Nagin - Katrinia Was God's Wrath On America

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Bob Haller said:
Ahh so the corps of engineers does a bad job, and the 9th ward poor folks lose everything getting zip, 2 minor details, that will be considered racist, and the party in power will lose the black vote the next election.
9th ward should be rebuilt to good quality homes for thoise who want to return.
Yeah we got rid of Saddam, but there are LOTS of other bad leaders thruout the world. Are you suggesting we invade every country that we disagree with their policies?
So you think the GOP is secure:eek:
Obviously your not up to date with popular opinion. Since Iraq has showed no REAL progress, the country is in orrible shape and violence is increasing the public is tired of losing men and $$$ into a cesspool.

Why should they be rebuilt with my tax money? They can do like everyone else and get insurance or gamble and do without like everyone else. If my house burns down, will you pay me to rebuild it?
I'm not "up to date with popular opinion". Opinion's like a**holes, everybody got one. Iraq is showing improvements, the men and women in the Armed Forces will even tell you that. Yes, there is times it gets rough, but the people in general are different. To bad you and others don't listen to our Armed Forces personal that tells the positives of Iraq. I guess your media tells you what to think and say on a daily bases.
I don't know why people have the opinion that the government is an insurance company for the people. If my home was destroyed and I didn't have insurance on it, I would be s.o.l. I don't want my tax dollars to build free homes for everyone in an area that's below sea level. I have sympathy for those involved, but I also know that we live in a country where you can make it if you really try. Though I'm not a fan of everything that Larry Elder says, I do agree with his attitude on education and empowerment. It doesn't take money to read a book, it take commitment. And, contary to Hillary ... it doesn't take a village ... it takes the guts to make the right decisions, the right choices and to choose the road that's right for you and not the one that's most convenient. Iraq has made no real progress??? Did you not see the elections?? People really should stop relying solely on the liberal media for their news and start reading from a myriad of news sources so they can start thinking for themselves. May I suggest visiting ? There you can read from various papers from around the world and formulate your own opinion rather than regurgitate others' opinions.
Bob Haller said:
Ahh so the corps of engineers does a bad job, and the 9th ward poor folks lose everything getting zip, 2 minor details, that will be considered racist, and the party in power will lose the black vote the next election.

How do you figure this to be true? Also how can the party in power lose the black vote? They never really had it to begin with.

Bob Haller said:
9th ward should be rebuilt to good quality homes for thoise who want to return.

I guess I can drop my flood insurance and save myself a nice chunk of change each year. If my house floods I should just get the government to fix it. After all it is their fault I live beside a stream.

Bob Haller said:
Yeah we got rid of Saddam, but there are LOTS of other bad leaders thruout the world. Are you suggesting we invade every country that we disagree with their policies?

I don't think anyone is suggesting that, but I feel better knowing Saddam is going to get what he deserves. People seem to forget that back in 1991 Saddam aggred to a cease fire agreement, which he systematically broke numerous times between then and now. I have always looked at the current war as an extension of the previous one. The truth of the matter is President Bush didn't need anyone's permission to invade Iraq this time, he already had authority from the previous cease fire agreement. What happens when a cease fire agreement is broken, you go back to war. Saddam was given numerous chances to avoid this conflict. What do you do with rogue countries that are hostile toward the US. I guess you can sit at table and try to talk through your differences. What happens when that fails? What do we do with countries like Iran, or North Korea when they have atomic weapons and are capable of launching them against the US or our allies?

Bob Haller said:
So you think the GOP is secure:eek:
Obviously your not up to date with popular opinion. Since Iraq has showed no REAL progress, the country is in orrible shape and violence is increasing the public is tired of losing men and $$$ into a cesspool.

As long as there are idiots like Nagin in the Democratic party I think it's secure. But this is the US and if your not happy with the administration we do have the power to change it.
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I got a question for you:) Nearly all insurance policies exclude nuclear disasters.

So you live 5 miles from a US nuclear weapons plant that has safety troubles, is miss managed and run poorly by the feds, the problems are common knowledge

one day they have a accident making your home permanetly uninhabitible:(

Now insurance is ZIP, should you just lose your home to government incompetence?

if the feds screw up then they should be responsible, just like a problem I had once

BIG storm came thru took out my tree which flew thru the air and hit my neighbors home and car.

I called state farm, they asked was the tree healthy looking? Yeah no ne ever said it looked bad.

great said state farm you arent responsible, the tree became the neighbors property as it flew thru the air crossing property line

nowq if the tree was a known hazard then we would pay.\\

my neighboprs home damage was covered by their homeowners insurance

their car had no comp coverage they were out of luck. i donated some $ to the repairs as a good neighbor thing... but didnt have too.

how is this different than new orleans ?

understand I dont like paying but its the right thing to do
Call him an idiot if you wish, but I love it when a person like Nagin speaks their mind instead of mediocre pre-written scripted BS like the president does.
vurbano said:
Horseshit. The local levee board had federal funds numerous times for repairs and used them for other things.
Dont try to blame this on the feds.:rolleyes:

Oh MY gosh i am shocked:yikes that you new that was the one point i was really talking about! I still believe the feds should hold some blame but the biggest blame should go to local and state government. Thank you for the link:bow. The reason i believe the feds should hold some blame the tax dollars carnival brings in also i thought the feds keep an eye on all local well state government??
This is so similar to the people that own homes in Malibu on the Pacific Coast. Every so often a major storm causes homes to slide down the cliffs, and they get money from the government to build their homes onb the same spot where the same thing will happen again and again. Why should my tax dollars go top rebuild homes on an obviously unstable cliff? Why should my tax dollars go to rebuild homes below sea level in a flood plain? Doesn't make sense. Regarding State goverments and the Fed ... ever hear of the 14th amendment?
New Orleans was sinking at 1/2" a year since the 1960's. Who is responsible for thet? The feds as well? The banks were designed to sustain against Category 3 winds. These were unexpected freak storms. Stuff happens guys...
This is entirely different from your well-stated scenario. In your situation "you" made the decision to help out your one neighbor who was affected by your instrumentality through no fault of your own.

In the New Orleans situation "I, you and we" have "no choice" because tax dollars are involved.

Bob Haller said:
I got a question for you:) Nearly all insurance policies exclude nuclear disasters.
So you live 5 miles from a US nuclear weapons plant that has safety troubles, is miss managed and run poorly by the feds, the problems are common knowledge
one day they have a accident making your home permanetly uninhabitible:(
Now insurance is ZIP, should you just lose your home to government incompetence?
if the feds screw up then they should be responsible, just like a problem I had once
BIG storm came thru took out my tree which flew thru the air and hit my neighbors home and car.
I called state farm, they asked was the tree healthy looking? Yeah no ne ever said it looked bad.
great said state farm you arent responsible, the tree became the neighbors property as it flew thru the air crossing property line
nowq if the tree was a known hazard then we would pay.\\
my neighboprs home damage was covered by their homeowners insurance
their car had no comp coverage they were out of luck. i donated some $ to the repairs as a good neighbor thing... but didnt have too.
how is this different than new orleans ?
understand I dont like paying but its the right thing to do
sidekick said:
This is entirely different from your well-stated scenario. In your situation "you" made the decision to help out your one neighbor who was affected by your instrumentality through no fault of your own.
In the New Orleans situation "I, you and we" have "no choice" because tax dollars are involved.

I was using it as a example of liability.

if I knew or should of known something could be a hazard we are on the hook liabiliy wise

my point is the feds are liable because we didnt maintain the flood control system properly and were definetely aware of the problem....
and State and local are off the hook? C'mon now ... Seriously, sometimes stuff just happens. It doesn't mean that everything that happens is someone's fault. In the articles written about and by the army corps, it's stated that they were constructed to withstand Category 3 hurricanes. These were Category 4! Look at all the articles how local and State money was diverted away from important projects because of local and State political agenda. The system in Louisiana is corrupt and this woke up many in America to that fact. Nature doesn't play political sides. It's an equal opportunity destroyer. Million dollar homes get destroyed by fire in California; slums get destroyed by floods; regular Joe homes get destroyed by tornadoes. Instead of playing the blame game (which is ultimately the easiest and least productive thing to do) figure out what the problem is and fix it. However, in the case of New Orleans, I still believe that rebuilding in a flood plain is simply ludicrous and a waste of taxpayer money.
sidekick said:
This is so similar to the people that own homes in Malibu on the Pacific Coast. Every so often a major storm causes homes to slide down the cliffs, and they get money from the government to build their homes onb the same spot where the same thing will happen again and again. Why should my tax dollars go top rebuild homes on an obviously unstable cliff? Why should my tax dollars go to rebuild homes below sea level in a flood plain? Doesn't make sense. Regarding State goverments and the Fed ... ever hear of the 14th amendment?

I was taught to build a house on rock, not of sand.
sidekick said:
This is so similar to the people that own homes in Malibu on the Pacific Coast. Every so often a major storm causes homes to slide down the cliffs, and they get money from the government to build their homes onb the same spot where the same thing will happen again and again. Why should my tax dollars go top rebuild homes on an obviously unstable cliff? Why should my tax dollars go to rebuild homes below sea level in a flood plain? Doesn't make sense. Regarding State goverments and the Fed ... ever hear of the 14th amendment?

the government re-building the malibu homes, i dont think so....they can afford insurance.
Bob Haller said:
I got a question for you:) Nearly all insurance policies exclude nuclear disasters.
So you live 5 miles from a US nuclear weapons plant that has safety troubles, is miss managed and run poorly by the feds, the problems are common knowledge
one day they have a accident making your home permanetly uninhabitible:(
Now insurance is ZIP, should you just lose your home to government incompetence?

Actually, the electric companies run the nuclear power plants and they have insurance to pay for the damages if there should be an accident.

I get the feeling that many of you don't know how the government assistance works when there's a natural disaster. A few years ago my house flooded due to extremely heavy rainfall. I don't live in a flood plain so I don't have flood insurance. However, the governor and the president declared the area to be a disaster area so I was able to get federal assistance to help repair my home.

The assistance comes in two forms:

1) FEMA can give you a grant to pay for cleanup and making the home livable. This money does not have to be repaid, but you don't get much of it either. Certainly not enough to repair the damage.

2) The SBA can give you a low interest loan to cover the rest of the damage. The interest rate and payment term is determined by your ability to pay. This is how the bulk of the money is dispersed. The terms are good, but you must repay the government. Also, if you received a FEMA grant, that amount is deducted from the total amount that you can borrow.

Unlike the people in NO, those of us who flooded here didn't wait around for the FEMA people to come and assess the damage. As soon as the water receded, we started to tear out the carpeting, walls, furnature, etc. to make sure we didn't compound the problem with mold and other crap. FEMA finally got to me two weeks after the flood. By that time I was already done with cleanup and starting on repair. They checked what they could and got me a check to help with expenses. They also set things up with the SBA for my loan.

I didn't get enough to pay all the bills, but I got enough that I didn't go lose my ass. We'll be paying it back for a few more years, but that's the way it works. I appreciate the help that the government provided and I don't begrudge the help to others who need it, but I do expect those people to get off their collective asses and get involved in solving their problems.

Well said Mario. As has been said before, some want a hand-out, others want a hand-up.

mperdue said:
I get the feeling that many of you don't know how the government assistance works when there's a natural disaster. A few years ago my house flooded due to extremely heavy rainfall. I don't live in a flood plain so I don't have flood insurance. However, the governor and the president declared the area to be a disaster area so I was able to get federal assistance to help repair my home.
The assistance comes in two forms:
1) FEMA can give you a grant to pay for cleanup and making the home livable. This money does not have to be repaid, but you don't get much of it either. Certainly not enough to repair the damage.
2) The SBA can give you a low interest loan to cover the rest of the damage. The interest rate and payment term is determined by your ability to pay. This is how the bulk of the money is dispersed. The terms are good, but you must repay the government. Also, if you received a FEMA grant, that amount is deducted from the total amount that you can borrow.
Unlike the people in NO, those of us who flooded here didn't wait around for the FEMA people to come and assess the damage. As soon as the water receded, we started to tear out the carpeting, walls, furnature, etc. to make sure we didn't compound the problem with mold and other crap. FEMA finally got to me two weeks after the flood. By that time I was already done with cleanup and starting on repair. They checked what they could and got me a check to help with expenses. They also set things up with the SBA for my loan.
I didn't get enough to pay all the bills, but I got enough that I didn't go lose my ass. We'll be paying it back for a few more years, but that's the way it works. I appreciate the help that the government provided and I don't begrudge the help to others who need it, but I do expect those people to get off their collective asses and get involved in solving their problems.
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