NCAA says that Tressell is NOT "forthright"...

Jimbo, they may be voicing their opinion, but that doesnt make them all haters. I know I am not, in fact I have said very little (not in jest) about the situation until recently.

You may have stated it was wrong, but I think that your loyalty to the school has blinded you to how serious of a situation this could be for the program. I can understand the loyalty and wanting to defend them from what you see as an attack, but at the end of the day, it is what it is.

In any case, I am not trying to get under your (or anyone elses) skin, and I hope you know that. I was just voicing my opinion on what I saw. That is all.
I'll be glad when NEXT season is over .... this wont be an issue and people wont be on MY case for everything I say.
Most Buckeye fans have quit coming to this thread ... only occasionally ....
I too would do that, but I can't figure out how to delete just a thread.
I want to continue with the Sports thread, but am doing a miserable job with it.

Like I've said many times before NOTHING means anything till the NCAA says so.
We'll know more in August and once the judgement comes down, most will be bitching again that it's not enough.

See why I can't wait till this season is over ?
News that should make Jimbo happy:

An NCAA official told Auburn coach Gene Chizik that it is not done investigating the Tigers' football program and the recruitment of Cam Newton, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

Chizik asked NCAA vice president for enforcement Julie Roe Lach several questions, including why the NCAA had not announced that the Newton investigation was finished, during a presentation at the Southeastern Conference meetings in Destin, Fla., last month.

"You'll know when we're finished," Roe Lach told Chizik, according to several coaches who were at the meeting, the Times reported. "And we're not finished."

Auburn Tiger football still under NCAA investigation, report says - ESPN
BTW, I'm not making excuses

Umm, this whole thread is pretty much you making excuses. You favorites, without any links to any from of proof, seem to be "Auburn", "everybody does it", "I am allowed to post opinions but nothing anybody else says is invalid until the NCAA rules", "the rules don't make sense so certain schools should be allowed to violate them", and "its all just about pizza/tatoos/etc". Now joined with "lack of institutional control isn't in a dictionary".

In the real world Outlaw State's adminisration decided to boost its faded athletic fortunes by hiring a known cheat and liar. He set up the same type of corrupt program he did at tiny Youngstown State in the Big 10. He surrounded himself with paid, professional athletes who were paid, via various subtrafuges such as paying thousands of times the actual value for trinket, providing "loaner cars" while so-called "repairs" were being made to cars no one ever saw, and, it will eventually come out, probably dozens of other methods. This was pay for play. Outlaw State paid people who had no connection to the state of Ohio to play for it, so it could have an advantage over other schools that played by the rules. It cheated. Then, caught, it coach lied, then lied again. Now it proposes a token "penatly" and has paid the Liar to take the fall for it all.

At the end of the day, this is certainly the largest athletic scandle in decades. A once proud institution, the largest undergraduate college in the country, an AAU level major Land Grant research university, the home of Woody Hayes and of a proud tradition, reduced itself to dealing with the likes of Jim Tressel, street agents, and boosters with no regard for the rules. It lied, it cheated, it got caught, and it, and sadly much of its delusional fanbase, refuse to accept the reality.
A once proud institution, the largest undergraduate college in the country, an AAU level major Land Grant research university, the home of Woody Hayes and of a proud tradition, reduced itself to dealing with the likes of Jim Tressel, street agents, and boosters with no regard for the rules. It lied, it cheated, it got caught, and it, and sadly much of its delusional fanbase, refuse to accept the reality.

....I have to agree here....
News that won't make Jimbo happy:

An evaluation of former Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel's job performance in 2005-06 rated him as "unacceptable" when it came to self-reporting rules violations in a timely manner.

In addition, Tressel was issued a letter of reprimand barely six months into his tenure for giving a Buckeyes jersey to a recruit in violation of NCAA bylaws. He also was warned that he and his staff needed to do a better job of monitoring the cars the Buckeyes players were driving -- an issue that would arise years later as the NCAA investigated the football program.

Ohio State's Jim Tressel did 'unacceptable' job in reporting violations - ESPN
But the fact that it was documented and addressed in his first year at OSU, is.

So he gave a kid an innocent souvenir. Big deal. Where's the harm? My Mom never sends me home empty handed either when I go visit. I swear, you'd think The Vest was a rapist the way you hold the poor man to the fire.

PS. By the looks of it, Georgia Tech is not being "forthright". Why don't we move over there and bash someone new?
Oh stop being so dramatic. We already knew Tressel did and "unacceptable" job in reporting violations, which was the reason he resigned in the first place! This isn't news.
Did you read the article ? 2005-06 rated him as "unacceptable" when it came to self-reporting rules violations in a timely manner.

In addition, Tressel was issued a letter of reprimand barely six months into his tenure for giving a Buckeyes jersey to a recruit, a violation of NCAA bylaws. He also was warned that he and his staff needed to do a better job of monitoring the cars the players were driving
He resigned 99% based on the circumstances related to the tattoo parlor.
Did you read the article ? He resigned 99% based on the circumstances related to the tattoo parlor.

OH COURSE he did not read it. Tressell has done NOTHING wrong in his eyes. :rolleyes:

GOD FORBID, Tressell can ask him to rob a bank and he would say "I was only holding the door for a nice old man in a hurry...." ...LOL!

And then they wondered why people give some Ohio State fans so much crap...:censored:
Umm, this whole thread is pretty much you making excuses. You favorites, without any links to any from of proof, seem to be "Auburn", "everybody does it", "I am allowed to post opinions but nothing anybody else says is invalid until the NCAA rules", "the rules don't make sense so certain schools should be allowed to violate them", and "its all just about pizza/tatoos/etc". Now joined with "lack of institutional control isn't in a dictionary".

In the real world Outlaw State's adminisration decided to boost its faded athletic fortunes by hiring a known cheat and liar. He set up the same type of corrupt program he did at tiny Youngstown State in the Big 10. He surrounded himself with paid, professional athletes who were paid, via various subtrafuges such as paying thousands of times the actual value for trinket, providing "loaner cars" while so-called "repairs" were being made to cars no one ever saw, and, it will eventually come out, probably dozens of other methods. This was pay for play. Outlaw State paid people who had no connection to the state of Ohio to play for it, so it could have an advantage over other schools that played by the rules. It cheated. Then, caught, it coach lied, then lied again. Now it proposes a token "penatly" and has paid the Liar to take the fall for it all.

At the end of the day, this is certainly the largest athletic scandle in decades. A once proud institution, the largest undergraduate college in the country, an AAU level major Land Grant research university, the home of Woody Hayes and of a proud tradition, reduced itself to dealing with the likes of Jim Tressel, street agents, and boosters with no regard for the rules. It lied, it cheated, it got caught, and it, and sadly much of its delusional fanbase, refuse to accept the reality.

Once again, you fail to let us know who YOUR PERFECT team is that you root for.

I am SOOOOOOOO tired of YOUR BS and attitude that I have been trying to find a way to remove this thread from my viewing.
Once again, you fail to let us know who YOUR PERFECT team is that you root for.

I am SOOOOOOOO tired of YOUR BS and attitude that I have been trying to find a way to remove this thread from my viewing.

You could either:

a). Simply not click on the thread anymore.
b). Add any user(s) deemed offensive to your ignore list and hope no one else quotes their posts.

Peyton Manning

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