Neutrino Now Available

Keith Brannen

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 2, 2006
Southwestern Ontario
Neutrino is now available for first generation (Premium, Premium Plus, Elite, Ultra) AZBoxes:

Set Top Boxes, Media Center: High Definition | AZBOX

(then click on the Neutrino - First AZ generation tab)

Personally, I'll wait until others try it. I don't like the fact that apparently there is no blind scan in Neutrino. The AZBox Me can have more than one boot software, don't know whether the above will give the same feature to the first generation boxes. If it does, and the satellite settings and channels are shared by the different softwares, then I might give it a try.

Step up ladies and gentlemen, we need a guinea pig, I mean, brave person! LOL!
Lak7 that was pretty fast :) For a first release, its almost certainly buggy although I'm guessing its still more responsive than original firmware. With the release of Neutrino, which also runs on the ME, I would think that means development on original firmware is going to wind down.
Install completed. Only takes 5min and for those who have installed E2, its the same process. Initial boot-up screen says "AZbox ME" ;) I'll give it a spin shortly but just thought I'd pass on that installation is pretty simple. Navigation through screens seems faster than celrun original firmware although I'm learning my way around Neutrino as this is my first time with it. I'm guessing it uses a satellite.xml file? all of the default sats are for Europe which means I can't do much for now but will try and load some NA sats shortly.
No luck here scanning channels
Loaded North Am sats - Satellites.xml
Manual Scan not working at all
A Sat Scan of existing TPs seems to work
22KHz seem to be hidden and stuck on, as I must have the AZ slaved to another receiver to lock TPs

One note, I do not have the Orig DOM installed, looking for it now, may be root of problem - dunno
Lak7 which tool are you using to load satellite.xml and can I ask the directory of the file(s) you are editing to use for NA? I ftp'd to box and it appears that I replaced the default satellite.xml file with my NA sat list however Neutrino still shows Euro sats? argh... I must be doing something wrong. Like E2 there doesn't appear to be a way to edit my sat list with remote so it would be nice to have a software app to do so.
OK, managed to ftp satellite.xml to correct directory so now my NA sat list appears :) Too late to keep playing for tonight. Graphics/GUI totally different, its like having a new receiver, still lots to learn.
I'm switching back, too buggy for me.
It is very easy to operate as compared to when the AZ first came out.
Couple things I noticed on channels I could scan.....
Video / Colors look "funny, cheap, weird" take your Pick. Like the ABC logo on the network feeds - has jaggies. Those are nice HD channels, but something just does not look right.

Since I have crappy weather, going to try E2 again.
Glad I didn't load it, it sounds like a major step backwards.

From the looks of things it almost appears that they are or have abandoned the American market.
OK, don't follow AZBox Instructions.... Just start the Neutrino Loader App ad it will put the AZBox into Rescue Mode, then follow instructions.
Again, Holding the "Vol+" did not put it into Rescue Mode.
glad I didn't jump on it



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