editor is a big step up from the openbox herd.

Gonna be a lot of openboxes available on ebay after the 20th!
This editor would be especially useful if it could import an openbox channel list, convert it to MicroHD without too many issues, then save in MicroHD format.

That is exactly what it can do. Importing an Openbox channel list in .abs or .udf file format is possible and will likely work when the user determines what import module is most compatible with their lists.

There are several Openbox versions which even require different ALI Editors. The user may have to experiment what import module works best with their type of Openbox firmware. For some, the microHD import type will work, others will need to use the Generic ALI, Generic ALI with CAS or another ALI based model types listed in the import modules. For example, in the microHD mode, the software is expecting to see up to 150 satellites, 10 Favorites, 30 timers, etc. in specific blocks. Other STBs will use these memory blocks differently and the imported data could be corrupted.

Hopefully, over time, owners of Pansats, Manhattan Digital and Traxis STBs will contribute what import module type is most compatible with their receiver files.
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An appropriate, but dumb analogy. Ford, Toyota, Chevrolet, and Yugo can all use Delo 400. But they use different oil filters. You have to use the right filter or you are not going to succeed. The STB manufacturers expect you to choose the correct import/export FILTERS.

You can not expect Mercedes to design and provide filters for your Yugo!

You can not expect Brian to provide interfaces for your openbox.
If you wish to play with the Mediabox Editor studio beta software, here is a quick work around for the MES 400 Provider limit save error that is preventing the file save in the .si file format.

After importing a file, delete the Channel list and the Provider list then perform the same file import a 2nd time. The second time the import is performed the Service Provider list propagates correctly. Currently, MES is incorrectly creating a separate provider listing for each channel during the first import instead of assigning a provider from the list to each channel. With the sample file, the Provider list is propagating with 439 providers instead of the correct 46 Service Providers.

We are also working with MES on the import routine to capture the Satellite set-up data. The import routine currently does not import the satellite set-up data, but it does export the satellite set-ups created in MES. The export is also currently randomly activating satellites in the export list. A new file will be available shortly.

Thank you for your comments and testing. This information is being passed on to the developer.
...After importing a file, delete the Channel list and the Provider list then perform the same file import a 2nd time. The second time the import is performed the Service Provider list propagates correctly...
This workaround worked when importing either the provided sample file or my actual Openbox data.
Tried to import the satellite list on Mediabox from the MicroHD and I get a ErrorN.9, Subscript out of range! message. It gets stuck in a loop and you have to kill the program.
glad you folks are working out the kinks while i am waiting for my microhd. pins and needles... charlie

The other one in the first post worked like a champ and was exactly what I needed. Worked perfectly.

I don't have the patience to type in satellites on the remote.

Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge
MediaBox doesn't like me. Tried to import Allcode.abs from the micoHD and that gave me an error and locked up the program tight. Had to force a shutdown. Tried twice and same result. popup.. Error N.9, Subscript out of range! ..and frozen
Win 7Pro64bitSP1
Added Userdb.udf does the same thing
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The sample udf works fine. Could there have been a change in the latest firmware as to how the files are saved to the flash drive? (files attached)


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